Yellow-rumped antwren

Yellow-rumped antwren
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Thamnophilidae
Genus: Euchrepomis
Species: E. sharpei
Binomial name
Euchrepomis sharpei
Berlepsch, 1901

Terenura sharpei

The yellow-rumped antwren (Euchrepomis sharpei) is endemic to the Yungas (east Andean foothills) of Bolivia (La Paz and Cochabamba) and immediately adjacent Peru (Puno and Cusco). It is rarely seen but has been recorded at the Cochabamba-Villa Tunari road, Chapare, Cochabamba, in 1979; in the Serranía Bellavista north of Caranavi, La Paz, in 1979-1980 and 1997, although playback surveys at the start of the breeding season in 2005 failed to find it and it may no longer be present there; Cerro Asunta Plata, La Paz in 1993; Rio Paracti, Chapare, Cochabamba in 2000, and between San Juan del Oro and Putina Punco, Puno in 2007. It may have been overlooked to some extent, and it may possibly occur in reasonably high density along the Manu road, where it occurs above its congener T. calliota in the only known area of overlap. A population estimate exceeding 10,000 individuals has been suggested, although the species does appear to be naturally rare and patchily distributed, and playback surveys in several areas of prime habitat have failed to find it. Numbers have almost certainly declined substantially owing to recent deforestation.[2]


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