Ted Hall

Ted Hall "Professor of The Blue's Guitar" (June 2nd, 1956-) born in Fayettville, Arkansas. Ted's family moved to Ft.Smith Arkansas in 1958. Ted picked up the guitar @ eight years old inspired by his father & his uncle who played/picked guitar playing many different styles including Blues, Western swing & Pop songs of 30's, 40's & 50's almost everyday... Also Ted discovered the Beatle's at age 6 so by the time started playing he loved early Blue's based Rock & Roll... Ted 1st real instruction came from a legendary guitarist named "Bobby Neal" who lived Ft.Smith but played with The "Ricky Nelson Band" till a plane crash took Bobby & Ricky to Rock & Roll heaven... Ted was forever inspired to play guitar everyday & began giving lessons to friends at age 15.. Ted studied music & Jazz Guitar @ the University of Arkansas in Ft. Smith 1974-1976 & 1981-82... In 1982 Ted began a full time touring career playing guitar across the U.S. many times. Ted performed with bands playing the top 40 hits, many times playing across Texas, Mississippi & Louisanna, one town at time.. Ted settled in Houston for 2 years playing in allot of Juke joints & Country Bars.. Soaking up much of the Houston electric Blues scene Ted then moved to Austin Texas in 1986 & founded The Austin Guitar School 1987, now in it's 30th year.. Ted has become a "Professor of Blue's" dubbed by the late great Austin Blue's legend "T D Bell".. Ted formed his own "The Pleasure Cats" in 1993.. Ted & the Cats have recorded & released 3 CD's. "No Dog's Allowed" - 1997 "Thief in the Night" - 2000 "Ted Hall & The Pleasure Cats Live @ Roadhouse Rags" - 2010. Ted toured Italy & England playing his music & Blues covers 1997, 1999 & 2003.... Ted has continued to teach/preach Blues music & Blues guitar styles in college's, High School's & public events in Austin, throughout the US & Europe.

See also

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