The Art of Electronics

The Art of Electronics

Cover of 2nd edition
Author Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill
Country United States
Language English (US)
Subject Electronics
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Publication date
1980 (1st ed.)
1989 (2nd ed.)
2015 (3rd ed.)
Media type Print (hardcover)
Pages 1125
ISBN 978-0-521-37095-0
OCLC 19125711
621.381 19
LC Class TK7815 .H67 1989

The Art of Electronics, by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill, is a popular textbook dealing with analog and digital electronics. The first edition was published in 1980,[1]:xxiii and the 1989 second edition has been regularly reprinted.[1][2] The third edition was published in 2015.


The book covers many areas of circuit design, from basic DC voltage, current, and resistance, to active filters and oscillators, to digital electronics, including microprocessors and digital bus interfacing. It also includes discussions of such often-neglected areas as high-frequency, high-speed design techniques and low-power applications.

The book includes many example circuits. In addition to having examples of good circuits, it also has examples of bad ideas, with discussions of what makes the good designs good and the bad ones bad. It can be described as a cross between a textbook and reference manual, though without the chapter-end questions and exercises which are often found in textbooks.

There is also a complementary text, Student Manual for The Art of Electronics by Thomas C. Hayes and Paul Horowitz. The Student Manual, while referring to the main text extensively, is designed specifically to teach electronics. It contains laboratory exercises and explanatory text supplements aimed at the student. In contrast, The Art of Electronics contains tables, equations, diagrams, and other material practitioners use for reference.

Third edition

As of April 7, 2015, the Third Edition is available from Amazon.[3] The author is accepting reports of errata and publishing them, to be corrected in future revisions.[4]

The 2nd edition is in some respects out of date, referencing obsolete electrical parts and omitting technologies developed since it was written. Because of this, the third edition was widely anticipated, leading to perennial rumors of its impending release. In 2006 the third edition appeared in some online databases with ISBN 0-521-80926-6, prompting further speculation. However, Winfield Hill responded with a statement that the book's arrival was still years off.[5][6]

On Christmas Day 2011 Winfield Hill responded with a statement saying that in January 2012, 15 chapters will have been submitted leaving five chapters. [7] In a subsequent public update in September 2012, Winfield Hill confirmed that the authors were hoping to have the book publicly available "early in 2013", and suggested that as of northern Autumn 2012, the manuscript was still incomplete.[8]

Correspondence with the author indicated by September 2013 that writing had finished and review and typesetting was next and he expected to finish around mid 2014.[9] Further correspondence in mid July 2014 indicated that image editing was three-fourths complete, after which a last pass on text edits would be done and the index would be created. Around the same time the page layout would be performed followed by the galley proof to study and approve.[10]

In March 2015 Cambridge University Press indicated April 2015 as publishing date and the Table of Contents of the 3rd Edition was released.[11]


  1. 1 2 Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill (1989), The Art of Electronics (Second ed.), Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-37095-0
  2. The 2001 pressing of the second edition (ISBN 0521370957) lists "Reprinted 1990 (twice), 1991, 1993, 1994 (twice), 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 (twice), 1999, 2001".
  4. "Art of Electronics, 3rd Edition, errata". Horowitz, Paul. April 7, 2015.
  6. Hill, Winfield (2006-06-26), "Re: Art of Electronics - 3rd Ed.",, It's at least 18 months off, more likely much more.
  7. Hill, Winfield (2011-12-25), The Art Of Electronics Third Edition, That means the book should be out by late 2012 or early 2013.
  8. Hill, Winfield (2012-09-23), Update on Art Of Electronics Third Edition Progress, But we may simply cutoff the growing x chapters at some point this year, to insure the book reaches the streets early next year. I have been saying for some time the writing will be finished this summer but without specifying when the summer ends. Now I must finally admit there's no way I can characterize this point in the future as the end of the summer. :-)
  9. Hill, Winfield (2013-09-04), The Art Of Electronics Third Edition, The complete 15-chapter book has gone through copy-editing and we're doing our review pass now. Then on to typesetting (editing of our TEX text, figure placement, etc) and then galleys, etc. So next spring looks good
  10. Hill, Winfield (2014-07-12), The Art Of Electronics Third Edition, For the last several months we have been going over the 1400 figures, which were drafted in India. We're editing them in Adobe Illustrator, and are 75% done. Then, after a last pass on text edits, we'll be making the index. This involves thinking of all the alternate words blokes use to describe the same thing. About that time CUP will start doing the page layout. Then we'll have a galley proof to study and approve.
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