Squat (exercise)

The parallel back squat

In strength training and fitness, the squat is a compound, full body exercise that trains primarily the muscles of the thighs, hips and buttocks, quadriceps femoris muscle (vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius and rectus femoris), hamstrings, as well as strengthening the bones, ligaments and insertion of the tendons throughout the lower body. Squats are considered a vital exercise for increasing the strength and size of the legs and buttocks, as well as developing core strength. Isometrically, the lower back, the upper back, the abdominals, the trunk muscles, the costal muscles, and the shoulders and arms are all essential to the exercise and thus are trained when squatting with the proper form.[1]

The squat is one of the three lifts in the strength sport of powerlifting, together with deadlifts and bench press. It is also considered a staple in many popular recreational exercise programs.

Muscles engaged

Primary muscles

Gluteus maximus (glutes), quadriceps (quads)[2]

Secondary muscles (synergists/stabilizers)


The movement begins from a standing position. Weights are often used, either in the hand(dumbbells or kettlebells) or as a bar braced across the trapezius muscle or rear deltoid muscle in the upper back.[3] The movement is initiated by moving the hips back and bending the knees and hips to lower the torso and accompanying weight, then returning to the upright position.

Squats can be performed to varying depths. The competition standard is for the crease of the hip (top surface of the leg at the hip joint) to fall below the top of the knee;[4] this is colloquially known as "parallel" depth.[5] Confusingly, many other definitions for "parallel" depth abound, none of which represents the standard in organized powerlifting. From shallowest to deepest, these other standards are: bottom of hamstring parallel to the ground;[6] the hip joint itself below the top of the knee, or femur parallel to the floor;[7] and the top of the upper thigh (i.e., top of the quadriceps) below the top of the knee.[8]

Squatting below parallel qualifies a squat as deep while squatting above it qualifies as shallow.[3] Some authorities caution against deep squats;[9] though the forces on the ACL and PCL decrease at high flexion, compressive forces on the menisci and articular cartilages in the knee peak at these same high angles.[10] This makes the relative safety of deep versus shallow squats difficult to determine.

As the body gradually descends, the hips and knees undergo flexion, the ankle extends ("dorsiflexes") and muscles around the joint contract eccentrically, reaching maximal contraction at the bottom of the movement while slowing and reversing descent. The muscles around the hips provide the power out of the bottom. If the knees slide forward or cave in then tension is taken from the hamstrings, hindering power on the ascent. Returning to vertical contracts the muscles concentrically, and the hips and knees undergo extension while the ankle plantarflexes.[3] In a weight bearing squat, the heels should always maintain contact with the floor throughout the movement. Weight shifting forward on to the toes, and off the heels creates unnecessary stress on the knee joint. This added stress may lead to inflammation or other overuse injuries.[11]

Two common errors include descending too rapidly and flexing the torso too far forward. Rapid descent risks being unable to complete the lift or causing injury. This occurs when the descent causes the squatting muscles to relax and tightness at the bottom is lost as a result. Over-flexing the torso greatly increases the forces exerted on the lower back, risking a spinal disc herniation.[3]

Another error where health of the knee joint is concerned is when the knee is not aligned with the direction of the toes. If the knee is not tracking over the toes during the movement this results in twisting/shearing of the joint and unwanted torque affecting the ligaments which can soon result in injury. The knee should always follow the toe. Have your toes slightly pointed out in order to track the knee properly.


Various types of equipment can be used to perform squats.

A power cage can be used to reduce risk of injury and eliminate the need for a spotting partner. By putting the bar on a track, the Smith machine reduces the role of hip movement in the squat and in this sense resembles a leg press.[12] The monolift rack allows an athlete to perform a squat without having to take a couple of steps back with weight on as opposed to conventional racks. Not many powerlifting federations allow monolift in competitions (WPO, GPC, IPO).

Other equipment used can include a weight lifting belt to support the torso and boards to wedge beneath the ankles to improve stability and allow a deeper squat (weightlifting shoes also have wooden wedges built into the sole to achieve the same effect). Wrist straps are another piece of recommended equipment; they support the wrist and help to keep it in a straightened position. They should be wrapped around the wrist, above and below the joint, thus limiting movement of the joint. Heel wedges and related equipment are discouraged by some as they are thought to worsen form over the long term.[13] The barbell can also be cushioned with a special padded sleeve.

World records

On 8 October 2011, Jonas Rantanen of Finland performed a squat with a weight of 575 kg (1268 lb) at the Bullfarm Powerlifting Championships in Helsinki, beating the previous record by Donnie Thompson (USA) of 573 kg (1265 lb).[14]

The single-ply squat record is held by Dustin Slepicka (USA) at 500 kg (1102 lb).[15]

The raw world record with knee wraps is 500 kg (1102 lb) performed by Vlad Alhazov on 22 July 2017. [16]

The raw world record without knee wraps belongs to Ray Williams who lifted 1053 lb (477.5 kg) on 4 March 2017, at the Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio .[17]

The women world record belongs to Olga Gemaletdinova who lifted 310.0 kg (684 lb) on 5 May 2011.[18]

The most squats with 130 kg in two minutes was Netherlands woman Maria Strik. She squat-lifted a weight of 130 kg, 29 times within two minutes.[19]

The most bodyweight squats performed in one hour is 4,708 by Paddy Doyle (UK) on November 2007.[20]

The most bodyweight sumo squats in one hour is 5,135, and was achieved by Dr. Thienna Ho (Vietnamese) on December 2007.[21]

Silvio Sabba from Italy has :


The squat has a number of variants, some of which can be combined:


Starting position of a front squat, using the "California" or cross-armed grip.
Zercher squat
The Hack squat as pictured page 70 of George Hackenschmidt's book "The Way to Live" (1908)



Hack squat with Smith machine


Bodyweight squat
Medicine ball pistol squat

Injury considerations

Although the squat has long been a basic element of weight training, it has in recent years been the subject of considerable controversy. Some trainers allege that squats are associated with injuries to the lumbar spine and knees.[31] Others, however, continue to advocate the squat as one of the best exercises for building muscle and strength. Some coaches maintain that incomplete squats (those terminating above parallel) are both less effective and more likely to cause injury[1] than a full squat (terminating with hips at or below knee level). A 2013 review concluded that deep squats performed with proper technique do not lead to increased rates of degenerative knee injuries and are an effective exercise. The same review also concluded that shallower squats may lead to degeneration in the lumbar spine and knees in the long-term.[32]

See also


  1. 1 2 Rippetoe, Mark (2007). Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, p.8. The Aasgaard Company. p. 320. ISBN 0-9768054-2-1.
  2. 1 2 "Bodyweight Squat". acefitness.org. American Council on Exercise. Retrieved 27 March 2011.
  3. 1 2 3 4 Brown, SP (2000). Introduction to exercise science. Lippincott Wims & Wilkins. pp. 280–1. ISBN 0-683-30280-9.
  4. Technical Rules Book 2013. International Powerlifting Federation. powerlifting-ipf.com
  5. Hanna, Wade (March 2002) Squat depth clarified. USA Powerlifting Online Newsletter. Usapowerlifting.com. Retrieved on 2013-08-05.
  6. Hi- and Low-bar Squatting. Home.comcast.net. Retrieved on 2013-08-05.
  7. 6 Things I Really Dislike. T Nation. Retrieved on 2013-08-05.
  8. A Closer Look at the Parallel Squat. Bigger Faster Stronger, March/April 2008, pp. 36–38.
  9. Kellis, E, Arambatsi, F, Papadopoulos, C. (2005). "Effects of load and ground reaction forces and lower limb kinematics during concentric squats". Journal of sports sciences. 23 (10): 1045–55. PMID 16194981. doi:10.1080/02640410400022094.
  10. Clarkson, HM, and Gilewich, GB (1999) Musculoskeletal Assessment: Joint Range Of Motion And Manual Muscle Strength. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, p. 374, ISBN 0683303848.
  11. "Squat". lift.net.
  12. Cornacchia, pp. 121, 125.
  13. McRobert, S (1999). The Insider's Tell-All Handbook on Weight-Lifting Technique. CS Publishing. ISBN 9963-616-03-8.
  14. Jonas Rantanen Breaks World Record Squat. SeriousPowerLifting. Retrieved 2013-03-15.
  15. "Powerlifting watch".
  16. "Powerlifting Watch".
  17. http://www.muscleandfitness.com/athletes-celebrities/news/ray-williams-squats-1053lb-arnold-classic
  18. Glenday, Craig (2013). 2013 Guinness World Records Limited. p. 104. ISBN 978-1-908843-15-9.
  19. "Most squats in one hour". Guinness World Records.
  20. "Most sumo squats in one hour". Guinness World Records.
  21. "Most squats in one minute (single leg)". Guinness World Records.
  22. "Most squats in one minute carrying a 60 lb pack". Guinness World Records.
  23. "Watch ‘World’s Fittest Man’ Paddy Doyle reclaim record for longest plank while carrying a 100-lb pack". Guinness World Records.
  24. "Most squats in one minute carrying an 80 lb pack". Guinness World Records.
  25. "Most pistol squats on a scaffold pole in one minute". Guinness World Records.
  26. "Most pistol squats on an american football ball in one minute". Guinness World Records.
  27. George Hackenschmidt, The Way To Live in Health and Physical Fitness, York, 1908, p.70
  28. Emmanuel, Legeard (2008). Les Fondamentaux. Paris. p. 142.
  29. Periodic Table of Bodyweight Exercises with Clickable Videos. Strength.stack52.com. Retrieved on 2015-04-24.
  30. Cornacchia, p. 120.
  31. Hartmann H, Wirth K, Klusemann M (2013). "Analysis of the load on the knee joint and vertebral column with changes in squatting depth and weight load". Sports Med. 43 (10): 993–1008. PMID 23821469. doi:10.1007/s40279-013-0073-6.


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