T-72 operators and variants


An upgraded T-72 by ATE South Africa features two conspicuous sights
Type Main battle tank
Place of origin Soviet Union
Service history
In service 1973–present
Production history
Designer Kartsev-Venediktov
Designed 1967–73
Manufacturer Uralvagonzavod
Produced 1971–present
No. built 25,000+

The T-72 is a Soviet-designed main battle tank that entered production in 1971. It replaced the T-54/55 series as the workhorse of Soviet tank forces (while the T-64 and T-80 served as the Soviet high-technology tanks). In front-line Russian service, T-72s are being upgraded or augmented by the T-90 (itself, a modernized version of the T-72B). The T-72 has been exported and produced in many countries.


T-72 operators in blue with former operators in red.
Indian T-72M tanks in UN colours during enforcement operations in Somalia.

Current operators

Evaluation / Aggressor Training

Former operators

Ex-Romanian T-72M.
a)  Czech Republic – 543 inherited from former Czechoslovakia in 1993.
b)  Slovakia - 272 inherited from former Czechoslovakia in 1993.
a)  Germany – 549 tanks taken from GDR's army, all scrapped, sold to other countries or given to the museums.
a)  Russia x
b)  Belarus 1,797
c)  Ukraine 1,320
d)  Turkmenistan 702
e)  Kazakhstan 700
f)  Azerbaijan 325
g)  Armenia 246
h)  Georgia 219
i)  Kyrgyzstan
j)  Uzbekistan 70
k)  Tajikistan
l)  Lithuania 0 - all 398 units transferred to Russia in 1993 with the End of the Baltic Occupation by Russia after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
m)  Estonia 0 - all 184 units transferred to Russia in 1994 with the End of the Baltic Occupation by Russia after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
n)  Latvia 0 - all 114 units transferred to Russia in 1994 with the End of the Baltic Occupation by Russia after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
o)  Moldova 0 - not a single soviet division stationed in Moldova fielded T-72s


Soviet Union and Russian Federation

The original configuration of the T-72 (Ob'yekt 172M). Notable is the square-shaped coincidence range finder housing cast into the turret roof.
The same early T-72 in profile.
The T-72A represents the first significant upgrade of the tank, first fielded in 1979.
A Georgian T-72B, covered in the first generation of Soviet reactive armour (sometimes incorrectly referred to as the T-72BV).

The T-72 was designed and first built in the Soviet Union.

Late model T-72B with Kontakt-5 ERA.
The limited upgraded variant known as the T-72BA1. The vehicle features new digital components in the fire control system but lacks any sophisticated night fighting equipment - most of the sights are Soviet-vintage active/passive devices.
The recent T-72B3 in Russian service. Most obvious is the new Sosna-U multi-spectral panoramic sight.



A Croatian Army M-95 Degman

Czech Republic

T-72M4 CZ
T-72M4 CZ

Former East Germany

T-72Ms on parade in East Berlin, 1988
FAB 172M driver training vehicle

Former Czechoslovakia

VT-72B in firefighting services



Ajeya MK2

By the late 1970s, Indian Army HQ had decided to acquire new-generation replacements for its UK-origin fleet of Royal Ordnance Factories-built Centurion and Vijayanta MBTs, which are based on the licensed production of the Vickers MBT, and consequently, paper evaluations concerning the firepower and mobility characteristics of the two principal contenders being offered for full in-country production—AMX-40 developed by GIAT Industries of France, and the Chieftain 800 (which later evolved into the Challenger 1 from Royal Ordnance Factories (then owned by British Aerospace PLC)—were conducted by the Indian Army. Between these two contenders, the Army had by early 1980 zeroed in on the 43-tonne AMX-40 MBT, which was still on the drawing boards and was meant to be powered by a 1,100 hp Poyaud V12X 12-cylinder diesel engine coupled with a LSG-3000 automatic power shift transmission built by RENK Aktiengesellschaft of Germany (offering a power-to-weight ratio of 25.6 hp/tonne, and armed with a 120 mm smoothbore cannon. However, AMX-40 has only marginal protection by the standards of 1980's. After coming back to power, the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi requested additional evaluation, including MBTs from the USSR, following which the Soviet Union's Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations (which after 1991 morphed into Oboronexport, then Rosoboronservice and ultimately Rosoboronexport State Corp) made a formal offer to India's Ministry of Defence (MoD) for supplying the 37-tonne T-72M Ob'yekt 172M-E4 MBT off-the-shelf, and according an approval for licensed-production of the 41.5-tonne T-72M-1982 Ob'yekt 172M-E6 to the MoD-owned Heavy Vehicles Factory (HVF) in Avadi. By early 1981, two T-72Ms—powered by a 780 hp diesel engine, armed with 125 mm 2A46M smoothbore gun and offering a power-to-weight ratio of 20 hp/tonne, were subjected to an exhaustive series of in-country firepower and mobility trials by the Army. After review of trial results, T-72M and T-72-1982 (powered by a Model V-84MS four-stroke 12-cylinder multi-fuel engine developing 840 hp and offering a power-to-weight ratio of 18.8 hp/tone) were selected as Army’s future MBTs, and a procurement contract for 2,418 T-72s was subsequently inked.[90]

T-72 Asad Babil abandoned near Baghdad, April 2003




PT-91 Twardy in Polish service.



Serbian modernized tank M-84AS (M-84AB1 ).
Serbian upgraded T-72 featuring reactive armour



South Africa



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