Terryl Givens

Terryl Givens
Born Terryl Lynn Givens
Nationality United States
Occupation James A. Bostwick Professor of English and Religion, University of Richmond[1]
Spouse(s) Fiona Givens[1]
Website TerrylGivens.com

Terryl Lynn Givens (born 1957) is professor of literature and religion at the University of Richmond, where he holds the James A. Bostwick Chair in English. Givens teaches courses in theology, 19th century studies and literary theory, and focused his early research and publications there. He is best known for his books and articles on Mormon history, culture, and theology.


Givens's wife, Fiona Givens, is a Latter-day Saint who was raised as a Catholic. She has co-authored some of his books and been involved in some theologically related work on her own, such as discussing the possibility of fully developing a theology of Heavenly Mother in a Neal A. Maxwell Institute Podcast.[2]

Critical response

The New York Times referred to his work as “provocative”[3] and Harper’s praised him for being “fair-minded and unbiased.”[4] Givens is a practicing Mormon who served as bishop in a local congregation for some years.[5]



Edited volumes

Articles and papers


  1. 1 2 "Prominent Author Fiona Givens To Be Keynote Speaker At The Sunstone Education Foundation’s Christ Conference December 29, 2012". Prweb.com. Retrieved 2013-10-03.
  2. Article on Podcast on theology of Heavenly Mother
  3. Bobrick, Benson: The Gospel According to Joseph Smith, page 2. The New York Times, August 18, 2002. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9503E0D8163AF93BA2575BC0A9649C8B63
  4. Davenport, Guy: By the Hand of Mormon: The American Scripture that Launched a New World Religion (Subject of Review). Harpers, July 2002. http://www.harpers.org/subjects/ByTheHandOfMormonTheAmericanScriptureThatLaunchedANewWorldReligionBook/SubjectOf/Review
  5. Daniel Peterson (22 July 2010). "Daniel Peterson: Terryl Givens making his mark in Mormon writing". Mormon Times. Retrieved 2011-01-14.
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