Suhayl ibn Amr

Suhayl ibn Amr was a prominent leader among the Quraysh, being known as the Khatib or orator of the tribe. Clever and articulate, Suhayl's personal opinion carried great weight among his tribe.


Suhayl was one of the leaders of Mecca at the time of the birth of Islam.[1] He was a prominent man among the leaders of Quraish, and was a skilled orator. He was among those leaders who refused to protect Muhammad on his return from Ta'if,[1] and was instrumental in concluding the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. He insisted that the treaty be signed from the Muslim side as Muhammad, son of Abdullah (Muhammad ibn Abdullah) rather than the prophet, Muhammad, saying that the Qurayshi side did not accept his prophethood.

He had two sons, Abu Jandal and Abdullah, both of whom converted to Islam before him. This led to him disowning them until he himself later converted.

He later became a Muslim after the conquest of Mecca. He calmed the Muslims in Mecca after the death of Muhammad. He participated in the battle of Yarmuk on the Muslim side.


He died in Palestine in the small village of 'Amawas near Jerusalem.


  1. 1 2 Sajid, Abduljalil (22 December 2004). "Joining Political Parties in non Muslim Countries: according to Islamic Shariah". Scholars Smash Hizb Argument Against British Politics. Muslim Public Affairs Committee of the UK (MPACUK).

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