Strongman (politics)

A strongman is a political leader who rules by force and runs an authoritarian regime or totalitarian regime. The term is often used interchangeably with "dictator" in the western world, but differs from a "warlord" and commonly lacks the negative connotations especially in some Eastern European and Central Asian countries.

A strongman is not necessarily always a formal head of state or head of government; sometimes journalists use the term to describe a military or political figure who exercises far more influence over the government than a local constitution allows. General Manuel Noriega, for example, was often dubbed the "Strongman of Panama" for the enormous amount of political power he exercised over Panama, despite the fact that he was not the formal president or prime minister of the state. In practice, his role was that of a dictator.

Similarly, not every discussion of "strong leadership"[1] (or every promise to provide such[2]) envisages rule by a strongman.

Political figures referred to as strongmen

Country Leader
 Afghanistan Mohammed Daoud Khan[3]
 Afghanistan Nur Muhammad Taraki[4]
 Afghanistan Hafizullah Amin[5]
 Afghanistan Babrak Karmal[6]
 Afghanistan Mohammad Najibullah[7]
 Afghanistan Mohammed Omar[8]
 Afghanistan Gulbuddin Hekmatyar[9]
 Afghanistan Hamid Karzai[10]
 Albania Enver Hoxha[11]
 Algeria Ahmed Ben Bella[12]
 Algeria Houari Boumediene[13]
 Algeria Abdelaziz Bouteflika[14]
 Angola José Eduardo dos Santos[15]
 Argentina Juan Perón[16]
 Argentina Jorge Rafael Videla[17]
 Argentina Leopoldo Galtieri[18]
 Armenia Garegin Nzhdeh[19]
 Armenia Vazgen Sargsyan[20]
 Australia John Howard[21]
 Austria Engelbert Dollfuss[22]
 Austria Kurt Schuschnigg[23]
 Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev[24]
 Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev[25]
 Bangladesh Ziaur Rahman[26]
 Bangladesh Hussain Muhammad Ershad[27]
 Belarus Alexander Lukashenko[28]
 Benin Mathieu Kérékou[29]
 Bolivia Hugo Banzer[30]
 Bolivia Evo Morales[31]
 Bosnia and Herzegovina Alija Izetbegović[32]
 Brazil Getúlio Vargas[33]
 Brazil Eduardo Cunha[34]
 Bulgaria Georgi Dimitrov[35]
 Bulgaria Todor Zhivkov[36]
 Bulgaria Boyko Borisov[37]
 Burkina Faso Blaise Compaoré[38]
 Burma Ne Win[39]
 Burma Saw Maung[40]
 Burma Than Shwe[41]
 Burundi Michel Micombero[42]
 Burundi Jean-Baptiste Bagaza[43]
 Burundi Pierre Buyoya[44]
 Burundi Pierre Nkurunziza[45]
 Cambodia Lon Nol[46]
 Cambodia Pol Pot[47]
 Cambodia Hun Sen[48]
 Cameroon Ahmadou Ahidjo[49]
 Cameroon Paul Biya[50]
Canada Canada John A. Macdonald[51]
Canada Canada Robert Borden[52]
Canada Canada William Lyon Mackenzie King[53]
Canada Canada R. B. Bennett[54]
 Canada Pierre Trudeau[55]
 Canada Brian Mulroney[56]
 Canada Jean Chrétien[57]
 Canada Stephen Harper[58]
 Central African Republic Jean-Bedel Bokassa[59]
 Central African Republic Francois Bozize[60]
 Central African Republic Michel Djotodia[59]
 Chad Hissène Habré[61]
 Chad Idriss Deby[62]
 Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov[63]
 Chile Augusto Pinochet[64]
 China Yuan Shikai[65]
 People's Republic of China Mao Zedong[66]
 People's Republic of China Deng Xiaoping[67]
 People's Republic of China Jiang Zemin[68]
 People's Republic of China Xi Jinping[69]
 Republic of China Chiang Kai-shek[70]
 Republic of China Chiang Ching-kuo[71]
 Colombia Gustavo Rojas Pinilla[72]
 Republic of the Congo Denis Sassou-Nguesso[73]
 Democratic Republic of the Congo Laurent-Désiré Kabila[74]
 Democratic Republic of the Congo Joseph Kabila[75]
 Croatia Ante Pavelić[76]
 Croatia Franjo Tudjman[77]
 Cuba Gerardo Machado[78]
 Cuba Fulgencio Batista[79]
 Cuba Fidel Castro[80]
 Cuba Raúl Castro[81]
 Czechoslovakia Klement Gottwald[82]
 Czechoslovakia Antonín Novotný[83]
 Czechoslovakia Gustáv Husák[84]
 Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus[85]
 Czech Republic Miloš Zeman[86]
 Czech Republic Andrej Babis[87]
 Denmark Jens Christian Christensen[88]
 Djibouti Hassan Gouled Aptidon[89]
 Djibouti Ismaïl Omar Guelleh[90]
 Dominican Republic Rafael Trujillo[91]
 Dominican Republic Joaquín Balaguer[92]
 East Timor Taur Matan Ruak[93]
 Ecuador Eloy Alfaro[94]
 Ecuador Leónidas Plaza[95]
 Ecuador José María Velasco Ibarra[96]
 Kingdom of Egypt Mahmoud El Nokrashy Pasha[97]
 Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser[98]
 Egypt Anwar Sadat[99]
 Egypt Hosni Mubarak[100]
 Egypt Abdel Fattah el-Sisi[101]
 El Salvador Maximiliano Hernández Martínez[102]
 England Oliver Cromwell[103]
 Equatorial Guinea Francisco Macías Nguema[104]
 Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo[105]
 Eritrea Isaias Afewerki[106]
 Estonia Konstantin Päts[107]
 Ethiopia Mengistu Haile Mariam[108]
 Ethiopia Meles Zenawi[109]
 Fiji Frank Bainimarama[110]
 Finland Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim[111]
 Finland Urho Kekkonen[112]
 France Maximilien Robespierre[113]
 France Napoleon Bonaparte[114]
 France Georges Clemenceau[115]
Vichy France Philippe Pétain[116]
 France Charles de Gaulle[117]
 France Emmanuel Macron[117]
 Gabon Omar Bongo[118]
 Gabon Ali Bongo[119]
 Gambia Dawda Jawara[120]
 Gambia Yahya Jammeh[121]
 Georgia Eduard Shevardnadze[122]
 German Empire Otto von Bismarck[123]
 German Empire Erich Ludendorff[124]
 Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler[125]
 East Germany Walter Ulbricht[126]
 East Germany Erich Honecker[127]
 West Germany Konrad Adenauer[128]
 Germany Helmut Kohl[129]
 Ghana Kwame Nkrumah[130]
 Ghana Jerry John Rawlings[131]
 Greece Eleftherios Venizelos[132]
 Greece Ioannis Metaxas[133]
 Greece Georgios Papadopoulos[134]
 Greece Dimitrios Ioannidis[135]
 Guatemala Jorge Ubico[136]
 Guatemala Manuel Estrada Cabrera[137]
 Guatemala Efraín Ríos Montt[138]
 Guinea Ahmed Sékou Touré[139]
 Guinea Lansana Conté[140]
 Guinea Moussa Dadis Camara[141]
 Guinea-Bissau João Bernardo Vieira[142]
 Guinea-Bissau Ansumane Mané[143]
 Guyana Forbes Burnham[144]
 Haiti Vilbrun Guillaume Sam[145]
 Haiti Paul Magloire[146]
 Haiti Francois Duvalier[147]
 Haiti Jean-Claude Duvalier[148]
 Honduras Tiburcio Carías Andino[149]
 Hungary Miklós Horthy[150]
 Hungary Ferenc Szálasi[107]
 Hungary Mátyás Rákosi[151]
 Hungary János Kádár[152]
 Hungary Viktor Orbán[153]
 Iceland Davíð Oddsson[154]
 India Jawaharlal Nehru[155]
 India Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel[155]
 India Indira Gandhi[156]
 India Narendra Modi[157]
 Indonesia Sukarno[158]
 Indonesia Suharto[159]
 Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi[160]
 Iran Ruhollah Khomeini[161]
 Iran Ali Khamenei[162]
 Kingdom of Iraq Nuri al-Said[163]
 Iraq Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr[164]
 Iraq Saddam Hussein[165]
 Israel David Ben-Gurion[166]
 Israel Yitzhak Rabin[167]
 Israel Ariel Sharon[168]
 Israel Benjamin Netanyahu[169]
 Israel Naftali Bennett[169]
 Italy Francesco Crispi[170]
 Italy Giovanni Giolitti[171]
 Italy Benito Mussolini[172]
 Italy Bettino Craxi[173]
 Italy Silvio Berlusconi[174]
 Ivory Coast Félix Houphouët-Boigny[175]
 Ivory Coast Laurent Gbagbo[176]
 Japan Hideki Tojo[177]
 Japan Shigeru Yoshida[178]
 Japan Nobusuke Kishi[179]
 Japan Eisaku Satō[180]
 Japan Kakuei Tanaka[181]
 Japan Shinzō Abe[182]
 Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev[183]
 Kenya Jomo Kenyatta[184]
 Kenya Daniel Arap Moi[185]
 Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta[186]
 Kyrgyzstan Askar Akayev[187]
 Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiyev[188]
 Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev[189]
 Laos Phoumi Nosavan[190]
 Laos Kaysone Phomvihan[191]
 Laos Bounnhang Vorachith[192]
 Latvia Kārlis Ulmanis[193]
 Lebanon Bachir Gemayel[194]
 Lebanon Amin Gemayel[195]
 Lebanon Hassan Nasrallah[196]
 Lesotho Justin Lekhanya[197]
 Lesotho Pakalitha Mosisili[198]
 Liberia William Tubman[199]
 Liberia Samuel Doe[200]
 Liberia Charles Taylor[201]
 Libya Muammar Gaddafi[202]
 Libya Khalifa Haftar[203]
 Lithuania Antanas Smetona[107]
 Macedonia Nikola Gruevski[204]
 Madagascar Didier Ratsiraka[205]
 Malawi Hastings Banda[206]
 Malawi Bingu wa Mutharika[207]
 Malaysia Mahathir bin Mohamad[208]
 Malaysia Najib Tun Razak[209]
 Maldives Maumoon Abdul Gayoom[210]
 Mali Moussa Traoré[211]
 Mauritania Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya[212]
 Mauritania Ely Ould Mohamed Vall[213]
 Mauritania Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz[214]
 Mexico Antonio López de Santa Anna[215]
 Mexico Porfirio Díaz[216]
 Mexico Plutarco Elías Calles[217]
 Moldova Vladimir Voronin[218]
 Mongolia Khorloogiin Choibalsan[219]
 Mongolia Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal[220]
 Montenegro Milo Đukanović[221]
 Morocco Driss Basri[222]
 Netherlands Hendrikus Colijn[223]
 New Zealand John Key[224]
 Nicaragua Anastasio Somoza García[225]
 Nicaragua Anastasio Somoza Debayle[226]
 Nicaragua Daniel Ortega[227]
 Niger Hamani Diori[228]
 Niger Seyni Kountché[229]
 Nigeria Yakubu Gowon[230]
 Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo[231]
 Nigeria Ibrahim Babangida[232]
 Nigeria Sani Abacha[233]
 Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari[234]
 North Korea Kim Il-sung[235]
 North Korea Kim Jong-il[236]
 North Korea Kim Jong-un[237]
 North Vietnam Ho Chi Minh[238]
 North Vietnam Lê Duẩn[239]
 Norway Vidkun Quisling[240]
 Ottoman Empire Ismail Enver Pasha[241]
 Pakistan Ayub Khan[242]
 Pakistan Yahya Khan[243]
 Pakistan Zulfikar Ali Bhutto[244]
 Pakistan Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq[245]
 Pakistan Pervez Musharraf[246]
 Palestine Yasser Arafat[247]
 Panama Omar Torrijos[248]
 Panama Manuel Noriega[249]
 Papua New Guinea Michael Somare[250]
 Papua New Guinea Julius Chan[250]
 Papua New Guinea Peter O'Neill[251][250]
 Paraguay Francisco Solano López[252]
 Paraguay Alfredo Stroessner[253]
 Peru Juan Velasco Alvarado[254]
 Peru Alberto Fujimori[255]
 Philippines Emilio Aguinaldo[256]
 Philippines Ferdinand Marcos[257]
 Philippines Rodrigo Duterte[258][259]
 Poland Józef Piłsudski[260]
 Poland Bolesław Bierut[261]
 Poland Władysław Gomułka[262]
 Poland Edward Gierek[263]
 Poland Wojciech Jaruzelski[264]
 Poland Jarosław Kaczyński[265]
 Portugal António de Oliveira Salazar[266]
 Rhodesia Ian Smith[267]
 Romania Ion Antonescu[268]
 Romania Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej[269]
 Romania Nicolae Ceaușescu[270]
 Romania Liviu Dragnea[271]
 Russia Vladimir Putin[272]
Rwanda Juvénal Habyarimana[273]
Rwanda Théoneste Bagosora[274]
 Rwanda Paul Kagame[275]
 São Tomé and Príncipe Manuel Pinto da Costa[276]
 Saudi Arabia Muhammad bin Nayef[277]
 Senegal Léopold Sédar Senghor[278]
 Serbia Slobodan Milošević[279]
 Serbia Aleksandar Vučić[280]
 Seychelles France-Albert René[281]
 Sierra Leone Siaka Stevens[282]
 Sierra Leone Foday Sankoh[283]
 Sierra Leone Johnny Paul Koroma[284]
 Singapore Lee Kuan Yew[285]
 Singapore Lee Hsien Loong[286]
Slovakia Jozef Tiso[107]
 Slovakia Vladimír Mečiar[287]
 Slovakia Robert Fico[288]
 Somalia Siad Barre[289]
 Somalia Mohamed Farrah Aidid[290]
South Africa Hendrik Verwoerd[291]
South Africa Balthazar Johannes Vorster[292]
South Africa Pieter Willem Botha[293]
 South Africa Jacob Zuma[294]
South African Republic Paul Kruger[295]
 South Korea Syngman Rhee[296]
 South Korea Park Chung-Hee[297]
 South Korea Chun Doo-Hwan[298]
 South Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem[299]
 South Vietnam Dương Văn Minh[300]
 South Vietnam Nguyen Khanh[301]
 South Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardit[302]
 Soviet Union Vladimir Lenin[303]
 Soviet Union Leon Trotsky[304]
 Soviet Union Joseph Stalin[305]
 Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev[306]
 Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnev[307]
Spain Spain Ramón María Narváez[308]
Spain Spain Juan Prim[309]
Spain Spain Práxedes Mateo Sagasta[310]
Spain Spain Antonio Cánovas del Castillo[311]
Spain Spain Miguel Primo de Rivera[312]
 Spain Francisco Franco[313]
 Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapaksa[314]
 Sudan Gaafar Nimeiry[315]
 Sudan Omar al-Bashir[316]
 Sudan Hassan Al-Turabi[317]
 Suriname Dési Bouterse[318]
 Sweden Per Albin Hansson[319]
 Syria Salah Jadid[320]
 Syria Hafez al-Assad[321]
 Syria Bashar al-Assad[322]
 Tajikistan Emomali Rakhmon[323]
 Tanzania John Magufuli[324]
 Thailand Phin Choonhavan[325]
 Thailand Plaek Phibunsongkhram[326]
 Thailand Phao Sriyanond[327]
 Thailand Sarit Thanarat[328]
 Thailand Thanom Kittikachorn[329]
 Thailand Kriangsak Chamanan[330]
 Thailand Prem Tinsulanonda[331]
 Thailand Thaksin Shinawatra[332]
 Thailand Sonthi Boonyaratglin[333]
 Thailand Prayuth Chan-ocha[334]
 Togo Gnassingbé Eyadema[335]
 Turkey Mustafa Kemal Atatürk[336]
 Turkey İsmet İnönü[337]
 Turkey Cemal Gürsel[338]
 Turkey Kenan Evren[339]
 Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan[340]
 Turkmenistan Saparmyrat Nyýazow[341]
 Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow[342]
 Tunisia Habib Bourguiba[343]
 Tunisia Zine El Abidine Ben Ali[344]
 Uganda Idi Amin Dada[345]
 Uganda Milton Obote[346]
 Uganda Yoweri Museveni[347]
 Ukraine Leonid Kuchma[348]
 Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych[349]
 Uruguay Juan María Bordaberry[350]
 United Kingdom David Lloyd George[351]
 United Kingdom Winston Churchill[352]
 United Kingdom David Cameron[353]
 United States Andrew Jackson[354]
 United States James K. Polk[355]
 United States Abraham Lincoln[356]
 United States Theodore Roosevelt[357]
 United States Franklin D. Roosevelt[358]
 United States Lyndon B. Johnson[359]
 United States Richard Nixon[360]
 United States Dick Cheney[361]
 United States Donald Trump[174][362][363]
 Uzbekistan Islam Karimov[364]
 Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev[365]
 Venezuela José Antonio Páez[366]
 Venezuela Antonio Guzmán Blanco[366]
 Venezuela Juan Vincente Gomez[366]
 Venezuela Marcos Pérez Jiménez[366]
 Venezuela Hugo Chávez[367]
 Venezuela Nicolás Maduro[368]
 Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh[369]
 FR Yugoslavia Slobodan Milošević[370]
 SFR Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito[371]
 Zaire Mobutu Sese Seko[372]
 Zambia Kenneth Kaunda[373]
 Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe[374]

See also


  1. For example: Sinclair, Barbara (1992). "The Emergence of Strong Leadership in the 1980s House of Representatives". The Journal of Politics. 54 (3): 657–684. doi:10.2307/2132306. Retrieved 27 October 2013. An explanation for the emergence of strong leadership is offered and tested. I argue that, during the period under study, the costs and benefits to majority party members of strong leadership changed significantly.
  2. See for example:Rao, Mumtaz Hamid, ed. (May 2010). "David Cameron takes the reins in UK; Vows strong leadership". Pakistan Times. Islamabad. Pakistan Times UK Bureau. ISSN 1729-7915. Retrieved 27 October 2013. Prime Minister David Cameron has said the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition will be united to give Britain a strong and stable leadership for the long term. [...] 'And it will be an administration united behind one key purpose and that is to give our country the strong and stable and determined leadership that we need for the long term.' [...] New Prime Minister David Cameron unveiled more details of his historic coalition on Wednesday, vowing "strong" government after ending 13 years of Labour rule. [...] New Foreign Secretary William Hague insisted the coalition agreement [...] would stand the test of time. [...] 'It will be a strong government,' said Hague.
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  4. Iran: From Religious Dispute to Revolution
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