
Not to be confused with Stilbo, one of the Oceanids.

Stilbe (Greek: Στίλβη) in Greek mythology was a nymph, daughter of the river god Peneus and the Naiad Creusa. She bore Apollo twin sons, Centaurus, ancestor of the Centaurs, and Lapithus, ancestor of the Lapiths.[1][2] In another version of the myth, Centaurus was instead the son of Ixion and Nephele.[3] Aineus, father of Cyzicus, was also said to have been a son of Apollo and Stilbe.[4] By Cychreus she became mother of the nymph Chariclo, wife of Chiron.

A different Stilbe was a daughter of Eosphoros and a possible mother of Autolycus by Hermes,[5] and of Callisto by Ceteus.[6]


  1. Diodorus Siculus, Library of History, 4. 69. 1
  2. Scholia on Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica, 1 40.
  3. Hyginus, Fabulae, 62
  4. Scholia on Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica, 1. 948
  5. Scholia on Homer, Iliad, 10. 266
  6. Scholia on Euripides, Orestes, 1646


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