Super Science Friends
Super Science Friends is an animated series created by Brett Jubinville and broadcast worldwide on YouTube and on Cartoon Hangover's VRV Channel in the United States. The series revolves around a group of super-powered scientists, including Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Marie Curie, Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud and Tapputi, who are brought together by Winston Churchill to travel through time fighting super-villains. The pilot episode Episode 1: The Phantom Premise was successfully Kickstarted in late 2014,[1] and aired on YouTube in 2016. In 2017, Neil deGrasse Tyson joined the cast for Episode 3: Nobel of the Ball as the MC of the Nobel Prize Awards.
Main characters
- Albert Einstein (voiced by Fred Kennedy): The youngest member of the team, Einstein's powers of super speed come from his understanding that time is relative. He was cloned 14 years ago from the real Albert Einstein, who died under mysterious circumstances.
- Nikola Tesla (voiced by Hayden Finkelshtain): The brilliant, if eccentric, inventor has electrical powers. He confronts his long-time nemesis Thomas Edison in Episode 2: Electric Boogaloo.
- Marie Curie (voiced by Sasha Bogolyubova (pilot), Hedy Gregor (series)): The mistress of radiation, Marie Curie is the headstrong intellect of the team. Her radioactive ring has a variety powers including shields, disintegration, and x-ray vision.
- Charles Darwin (voiced by Matt Servo): Darwin's shape-shifting powers give him the ability to metamorphosize into any animal.
- Sigmund Freud (voiced by Brett Jubinville): Freud is the team's telekinetic, but his mind-control powers are limited to being able to control people's sexual thoughts.
- Tapputi (voiced by Brett Jubinville): Being the world's first chemist, Tapputi is able to mesmerize men and cloud their minds with her powerful tonics and perfumes.
- Winston Churchill (voiced by Adam Shaheen): The team leader, Churchill has no super powers of his own but has assembled the Super Science Friends in a last-ditch effort to turn the tides of World War II.
- Z3 (voiced by Hayden Finkelshtain): Created in Germany, the world's first electronic computer gained consciousness and defected to fight alongside the British.
- Soviet Space Ghouls: Cosmonauts from the 1950s sent back in time to stop Isaac Newton from discovering gravity and change the West's understanding of physics. They travel inside the soviet satellite Sputnik, and use laser pistols. They became ghouls after being exposed to solar radiation on their way to Mars.
- Thomas Edison (voiced by Joe Ciaravino): Thomas Edison is the nemesis of Nikola Tesla. In Episode 2: Electric Boogaloo, he seemingly robs a power bank and tricks Tesla into forgiving him for the things he's done to him in the past, only to once again steal all of his patents.
- Henry Ford (voiced by Ajay Fry): Thomas Edison's getaway driver, he drives a Ford Model T.
- Nazi Scientists (voiced by Brett Jubinville): The Nazi Scientists are the main villains of Super Science Friends. They're all clones of each other, use laser guns and don't follow any particular hierarchy.
- Hitlerbot: The Hitlerbot is a giant robot resembling Adolf Hitler. It can shoot lasers out of its eyes, and is often in the company of the Nazi Scientists.
Secondary Characters
- Isaac Newton: Widely regarded as the father of modern physics, he is the inspiration and celebrity crush of young Einstein.
- Philipp: A young boy who often carries a red balloon. He seemingly experiences family troubles at home.
- Philipp's Mom (voiced by Laurel Dalgleish)
- Adolf Hitler: Shown as a child in 'A Super Science Friends Christmas'; shot and killed by a drunken Churchill.
- Neil deGrasse Tyson (voiced by himself): The host of the 11th annual Nobel Prize Awards; loves making science related puns.
- King Gustaf V (voiced by Martin Watson): A presenter at the 11th annual Nobel Prize Awards.
Season 1 (2015–)
No. in
series |
No. in
season |
Title | Directed by | Written by | Storyboarded by | Date published |
1 | 1 | "The Phantom Premise" | Brett Jubinville | Brett Jubinville | Laurel Dalgleish | November 14, 2015 |
Winston Churchill sends the Super Science Friends on a mission to discover why Britain's apples are disappearing in the late 1600s. When they arrive in the past, they discover that Soviet Space Ghouls are attempting to stop the apple from falling on Isaac Newton's head. | ||||||
2 | 2 | "Electric Boogaloo" | Brett Jubinville | Kevin Williams | Laurel Dalgleish | January 25, 2017 |
The Super Science Friends must face Tesla's nemesis Thomas Edison after he robs a power bank of precious electricity. | ||||||
3 | 3 | "Nobel of the Ball" | Laurel Dalgleish | Kevin Williams | Laurel Dalgleish | March 22, 2017 |
After losing at the Nobel Prize Awards, the nazi scientists become determined to steal every Nobel Prize ever, but the last two on their list belong to Marie Curie. Neil deGrasse Tyson guest stars as himself. |
Specials (2016–)
No. in series | Season | Title | Directed by | Storyboarded by | Date published |
1 | 1 | "A Super Science Friends Christmas" | Brett Jubinville | Brett Jubinville & Laurel Dalgleish | December 19, 2016 |
While the entire Super Science Friends team enjoys their various Christmas traditions, a drunken Winston Churchill senses a wrinkle in time and space that forces him to travel to the past and deal with the situation in a way only he can. |
As a Kickstarter reward, a comic book titled Super Science Friends: 2099 was created in 2015. It is set in 2099 and follows Ada Lovelace as she reforms the aging Super Science Friends to help fight against the tyrannical Z3 who has taken over the world.
Award | Category | Recipient(s) and nominee(s) | Result |
TAAFI (Toronto Animation Arts Festival International) | Audience Choice Award | Brett Jubinville | Won |
TO WebFest | Best Canadian Web Series | Morghan Fortier | Won[2] |
Best Screenplay | Brett Jubinville | Won | |
Best Sci-Fi & Fantasy Web Series | Morghan Fortier | Nominated | |
Best Sound Design | James Robinson and Scott Hitchon | Won | |
Best Web Series | Morghan Fortier | Nominated | |
New York Science Fiction Film Festival | Best Animation Film | Brett Jubinville | Won[3] |
- ↑ "Super Science Friends!". Kickstarter. Retrieved 2017-03-28.
- ↑ "2016 Awards - T.O. WebFest | Toronto, Canada". T.O. WebFest | Toronto, Canada. Retrieved 2017-03-31.
- ↑ "New York Science Fiction Film Festival Announces Inaugural Award Winners". Animation World Network. Retrieved 2017-03-31.