Télécom ParisTech

Télécom ParisTech
Motto Innovate and foster entrepreneurship in a digital world
Type French Grande École
Established 1878
President Yves Poilane
Administrative staff
Students 1400
Location Paris, France
Campus Paris, Sophia Antipolis
Affiliations Institut Mines-Telecom, ParisTech, University of Paris-Saclay
Website http://www.telecom-paristech.fr

Télécom ParisTech (also known as ENST or Télécom or École nationale supérieure des télécommunications) is one of the top French public institutions of higher education and research (Grandes Écoles) of engineering in France. Located in Paris, it is also a member of the ParisTech Group and the Institut Telecom.

In 1991, Télécom ParisTech and the EPFL collaborated and established a school named Institut Eurécom located in Sophia-Antipolis. Students can now be admitted in two different curriculums, located either in the Paris or the Sophia-Antipolis campus.[1]


Locations of Institut Telecom schools


There are two ways to get admitted into Télécom ParisTech as an undergraduate student:[3]

University students can also get admitted into Télécom ParisTech's Master of Science (MSc.) programme through an application-based admission process for university students from all over the world.

Télécom ParisTech is also one of the approved application schools for the École Polytechnique, making it possible for fourth-year students to complete their studies with a one-year specialization at Télécom ParisTech. Télécom ParisTech also provides education for the Corps des télécommunications.

Around 250 engineers graduate each year from Télécom ParisTech. Thirty to thirty-five percent of the graduates are foreign students coming from all over the world.[4] Specialization courses cover all aspects of computer science and communication engineering: Electronics, Signal processing, Software engineering, Networking, Economics, Finance etc.

Research at Télécom ParisTech

Research at Télécom ParisTech consists of:

Télécom ParisTech has four research laboratories:

These departments are associated with the CNRS through the "Laboratory of the Communication and Processing of Information" and the "Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation".[5]

Training for engineering degrees

For undergraduate students, the core curriculum, commonly referred to as tronc commun, consists of courses in most areas of science (Mathematics, Economics, applied Mathematics, Computer science, Physics, etc.), as well as compulsory courses in the humanities (foreign languages, social sciences, liberal arts, etc.)

Taking place in the Paris campus of Télécom ParisTech, this primary year of multidisciplinary studies is common to both Paris curriculum students and Sophia-Antipolis curriculum students; and is followed by a one or two month mandatory summer internship.

Starting from their second year, students have to choose a specialization in which they'll receive in-depth courses and that will conclude their engineering curriculum. Based on 13 specialization tracks more than 120 courses,[6] these two years eventually unfold into a six-month internship through which the engineering student will acquire their first real professional experience.

Third year students can also choose to complete their studies in an approved university in France or abroad, as part of a Double-Degree or a Master of Science program.

Training for Master degrees

ENST offers Mastères spécialisés (MS), Masters Recherche (MR) and Master of Science (MSc) programmes in different domains.

Mastères Spécialisés(Post-Master's Degrees)

Masters Recherche courses

Master of Science courses

Master of Science is offered through Institut Télécom and ParisTech. This program is intended for bachelor degree holders or of an equivalent diploma to 4 years of university studies in the domain of Information Technology and Telecommunications. The duration of the courses is from 12 to 24 months and the course fee is €10,000. The courses offered at the Paris campus will be initially in English and gradually in French. The courses offered at Institut Eurécom, Sophia-Antipolis campus are entirely taught in English. The degrees obtained are accredited by Conference des Grandes Ecoles and are called Master of Science (English) / Diplôme National Master (French).

See also


  1. "Les cursus de la formation d'ingénieur". Télécom ParisTech (in French).
  2. (in French) Décret n° 2009-1136 du 21 septembre 2009 relatif à l'Institut Télécom. Legifrance. Retrieved on 2014-06-16.
  3. "Admission Process". L'Usine Nouvelle (in French).
  4. "Palmarès des Écoles d'ingénieurs". L'Étudiant (in French).
  5. http://www.i-3.fr/en/
  6. "Cycle Master: Campus Paris". Télécom ParisTech (in French).
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