Tarybų Lietuvos enciklopedija

Four volumes of Tarybų Lietuvos enciklopedija

Tarybų Lietuvos enciklopedija or TLE (translation: Encyclopedia of Soviet Lithuania) was an encyclopedia of the Lithuanian SSR, covering topics such as archaeology, history, nature, science, cultural heritage, cities, districts, biographies of famous people and politics, but only as they relate to Lithuania. It was published in four volumes between 1985–88 in Vilnius.[1] It was derived from the 12-volume Lietuviškoji tarybinė enciklopedija but TLE did not cover general areas such as technology, biology, pharmacology, chemistry, medicine, mathematics and others.



  1. Dobson, Richard Barrie (2000). Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages. Editions du Cerf. p. 855. ISBN 978-1-57958-282-1.

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