Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 1989 (England and Wales)

The Water Supply Water Quality Regulations 1989[1] (SI No. 1147) are regulations imposed on the England and Wales Water industry by Statutory Instrument. The regulations were signed jointly by Peter Walker, Secretary of State for Wales and Michael Howard who, as Minister for Water and Planning, was responsible for implementing water privatization in England and Wales during 1988/89.

Schedule 2 of the regulations prescribes concentrations for substances that affect wholesomeness.


Table A

Table A Parameters Units of Measurement Value (Max)
Aluminiumμg Al/litre (l)200
Ammonium (ammonia and ammonium ions)mg NH4/litre0.5
Colourmg/1 Pt/Co scale20
Copperμg Cu/l3000
Dissolved or emulsified hydrocarbons ( extract with petroleum ether); mineral oilsμg/l10
Dry residuesmg/l1500 dry at 180 °C
Fluorideμg F/l1500
Hydrogen ionpH value9.5 - 5.5(min)
Ironμg Fe/l200
Kjeldahl nitrogenmg N/l1
Magnesiummg Mg/l50
Manganeseμg Mn/l50
Nitratemg NO3/litre50
Nitritemg NO2/litre0.1
Odour (including hydrogen sulphide)Dilution number3 at 25 °C
Oxidizability (permanganate value)mg O2/litre5
Phenolsμg C6H5OH/litre0.5
Phosphorusμg P/l2200
Potassiummg K/l12
Silverμg Ag/l10 (80 If used in treatment process)
Sodiummg Na/l150(*)
Sulphatemg SO4/litre250
Surfactantsμg/l (as lauryl sulphate)200
TasteDilution number3 at 25 °C
Total organic carbonmg C/lNo higher than normal
Turbidity (including suspended solids)Formazin turbidity units4
Zincμg Zn/l5000

Table B

Table B Parameters Units of Measurement Value (Max)
Antimonyμg Sb/l10
Arsenicμg As/l50
Cadmiumμg Cd/l5
Cyanideμg CN/l50
Chromiumμg Cr/l50
Mercuryμg Hg/l1
Nickelμg Ni/l50
Leadμg Pb/l25
Pesticides (individual substances)μg/l0.1
Pesticides (total substances)μg/l0.5
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(i)μg/l0.2
Seleniumμg Se/l10

(i)The sum of the detected concentrations of fluoranthene, benzo 3.4 fluoranthene, benzo 11.12 fluoranthene, benzo 3.4 pyrene, benzo 1.12 perylene and indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene.

Table C

Table C Parameters Units of Measurement Value (Max)
Total coliformsnumber/100 ml0
Faecal coliformsnumber/100 ml0
Faecal streptococcinumber/100 ml0
Sulphite-reducing clostridianumber/20 ml<=1(ii)
Colony countsnumber/1 ml at 22 °C or 37 °CNo significant increase over that normally observed

Table D

Table D Parameters Units of Measurement Value (Max)
Bariumμg Ba/l1000
Benzo 3,4 pyreneng/l10
Boronμg B/l2000
Calciummg Ca/l250
Chloridemg Cl/l400
ConductivityμS/cm1500 at 20 °C
Substances extractable in chloroformmg/l dry residue1

Table E

Table E Parameters Units of Measurement Value (Min)
Total hardnessmg Ca/l60
Alkalinitymg HCO3/ litre30


  1. "Statutory Instrument 1989 No. 1147". The Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 1989. Legislation.gov.uk. 6 July 1989. Retrieved 26 June 2009. External link in |publisher= (help)

See also

  1. List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1989
  2. Clean Water Act
  3. Drinking water quality standards
  4. Hard Water
  5. Soft Water
  6. Water quality
  7. Water softener
  8. Water treatment
  9. Water purification


  1. Legislation.gov.uk
  2. UK Statutory Instruments and Explanatory Memorandum
  3. "Statutory Instrument 2000 No. 3184". The Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000. legislation.gov.uk. 4 December 2000. Retrieved 26 June 2009.  External link in |publisher= (help)
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