List of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States

The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest ranking judicial body in the United States. Its membership, as set by the Judiciary Act of 1869, consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight associate justices, any six of whom would constitute a quorum.[1][2] Justices are nominated by the President of the United States and appointed after confirmation by the United States Senate. Justices of the Supreme Court have life tenure[3] and receive a salary which is set at $255,500 per year for the chief justice and at $244,400 per year for each associate justice as of 2014.[4][5][6]

The Supreme Court was created in 1789 by Article III of the United States Constitution, which stipulated that the "judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court" together with any lower courts Congress may establish.[3] Congress organized the Court that year with the passage of the Judiciary Act of 1789. It specified the Court's original and appellate jurisdiction, created thirteen judicial districts, and fixed the number of justices at six (one chief justice and five associate justices).[7][8]

Since 1789, Congress has occasionally altered the size of the Supreme Court, historically in response to the country's own expansion in size. Membership was decreased in 1801 to five, then increased to seven members in 1807, to nine in 1837, and to ten in 1863. It was then reduced to seven in 1866. In 1869, Congress set the Court's size to nine members, where it has remained since.[9]

While the justices of the Supreme Court are appointed for life, many have retired or resigned. Beginning in the early 20th century, many justices who left the Court voluntarily did so by retiring from the Court without leaving the federal judiciary altogether. A retired justice, according to the United States Code, is no longer a member of the Supreme Court, but remains eligible to serve by designation as a judge of a U.S. Court of Appeals or District Court, and many retired justices have served in these capacities. Historically, the average length of service on the Court has been less than 15 years. However, since 1970 the average length of service has increased to about 26 years.[10]

Current Justices of the Supreme Court

There are currently nine justices serving on the Supreme Court; listed in order of seniority, they are:

All Justices of the Supreme Court

Since the Supreme Court was established in 1789, 113 persons have served on the Court. Five individuals in this group were confirmed for associate justice, and later confirmed for chief justice separately. While listed twice, each of them has been assigned only one index number. The justices of the Supreme Court are:[11][12]

Justice State[lower-alpha 1] Position Replacing Date confirmed
Tenure Tenure length Appointed by
1 John Jay
NY Chief
New seat September 26, 1789
September 26, 1789

June 29, 1795
5 years, 276 days George Washington
2 John Rutledge
SC Associate
New seat September 26, 1789
September 26, 1789

March 4, 1791
1 year, 159 days
3 William Cushing
MA Associate
New seat September 26, 1789
September 27, 1789

September 13, 1810
20 years, 351 days
4 James Wilson
PA Associate
New seat September 26, 1789
September 29, 1789

August 21, 1798
8 years, 326 days
5 John Blair
VA Associate
New seat September 26, 1789
September 30, 1789

October 25, 1795
6 years, 25 days
6 James Iredell
NC Associate
New seat February 10, 1790
May 12, 1790

October 20, 1799
9 years, 161 days
7 Thomas Johnson
MD Associate
J. Rutledge November 7, 1791
August 5, 1792[lower-alpha 2][lower-alpha 3]

January 16, 1793
164 days
8 William Paterson
NJ Associate
T. Johnson March 4, 1793
March 4, 1793

September 8, 1806
13 years, 188 days
[lower-alpha 4]
John Rutledge
SC Chief
Jay December 15, 1795
(1014)[lower-alpha 5]
June 30, 1795[lower-alpha 2]

December 28, 1795
181 days
9 Samuel Chase[lower-alpha 6]
MD Associate
Blair January 27, 1796
January 27, 1796

June 19, 1811
15 years, 143 days
10 Oliver Ellsworth
CT Chief
J. Rutledge March 4, 1796
March 8, 1796

December 15, 1800
4 years, 282 days
11 Bushrod Washington
VA Associate
Wilson December 20, 1798
December 20, 1798

November 26, 1829
30 years, 341 days John Adams
12 Alfred Moore
NC Associate
Iredell December 9, 1799
December 10, 1799

January 26, 1804
4 years, 47 days
13 John Marshall
VA Chief
Ellsworth January 27, 1801
February 4, 1801

July 6, 1835
34 years, 152 days
14 William Johnson
SC Associate
Moore March 24, 1804
May 7, 1804

August 4, 1834
30 years, 89 days Thomas Jefferson
15 Henry Brockholst Livingston
NY Associate
Paterson December 17, 1806
January 20, 1807

March 18, 1823
16 years, 57 days
16 Thomas Todd
KY Associate
New seat March 2, 1807
March 3, 1807

February 7, 1826
18 years, 341 days
17 Gabriel Duvall
MD Associate
S. Chase November 18, 1811
November 23, 1811

January 12, 1835
23 years, 50 days James Madison
18 Joseph Story
MA Associate
Cushing November 18, 1811
February 3, 1812

September 10, 1845
33 years, 219 days
19 Smith Thompson
NY Associate
Livingston December 9, 1823
September 1, 1823[lower-alpha 2]

December 18, 1843
20 years, 108 days James Monroe
20 Robert Trimble
KY Associate
Todd May 9, 1826
May 9, 1826

August 25, 1828
2 years, 108 days John Quincy Adams
21 John McLean
OH Associate
Trimble March 7, 1829
March 7, 1829

April 4, 1861
32 years, 28 days Andrew Jackson
22 Henry Baldwin
PA Associate
Washington January 6, 1830
January 6, 1830

April 21, 1844
14 years, 106 days
23 James Moore Wayne
GA Associate
W. Johnson January 9, 1835
January 14, 1835

July 5, 1867
32 years, 172 days
24 Roger B. Taney
MD Chief
J. Marshall March 15, 1836
March 28, 1836

October 12, 1864
28 years, 198 days
25 Philip Pendleton Barbour
VA Associate
Duvall March 15, 1836
March 15, 1836

February 25, 1841
4 years, 347 days
26 John Catron
TN Associate
New seat March 8, 1837
March 8, 1837

May 30, 1865
28 years, 83 days
27 John McKinley
AL Associate
New seat September 25, 1837
April 22, 1837

July 19, 1852
15 years, 88 days Martin Van Buren
28 Peter Vivian Daniel
VA Associate
Barbour March 2, 1841
March 3, 1841

May 31, 1860
19 years, 89 days
29 Samuel Nelson
NY Associate
Thompson February 14, 1845
February 14, 1845

November 28, 1872
27 years, 288 days John Tyler
30 Levi Woodbury
NH Associate
Story January 31, 1846
September 20, 1845[lower-alpha 2]

September 4, 1851
5 years, 349 days James K. Polk
31 Robert Cooper Grier
PA Associate
Baldwin August 4, 1846
August 4, 1846

January 31, 1870
23 years, 180 days
32 Benjamin Robbins Curtis
MA Associate
Woodbury December 20, 1851
September 22, 1851[lower-alpha 2]

September 30, 1857
6 years, 8 days Millard Fillmore
33 John Archibald Campbell
AL Associate
McKinley March 22, 1853
March 23, 1853

April 30, 1861
8 years, 38 days Franklin Pierce
34 Nathan Clifford
ME Associate
Curtis January 12, 1858
January 12, 1858

July 25, 1881
23 years, 194 days James Buchanan
35 Noah Haynes Swayne
OH Associate
McLean January 24, 1862
January 24, 1862

January 24, 1881
19 years, 0 days Abraham Lincoln
36 Samuel Freeman Miller
IA Associate
Daniel July 16, 1862
July 16, 1862

October 13, 1890
28 years, 89 days
37 David Davis
IL Associate
Campbell December 8, 1862
October 17, 1862[lower-alpha 2]

March 3, 1877
14 years, 137 days
38 Stephen Johnson Field
CA Associate
New seat March 10, 1863
March 10, 1863

December 1, 1897
34 years, 266 days
39 Salmon P. Chase
OH Chief
Taney December 6, 1864
December 15, 1864

May 7, 1873
8 years, 152 days
40 William Strong
PA Associate
Grier February 18, 1870
(No vote recorded)
February 18, 1870

December 14, 1880
10 years, 300 days Ulysses S. Grant
41 Joseph Philo Bradley
NJ Associate
New seat March 21, 1870
March 21, 1870

January 22, 1892
21 years, 307 days
42 Ward Hunt
NY Associate
Nelson December 11, 1872
December 11, 1872

January 27, 1882
9 years, 47 days
43 Morrison Waite
OH Chief
S. P. Chase January 21, 1874
March 4, 1874

March 23, 1888
14 years, 19 days
44 John Marshall Harlan
KY Associate
Davis November 29, 1877
November 29, 1877

October 14, 1911
33 years, 319 days Rutherford B. Hayes
45 William Burnham Woods
GA Associate
Strong December 21, 1880
December 21, 1880

May 14, 1887
6 years, 144 days
46 Stanley Matthews
OH Associate
Swayne May 12, 1881
May 12, 1881

March 22, 1889
7 years, 314 days James Garfield
47 Horace Gray
MA Associate
Clifford December 20, 1881
December 20, 1881

September 15, 1902
20 years, 269 days Chester A. Arthur
48 Samuel Blatchford
NY Associate
Hunt March 22, 1882
March 22, 1882

July 7, 1893
11 years, 107 days
49 Lucius Quintus
Cincinnatus Lamar II

MS Associate
Woods January 16, 1888
January 16, 1888

January 23, 1893
5 years, 7 days Grover Cleveland
50 Melville Fuller
IL Chief
Waite July 20, 1888
October 8, 1888

July 4, 1910
21 years, 269 days
51 David Josiah Brewer
KS Associate
Matthews December 18, 1889
December 18, 1889

March 28, 1910
20 years, 100 days Benjamin Harrison
52 Henry Billings Brown
MI Associate
Miller December 29, 1890
December 29, 1890

May 28, 1906
15 years, 150 days
53 George Shiras, Jr.
PA Associate
Bradley July 26, 1892
July 26, 1892

February 23, 1903
10 years, 212 days
54 Howell Edmunds Jackson
TN Associate
L. Lamar February 18, 1893
February 18, 1893

August 8, 1895
2 years, 171 days
55 Edward Douglass White
LA Associate
Blatchford February 19, 1894
February 19, 1894

December 18, 1910
(Continued as chief justice)
16 years, 302 days Grover Cleveland
56 Rufus Wheeler Peckham
NY Associate
H. Jackson December 9, 1895
December 9, 1895

October 24, 1909
13 years, 319 days
57 Joseph McKenna
CA Associate
Justice[lower-alpha 7]
Field January 21, 1898
January 21, 1898

January 5, 1925
26 years, 350 days William McKinley
58 Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
MA Associate
Justice[lower-alpha 8]
Gray December 4, 1902
December 4, 1902

January 12, 1932
29 years, 39 days Theodore Roosevelt
59 William R. Day
OH Associate
Shiras February 23, 1903
February 23, 1903

November 13, 1922
19 years, 263 days
60 William Henry Moody
MA Associate
Brown December 12, 1906
December 12, 1906

November 20, 1910
3 years, 343 days
61 Horace Harmon Lurton
TN Associate
Peckham December 20, 1909
December 20, 1909

July 12, 1914
4 years, 204 days William Howard Taft
62 Charles Evans Hughes
NY Associate
Brewer May 2, 1910
October 10, 1910

June 10, 1916
5 years, 244 days
[lower-alpha 9]
Edward Douglass White
LA Chief
Fuller December 12, 1910
December 19, 1910

May 19, 1921
10 years, 151 days
63 Willis Van Devanter
WY Associate
E. D. White December 15, 1910
December 16, 1910

June 2, 1937
26 years, 168 days
64 Joseph Rucker Lamar
GA Associate
Moody December 15, 1910
December 17, 1910

January 2, 1916
5 years, 16 days
65 Mahlon Pitney
NJ Associate
J. Harlan March 13, 1912
March 13, 1912

December 31, 1922
10 years, 293 days
66 James Clark McReynolds
TN Associate
Lurton August 29, 1914
August 29, 1914

January 31, 1941
26 years, 155 days Woodrow Wilson
67 Louis Brandeis
KY Associate
J. Lamar June 1, 1916
June 1, 1916

February 13, 1939
22 years, 257 days
68 John Hessin Clarke
OH Associate
Hughes July 24, 1916
July 24, 1916

September 5, 1922
6 years, 43 days
69 William Howard Taft
CT Chief
E. D. White June 30, 1921
July 11, 1921

February 3, 1930
8 years, 207 days Warren G. Harding
70 George Sutherland
UT Associate
Clarke September 5, 1922
September 5, 1922

January 17, 1938
15 years, 134 days
71 Pierce Butler
MN Associate
Day December 21, 1922
December 21, 1922

November 16, 1939
16 years, 330 days
72 Edward Terry Sanford
TN Associate
Pitney January 29, 1923
January 29, 1923

March 8, 1930
7 years, 38 days
73 Harlan F. Stone
NY Associate
Justice[lower-alpha 10]
McKenna February 5, 1925
February 5, 1925

July 3, 1941
(Continued as chief justice)
16 years, 148 days Calvin Coolidge
[lower-alpha 4]
Charles Evans Hughes
NY Chief
Taft February 13, 1930
February 24, 1930

June 30, 1941
11 years, 126 days Herbert Hoover
74 Owen Josephus Roberts
PA Associate
Sanford May 20, 1930
May 20, 1930

July 31, 1945
15 years, 72 days
75 Benjamin N. Cardozo
NY Associate
Holmes February 24, 1932
March 2, 1932

July 9, 1938
6 years, 129 days
76 Hugo Black
AL Associate
Justice[lower-alpha 11]
Van Devanter August 17, 1937
August 18, 1937

September 17, 1971
34 years, 30 days Franklin D. Roosevelt
77 Stanley Forman Reed
KY Associate
Sutherland January 25, 1938
January 27, 1938

February 25, 1957
19 years, 29 days
78 Felix Frankfurter
MA Associate
Cardozo January 17, 1939
January 20, 1939

August 28, 1962
23 years, 220 days
79 William O. Douglas
CT Associate
Brandeis April 4, 1939
April 15, 1939

November 12, 1975
36 years, 211 days
80 Frank Murphy
MI Associate
Butler January 16, 1940
January 18, 1940

July 19, 1949
9 years, 182 days
[lower-alpha 9]
Harlan F. Stone
NY Chief
Hughes June 27, 1941
July 3, 1941

April 22, 1946
4 years, 293 days
81 James F. Byrnes
SC Associate
McReynolds June 12, 1941
July 8, 1941

October 3, 1942
1 year, 87 days
82 Robert H. Jackson
NY Associate
Stone July 7, 1941
July 11, 1941

October 9, 1954
13 years, 90 days
83 Wiley Blount Rutledge
IA Associate
Byrnes February 8, 1943
February 11, 1943

September 10, 1949
6 years, 211 days
84 Harold Hitz Burton
OH Associate
O. Roberts September 19, 1945
September 22, 1945

October 13, 1958
13 years, 21 days Harry S. Truman
85 Fred M. Vinson
KY Chief
Stone June 20, 1946
June 24, 1946

September 8, 1953
7 years, 76 days
86 Tom C. Clark
TX Associate
Murphy August 18, 1949
August 19, 1949

June 12, 1967
17 years, 297 days
87 Sherman Minton
IN Associate
W. Rutledge October 4, 1949
October 12, 1949

October 15, 1956
7 years, 3 days
88 Earl Warren
CA Chief
Vinson March 1, 1954
October 5, 1953[lower-alpha 2]

June 23, 1969
15 years, 261 days Dwight D. Eisenhower
89 John Marshall Harlan II
NY Associate
R. Jackson March 16, 1955
March 17, 1955

September 23, 1971
16 years, 190 days
90 William J. Brennan
NJ Associate
Minton March 19, 1957
October 15, 1956[lower-alpha 2]

July 20, 1990
33 years, 278 days
91 Charles Evans Whittaker
MO Associate
Reed March 19, 1957
March 22, 1957

March 31, 1962
5 years, 9 days
92 Potter Stewart
OH Associate
Burton May 5, 1959
October 14, 1958[lower-alpha 2]

July 3, 1981
22 years, 262 days
93 Byron White
CO Associate
Whittaker April 11, 1962
April 16, 1962

June 28, 1993
31 years, 73 days John F. Kennedy
94 Arthur Goldberg
IL Associate
Frankfurter September 25, 1962
September 28, 1962

July 26, 1965
2 years, 301 days
95 Abe Fortas
TN Associate
Goldberg August 11, 1965
October 4, 1965

May 14, 1969
3 years, 222 days Lyndon B. Johnson
96 Thurgood Marshall
NY Associate
Clark August 30, 1967
October 2, 1967

October 1, 1991
23 years, 364 days
97 Warren E. Burger
VA Chief
Warren June 9, 1969
June 23, 1969

September 26, 1986
17 years, 95 days Richard Nixon
98 Harry Blackmun
MN Associate
Fortas May 12, 1970
June 9, 1970

August 3, 1994
24 years, 55 days
99 Lewis Franklin Powell, Jr.
VA Associate
Black December 6, 1971
January 7, 1972

June 26, 1987
15 years, 170 days
100 William Rehnquist
AZ Associate
J. Harlan II December 10, 1971
January 7, 1972

September 26, 1986
(Continued as chief justice)
14 years, 262 days
101 John Paul Stevens
(born 1920)
IL Associate
Justice[lower-alpha 12]
Douglas December 17, 1975
December 19, 1975

June 29, 2010
34 years, 192 days Gerald Ford
102 Sandra Day O'Connor
(born 1930)
AZ Associate
Stewart September 21, 1981
September 25, 1981

January 31, 2006
24 years, 128 days Ronald Reagan
[lower-alpha 9]
William Rehnquist
VA Chief
Burger September 17, 1986
September 26, 1986

September 3, 2005
18 years, 342 days
103 Antonin Scalia
VA Associate
Rehnquist September 17, 1986
September 26, 1986

February 13, 2016
29 years, 140 days
104 Anthony Kennedy
(born 1936)
CA Associate
Powell February 3, 1988
February 18, 1988

29 years, 183 days
105 David Souter
(born 1939)
NH Associate
Brennan October 2, 1990
October 9, 1990

June 29, 2009
18 years, 263 days George H. W. Bush
106 Clarence Thomas
(born 1948)
GA Associate
T. Marshall October 15, 1991
October 23, 1991

25 years, 301 days
107 Ruth Bader Ginsburg
(born 1933)
NY Associate
B. White August 3, 1993
August 10, 1993

24 years, 10 days Bill Clinton
108 Stephen Breyer
(born 1938)
MA Associate
Blackmun July 29, 1994
August 3, 1994

23 years, 17 days
109 John Roberts
(born 1955)
MD Chief
Rehnquist September 29, 2005
September 29, 2005

11 years, 325 days George W. Bush
110 Samuel Alito
(born 1950)
NJ Associate
O'Connor January 31, 2006
January 31, 2006

11 years, 201 days
111 Sonia Sotomayor
(born 1954)
NY Associate
Souter August 6, 2009
August 8, 2009

8 years, 12 days Barack Obama
112 Elena Kagan
(born 1960)
MA Associate
Stevens August 5, 2010
August 7, 2010

7 years, 13 days
113 Neil Gorsuch
(born 1967)
CO Associate
Scalia April 7, 2017
April 10, 2017

132 days Donald Trump
Justice State[lower-alpha 1] Position Replacing Date confirmed
Tenure Tenure length Appointed by


  1. 1 2 State of residence at the time of appointment. For example, In 1971, Rehnquist was appointed from Arizona, but in 1986, when elevated to chief justice, he was appointed from Virginia.[13]
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Recess appointment
  3. Received recess appointment on August 5, 1791, but was not sworn in until August 6, 1792.
  4. 1 2 Served on the Supreme Court twice, first as associate justice and then, after a period of years off the Court, as chief justice, which is why this justice is listed twice.
  5. This was the first Supreme Court nomination to be rejected by the Senate. Rutledge remains the only "recess appointed" justice not to be subsequently confirmed by the Senate.
  6. Was impeached, but not convicted, and remained in office.
  7. Acted as chief justice under 36 Stat. 1152, May 19 July 11, 1921.
  8. Acted as chief justice under 36 Stat. 1152, February 324, 1930.
  9. 1 2 3 Elevated from associate justice to chief justice while serving on the Supreme Court. The nomination of a sitting associate justice to be chief justice is subject to a separate confirmation process, which is why this justice is listed twice.
  10. Acted as chief justice under 36 Stat. 1152, June 30 July 3, 1941.
  11. Acted as chief justice under 36 Stat. 1152, April 22 June 24, 1946, and again, under 62 Stat. 869, September 8 October 5, 1953.
  12. Acted as chief justice under 62 Stat. 869, September 329, 2005.


All justices

The graphic below is a timeline depicting the progression of the justices in the United States Supreme Court. Information regarding their seat number, predecessors, successors and fellow justices, as well as their tenure on the court can be gleaned from the timeline. Additionally, the progression of presidents (with the number of justices they nominated) is shown at the top of the timeline to give a more detailed historical context. Three presidents (Taft, F. Roosevelt, and Reagan), in addition to successfully nominating several justices to the court, elevated an associate justice to chief justice. These elevations are counted as nominations, and are designated with a caret(^). Several justices began their terms on the bench after the inauguration of a new president.

This graphical representation of the progression of the High Court allows some otherwise obscure information to be easily noted. For example, Joseph Story (in the early 19th century) and Stephen Breyer (in the late 20th and early 21st centuries) are each noteworthy for serving over 11 years as the court's most junior member. Elena Kagan (in the 2010s) served the third longest as the court's most junior member at a little over 6 years. Thomas Johnson (1790s), Robert Trimble (1820s) and Arthur Goldberg (1960s) are the only justices to leave the court while still being the court's most junior member. William Rehnquist is unique in that he is the only justice to witness all of his more senior justices leave the court, without witnessing any of his more junior justices leave the court. Hugo Black, in addition to witnessing all eight of his predecessors leave the court, saw 22 new members appointed to the court (his predecessors' eight replacements and 14 others), meaning he worked beside a record thirty justices.

Due to various changes in the size of the Court over the years, not all ten of this chart's associate justice timelines extend to the present day. "Seat 5" was last held by James Wayne until his 1867 death, and "Seat 7" was last held by John Catron until Catron died in 1865. On April 7, 2017, Neil Gorsuch was confirmed by the senate as the replacement for Antonin Scalia, whose seat had remained vacant since his death on February 13, 2016.

Neil Gorsuch Elena Kagan Sonia Sotomayor Samuel Alito John G. Roberts Stephen Breyer Ruth Bader Ginsburg Clarence Thomas David Souter Anthony Kennedy Antonin Scalia Sandra Day O'Connor John Paul Stevens William Rehnquist Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Harry Blackmun Warren E. Burger Thurgood Marshall Abe Fortas Arthur Goldberg Byron White Potter Stewart Charles Evans Whittaker William J. Brennan, Jr. John Marshall Harlan II Earl Warren Sherman Minton Tom C. Clark Fred M. Vinson Harold Hitz Burton Wiley Blount Rutledge Robert H. Jackson James F. Byrnes Frank Murphy William O. Douglas Felix Frankfurter Stanley Forman Reed Hugo Black Benjamin N. Cardozo Owen Josephus Roberts Harlan Fiske Stone Edward Terry Sanford Pierce Butler (justice) George Sutherland William Howard Taft John Hessin Clarke Louis Brandeis James Clark McReynolds Mahlon Pitney Joseph Rucker Lamar Willis Van Devanter Charles Evans Hughes Horace Harmon Lurton William Henry Moody William R. Day Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Joseph McKenna Rufus Wheeler Peckham Edward Douglass White Howell Edmunds Jackson George Shiras, Jr. Henry Billings Brown David Josiah Brewer Melville Weston Fuller Lucius Q. C. Lamar Samuel Blatchford Horace Gray Thomas Stanley Matthews William Burnham Woods John Marshall Harlan Morrison Remick Waite Ward Hunt Joseph Philo Bradley William Strong (Pennsylvania judge) Salmon Portland Chase Stephen Johnson Field David Davis (Supreme Court justice) Samuel Freeman Miller Noah Haynes Swayne Nathan Clifford John Archibald Campbell Benjamin Robbins Curtis Robert Cooper Grier Levi Woodbury Samuel Nelson Peter Vivian Daniel John McKinley John Catron Philip Pendleton Barbour Roger Brooke Taney James Moore Wayne Henry Baldwin (judge) John McLean Robert Trimble Smith Thompson Joseph Story Gabriel Duvall Thomas Todd Henry Brockholst Livingston William Johnson (judge) John Marshall Alfred Moore Bushrod Washington Oliver Ellsworth Samuel Chase William Paterson (judge) Thomas Johnson (governor) James Iredell John Rutledge John Blair Jr. William Cushing John Jay (American statesman) James Wilson

Current justices

Neil Gorsuch Elena Kagan Sonia Sotomayor Samuel Alito John G. Roberts Stephen Breyer Ruth Bader Ginsburg Clarence Thomas Anthony Kennedy

See also

Supreme Court of the United States


  1. Stathis, Stephen W. (2014). Landmark Legislation 1774-2012: Major U.S. Acts and Treaties. CQ Press. p. 122.
  2. Hall, Kermit L. (2005). "Judiciary Act of 1869". In Hall, Kermit L.; Ely, James W.; Grossman, Joel B. The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States. Oxford University Press. p. 548.
  3. 1 2 "Article III". Cornell University Law School. Retrieved February 17, 2010.
  4. Mears, Bill (January 1, 2010). "Chief Justice Roberts has little to say at year's end". CNN. Retrieved February 17, 2010.
  5. Barnes, Robert (January 1, 2010). "Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts opts not to ask Congress to raise judicial salaries". The Washington Post. Retrieved February 17, 2010.
  6. Rowley, James (January 13, 2014). "Federal Judges in U.S. See $25,000 More as Salary Freeze Falls". Bloomberg. Retrieved May 28, 2014.
  7. "About The Supreme Court". Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. Archived from the original on April 12, 2010. Retrieved February 17, 2010.
  8. "Supreme Court Research Guide". Georgetown Law Library. Retrieved February 17, 2010.
  9. Smith, Jean Edward (July 26, 2007). "Stacking the Court". The New York Times. Retrieved February 17, 2010.
  10. Rosen, Jeffrey (February 26, 2008). "Dems' Choices For Bench Surprisingly Slim". CBS News. Retrieved February 17, 2010.
  11. "U.S. Senate: Supreme Court Nominations: 1789-Present". United States Senate. Retrieved November 11, 2016.
  12. "Timeline of the Justices". Supreme Court Historical Society. Retrieved November 11, 2016.
  13. "Members of the Supreme Court of the United States". United States Supreme Court. Retrieved November 14, 2016.

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