Stockholm Model United Nations

Stockholm Model United Nations (SMUN) is a project between Stockholm University and Stockholm School of Economics, with conferences held at either university. In 2004, Stockholm Model United Nations began with approximately 50 participants. Today, the conference hosts around 200 Model UN delegates chosen for the annual fall conference, often divided in three committees. The members of the Host Team are students at a number of Stockholm universities, and the delegates are Swedish students, exchange students as well as international students from all over the world. These students, who represent the very best in their respective fields of study, are selected through a competitive application process, to participate as delegates in a simulation of the negotiations taking place within the UN and other international organizations. SMUN is the largest Model UN conference in the Nordic Countries.

Simulating international institutions

The delegates are presented with real and pressing issues of current international concern, and they are challenged to present jointly constructed – and feasible – resolutions to these scenarios. Annually, more than 180 top university students from around the world are expected to participate in a three-day conference.

Supporting tomorrow’s leaders

The SMUN Conference fills a gap in the regular course curriculum by offering ambitious students a forum for practising their speaking skills and negotiations techniques, both important tools needed in today’s global world; for students embarking on international careers, whether it is in business, governments or international organisations, SMUN is a unique opportunity to practice the skills of leadership and cooperation.

Theory turned into practice

SMUN brings together university students for active discussion and engagement in issues of world politics. The conferences demand much of the students, in terms of knowledge and diplomatic skills; the pay-off, however, is one which benefits the participating delegates for the rest of their lives. SMUN sets the framework within which interest is turned into involvement, and theory is turned into practice.

The Patron of SMUN is the Ambassador Mr. Jan Eliasson, who has amongst other professions been the Chairman of the UN General Assembly 60th session, Swedish Foreign Minister, Secretary-General's Special Envoy to Darfur and Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Previous SMUN conferences, themes and committees as well as keynote speakers

2004 - Darfur - The Security Council

2005 - Iran's nuclear program - Two Security Councils - Director General of the Folke Bernadotte Academy, Ambassador Michael Sahlin

2006 - Horn of Africa - The Security Council, African Union - SMUN's Patron, Ambassador Jan Eliasson

2007 - Kosovo - The Security Council, Economic and Social Council, the European Union Political and Security Committee - Ambassador Hans Corell

2008 - Climate Change - The Security Council (Water Scarcity, Middle East), FAO (Food Security and Bio Fuels), OSCE (Energy Security) - Ambassador Hans Blix.

2009 - Afghanistan - The Security Council, The Economic and Social Council, and the Commission on Status of Women

2010 - Transnational Organized Crime - The Security Council, The Economic and Social Council, and The Human Rights Council. Keynote Speaker: Jan Mårtenson

2011 - Peace and Security in North Africa and the Middle East - The Security Council, The Human Rights Council, The Economic and Social Council

2012 - Creating opportunities in sub-Saharan Africa - The Security Council, The Economic and Social Council, The Historic Security Council

2013 - Human Rights, National Sovereignty and R2P

2014 -

Presidents and Vice Presidents of Stockholm Model United Nations

SMUN is a "non-profit organization whose business is operated with funds from foundations and through sponsorship.

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