Food taster

A food taster is a person that ingests food (or drink, in which case he/she is a cupbearer) to be served to someone else to confirm that it is safe to eat. The person to whom the food is going to be served is usually an important person (for example, a monarch) or anyone that could be under threat of assassination or harm.

Food tasters have several functions:

Examples of food tasters

In ancient Rome, the duty was often given to a slave (termed the praegustator). Roman Emperor Claudius was killed by poison in AD 54 even though he hired a food taster named Halotus.[1] Tasters were sometimes coerced.[2] Over history, presidents and royal families have hired food tasters or sacrifices, because of the fear of being poisoned. Adolf Hitler's food taster Margot Woelk tried the food at 8:00 am every day, and if she did not fall ill the food would be sent to Hitler's military headquarters.[2] They were not always successful though: Queen Durdhara, the Mauryan empress, ate food that was prepared for her husband and died.[3] In more recent times the food taster has become essential to everyday life and needed in all food producing companies. President Vladimir Putin has hired a food taster who is part of his security staff to protect himself as well.[3] In recent times, animals such as mice have been used to detect impurities in food to be consumed by humans, such as during the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China.[4] In the United States, several recent presidents, most prominently Barack Obama, have been known to employ food tasters.[5]

See also


  1. Luthern, A. (2009, June 26). Testing for Poison Still a Profession for Some. Retrieved from
  2. 1 2 Hurst, F. (2013, April 2). Hitler's Food Taster: One Bite Away from Death. Spiegel Online International. Retrieved from
  3. 1 2 Walsh, J. (2014, July 23). Vladimir Putin employs a full-time food taster to ensure his meals aren't poisoned. The Independent. Retrieved from
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