Tản Viên Sơn Thánh

Tản Viên Sơn Thánh (chữ Hán: 傘圓山聖), also known as Sơn Tinh (山精) is one of The Four Immortals in traditional Vietnamese mythology. He is the god of Ba Vì mountain range[1] and figures also in the romance of Sơn Tinh - Thủy Tinh ("the God of the Mountain and the God of the Water," 山精 水精).

Temples are dedicated to him in most towns, for example the Và Temple in Sơn Tây, Hanoi.[2]


  1. Olga Dror Cult, Culture, and Authority: Princess Liễu Hạnh in Vietnamese History 2007 - Page 253 "Dut Thanh Tan Vien Son (The Spirit of Mount Tan Vien)"
  2. Minh Trị Lưu -Historical remains & beautiful places of Hanoi and the surrounding areas Page 204 2000 "VÀ TEMPLE - Và Temple locates on a hill covered with green of old-age ironwood trees in Vân Giã hamlet, Trung Hưng commune, Sơn Tây town. Và Temple is differently called Đông Cung (East palace), dedicating to God Tản Viên"
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