Telephone numbers in Mexico

Phone numbers and area codes

Phone numbers in Mexico are made of ten digits with either two-digit area codes (for Mexico City, Monterrey, and Guadalajara and their respective metropolitan areas) or three-digit area codes for the rest of the country.

For a list of all area codes, see Area codes in Mexico by code.

Major cities and metropolitan areas have the following codes:

Area code City or metropolitan area
55 Mexico City
81 Monterrey, Nuevo León
33 Guadalajara, Jalisco
656 Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
614 Chihuahua, Chihuahua
999 Mérida, Yucatán
222 Puebla, Puebla
442 Querétaro, Querétaro
449 Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes
664 Tijuana, Baja California
844 Saltillo, Coahuila
686 Mexicali, Baja California
667 Culiacán, Sinaloa
722 Toluca, Mexico
998 Cancún, Quintana Roo
871 Torreón, Coahuila
744 Acapulco, Guerrero
444 San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí
833 Tampico, Tamaulipas
477 León, Guanajuato
961 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas
662 Hermosillo, Sonora
229 Veracruz, Veracruz
443 Morelia, Michoacán

Dialing prefixes

The following dialing prefixes are available for use from within Mexico:

Prefix Use Format Digits after prefix
00 International direct dialing 00 + country code + area code + phone number -
01 Domestic direct dialing 01 + area code + phone number 10
02 Domestic operator dialing 02 + area code + phone number 10
09 International operator dialing 09 + country code + area code + phone number -
044 Local cell phone from a land line 044 + area code + phone number 10
- Cell phone from a cell phone area code + phone number 10
045 Domestic cell phone from a land line 045 + area code + phone number 10
- Domestic cell phone from a cell phone area code + phone number 10

Dialing into Mexico

To reach a Mexican phone number from another country, you must dial:

    + 52 (area code) (phone number)

Where the plus sign (+) represents the international access code of the country are calling from.

For example, from Europe, must dial:

    00 52 (area code) (phone number)

From North America (United States or Canada) must dial:

    011  52  (area code) (phone number)

From Central America must dial 1 after 52.

    00  52  1 (area code) (phone number)

Dialing a cell phone in Mexico from abroad

To reach a cell phone from outside Mexico a 1 must be added before the area code:

    +52  1  (area code)  (phone number)

Where the plus sign (+) represents the International access code of the country are calling from.

Other service numbers

# Services
020 Operator-assisted domestic collect call
030 Local time
031 Wake up service
040 Information / directory
050 Phone company hotline
060 Police
065 Red Cross
066 Emergency services
070 City hotline (not available in some cities)
071 CFE hotline (electric company)
072 [Reporte de Servicios de Ciudad] hotline (Water Troubles, Bad Road, Etc...)
080 Emergency services
090 Operator-assisted international collect call
911 Emergency telephone number (since 2016)

See also


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