Eustace of Luxeuil

"Saint Eustasius" is also the name of a bishop of Aosta.
Saint Eustace of Luxeuil
Died 629
Venerated in Roman Catholic Church
Feast March 29

Saint Eustace of Luxeuil (c. 560 – c. 629), also known as Eustasius, was the second abbot of Luxeuil from 611. He succeeded his teacher Saint Columbanus, to whom he had been a favourite disciple and monk. He had been the head of the monastic school.


Eustace was born in Burgundy and became a monk at Luxeuil. When Columbanus, the founder of Luxeuil, was banished from the Kingdom of Burgundy, on account of his reproving the morals of King Thierry II, the exiled abbot recommended his community to choose Eustace as his successor. Subsequently Columbanus settled at Bobbio in Italy.[1] After the death of Thierry, Clothaire II sent Eustace to Bobbio to ask Columbanus to return, but he declined.[2]

Under the administration of the abbot Eustace, the monastery acquired renown as a seat of learning and sanctity. Through the royal patronage, its benefices and lands were increased, King Clothaire II devoting a yearly sum, from his own revenues, towards its support. Eustace and his monks devoted themselves to preaching in remote districts, not yet evangelized, chiefly in the north-eastern extremities of Gaul. Their missionary work extended even to Bavaria. Between the monasteries of Luxeuil in France and that of Bobbio in Italy (both founded by St. Columbanus) connection and intercourse seem to have long been kept up.[1]

During his abbacy, the monastery contained about 600 monks and produced both bishops and saints, including Amatus and Romaric.[2] Eustace was noted for his humility, continual prayer, and fasting. He was succeeded as abbott by Saint Waldebert.

A tradition states that he cured Sadalberga of blindness; he had been visiting Bavaria and cured this future saint of her ailment after stopping by at her house.[3] He is said to have also procured a cure for St. Burgundofara.[2]

His feast day is March 29.


  • Stohlmann, Jürgen (2003). "Eustasius von Luxeuil". Lexikon der Heiligen und der Heiligenverehrung. 1. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder. ISBN 3-451-28191-0. 

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