Animation director

An animation director is the director in charge of all aspects of the animation process during the production of an animated film or an animated segment for a live-action film.[1] This may include directing the storyboard, character design, background animation, and other aspects of animation. Some animated film productions may split the duties between an Animation Director, who focuses on the creation of the animation, and a Director who oversees on all other aspects of the film. A supervising animator is commonly in charge of all aspects of the design and artwork for a single major character.[2] The supervising animator oversees a group of animators who complete the entire scenes in which a particular character appears.


  1. Thomas, Bob (1958). Walt Disney, the Art of Animation: The Story of the Disney Studio Contribution to a New Art. Simon and Schuster. p. 101.
  2. Kelly, Doug (1998). Character animation in depth. Creative Professionals Press. p. 38. ISBN 9781566047715.
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