Bennett and Standish families

Bennett/Standish family
Passions family
Created by James E. Reilly
Duration 1999–2008
First appearance July 5, 1999
Last appearance August 7, 2008

The Bennett family is a middle class family of Irish descent[1] living in the fictional town of Harmony on NBC's daytime drama Passions. The Bennetts were on the ruthless Alistair Crane's bad side for years, but they earned Alistair's full wrath in the summer of 2005 when Alistair's granddaughter, Fancy, complained to her grandfather about Sam's son, Noah, incensing the Crane patriarch. As a result, Sam was fired from his position as chief of police, a move which divided the Cranes and Bennetts and threw the police force into turmoil. After Alistair fell into a coma in 2006, his wife, Theresa, reinstated Sam as police chief; once Fancy and Noah broke up, the brunt of the vendetta ended.

The Bennetts have married into many of the other families in Harmony, including the Cranes, the Lopez-Fitzgeralds, and the Standishes - Sam and Grace's three children, Noah, Kay, and Jessica, and Kay and Jessica's children, Maria and Samuel, are Standishes, and Kay and Jessica inherited the magical powers that runs in the Standish female line, though Jessica (as Kay says in the series finale) "chooses not to use it".

Family members

First generation

Second generation

Third generation

Extended family

Hidden Passions

In the book Hidden Passions, Sam and Hank's parents were Benjamin Bennett and Margaret Joyce Bennett. They had at least four sons, including Sam and Hank (at least two sons were between Sam and Hank). Information in the book has not been confirmed on-screen and is not considered to be official since the information seen on the show contradicts much of what was said in the book. The show has never confirmed the name of Sam and Hank's mother or the existence of the other brothers.

Supernatural Incidents

All the women of the Standish family by blood have supernatural powers; out of all the standish descendents Charity Standish is seemingly the most powerful Standish descendent prophercized to be born with extreme powers of goodness. Some standish women have the power to see visions of the past, the present or the future, well others have an affinity for witchcraft, but none of the Standish descendents powers are seemingly as potent as Charity's. It is unknown if any of the men of the Standish family by blood have any supernatural powers.

Tabitha Lenox cursed all Standish descendants to die by fire (that prophecy which came true when Faith Standish died in a fire and Grace Standish who died in a bus that exploded). Tabitha also prophesied that one of the Standish descendants will use their powers for evil. The prophecy came true in the form of Kay Bennett; whether she used her powers for good or evil, every spell she cast led to disaster. Since Tabitha embrace goodness at the end of the series; it is very likely that the cursed on the Standish descendants has been lifted.

Family tree

References and footnotes

  1. Passions. Season 9. Episode 87. 2008-03-03. DirecTV.
  2. Passions. Season 1. Episode 4. July 8, 1999 episode. 1999-07-08. NBC.
  3. On September 13, 1999, as Faith and Charity were trapped in the fire, Grace felt a deep pain as if a part of her just died, but Faith's body was never recovered.
  4. "Transcript of Tabitha and Prudence conversing about how she should use her powers.". Archived from the original on 2010-08-31. Retrieved 2008-01-22.
  5. "Passions 11/16/99". Archived from the original on September 23, 2005. Retrieved 2008-01-21.
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