Dice 10000

A game of Dice 10,000 in progress. A player has set the three "3" dice aside and has three left to reroll.

Dice 10,000 (or Dix Mille, 6-Dice, 10,000 Dice, Ten Grand) is the name of a family dice game, very similar to Farkle. It also goes by other names, including Zilch, Zilchers, Foo, Boxcar, Bogus and Crap Out.


The game requires six standard dice and a pencil and paper for scoring. Each player starts out "off the table" with a score of zero. Players collect points during their turn, and either add those points to their cumulative score, or continue rolling with the risk of losing all points accumulated that turn if a scoring combination is not rolled.

To begin a turn, if the player is "off the table," they roll all six dice. If the roll scores any points, they may set aside each scoring die or group of dice they want to claim points from, and either roll all remaining dice, hoping to score additional points, or take the points already accumulated this turn and pass play to the next player. Most versions of the game require a minimum score of 300 points in each turn to bank the score and pass, otherwise the player must continue rolling. If the player rolls multiple scoring combinations, only one is required to be taken with each roll, all other dice may be rerolled if desired. If all six dice score points in one or more rolls of a single turn, the player rolls all six dice again and continues to score additional combinations, known as a sweep. If at any time a roll scores no points, the player forfeits all points scored that turn (commonly called "zilch" or "crapping out"), and play is passed to the next player. If a player gets zilch three turns in a row they may suffer a 500-point penalty or lose all their points previously accumulated, depending on the several rules used.

In order to get "on the table," a player must score at least 1000 points in a single turn (but not necessarily in one roll). Once a player is "on the table," they are on for the duration of the game. For a player who is "on the table," they may start a turn by either rolling all six dice as described above, or picking up the unused dice from the last player's turn. In this case, instead of starting this turn's scoring from zero, scoring starts from the score taken by the last player.

Example: Player 1 stops her turn with 700 points, and opts to not roll her remaining two dice. She adds 700 to her score, and it is now Player 2's turn. Player 2 may pick up those two dice, and if he scores anything with them, he adds those points to 700, as his score, and may bank or continue rolling as normal. Player 2 may instead opt to start over with all six dice, and start his own scoring from zero.


These are the base methods of scoring:

Dice are scored at the time they are rolled, so three or more of a kind must be rolled simultaneously, and dice from later rolls do not "stack" for the higher score.

Players have the options to call what they roll or call chance. if a player calls a roll and is successful that player will receive an addition 50 points to add to that score. If the player "craps-out" that he loses the 50 points.

Example: Player 1 rolls all six dice, and chooses to score three fours for 400 points. She rolls the remaining three dice for a 2, 4, 5; the additional 4 does not multiply the previous three of a kind, and she can only score 50 points for the lone 5. If she rolls two more 5's with the remaining dice, they will only score 50 points each, and do not form a three of a kind with the other 5.

Dice Roll Points
Straight 1- 6 1,500
Three Pairs 500
3x6's 600
4x6's 1,200
5x6's 2,400
6x6's 4,800
3x5's 500
4x5's 1,000
5x5's 2,000
6x5's 4,000
3x4's 400
4x4's 800
5x4's 1,600
6x4's 3,200
3x3's 300
4x3's 600
5x3's 1,200
6x3's 2,400
3x2's 200
4x2's 400
5x2's 800
6x2's 1,600
3x1's 1,000
4x1's 2,000
5x1's 4,000
6x1's 8,000


The first player to score over 10,000 points temporarily becomes the winner, and each other player gets one more turn to top that player's score. Whoever ends with the highest score over 10,000 wins the game.

In one variation, players must score exactly 10,000 without going over. In the event that a player goes over, the score for that turn is lost. In this variation, if the 10,000 is hit, that player wins immediately without giving the other players a chance to roll. However, if the winner leaves at least one die then the next player may 'roll off the score'.

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