Tactical combat casualty care

TCCC logo.

Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC or TC3) is — the standard of care in Prehospital Battlefield Medicine. The TCCC Guidelines are routinely updated and published by the Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC). TCCC was designed in the mid-'90s for the Special Operations medical community. Originally a Naval Special Warfare and USSOCOM Medical Research & Development initiative, TCCC developed battlefield appropriate and evidence-based casualty care based on injury patterns of previous conflicts. The original TCCC concept and guidelines were published in a Military Medicine Supplement in 1996.[1] The primary intent of TCCC is to reduce preventable combat death through a means that allows a unit to complete its mission while providing the best possible care for casualties. Now it is a DOD course, conducted by NAEMT.[2] TCCC or similar standards are used by most allied countries.[3]

The Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC) was originally established by the US Special Operations Command in 2002 before shifting to the Naval Medical Education & Training Command in 2004. The CoTCCC was shifted again in 2007 as a standing subcommittee of the Defense Health Board (DHB). In 2012, the CoTCCC was moved to the DoD Joint Trauma System (JTS) where it currently resides. The CoTCCC has 42 voting members, who are specialized physicians, providers, and enlisted medical specialties from the Army, Navy, USAF, USMC, and USCG. The TCCC Working Group is larger group operating in conjunction with the CoTCCC consisting of non-voting members from throughout the DoD, US government agencies, civilian medical professionals, and partner nations.

Tactical combat casualty care training at Camp Buehring, Kuwait, Feb. 23, 2016.

TCCC Guidelines

The TCCC Guidelines are a set evidence-based and best practice guidelines for battlefield trauma care have been developed over more than 14 years of war and are embodied in the Joint Trauma System (JTS) TCCC guidelines. Oversight of the TCCC guidelines is provided by the Committee on TCCC (CoTCCC).

Phases of Care

In TCCC prehospital battlefield care is divided into 3 phases:

MEDEVAC at Tactical combat casualty care training, Camp Buehring, Kuwait, Feb. 23, 2016.


TCCC uses MARCH acronym to assess a casualty and to prioritize treatment. Different from the traditional ABC approach (Airway, Breathing, Circulation), TCCC and MARCH prioritizes Massive Hemorrhage/Bleeding ahead of other treatments as hemorrhage is the number one preventable death on the battlefield.

Tactical combat casualty care's channel on YouTube

TCCC Guidelines

The TCCC Guidelines are updated annually or as significant changes are needed based on evidence, best practices, or new equipment. Below is an abbreviated version of the January 2017 TCCC Guidelines

Basic Management Plan for Care Under Fire

Basic Management Plan for Tactical Field Care

Basic Management Plan for Tactical Evacuation Care (TACEVAC)

In addition to the principles of Tactical Field Care consider the following for Tactical Evacuation Care:


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