Spherical cap

An example of a spherical cap in blue (and another in red.)

In geometry, a spherical cap, spherical dome, or spherical segment of one base is a portion of a sphere cut off by a plane. If the plane passes through the center of the sphere, so that the height of the cap is equal to the radius of the sphere, the spherical cap is called a hemisphere.

Volume and surface area

If the radius of the base of the cap is , and the height of the cap is , then the volume of the spherical cap is[1]

and the curved surface area of the spherical cap is[1]


The relationship between and is irrelevant as long as . The red section of the illustration is also a spherical cap.

The parameters , and are not independent:

Substituting this into the area formula gives:


Note also that in the upper hemisphere of the diagram, , and in the lower hemisphere ; hence in either hemisphere and so an alternative expression for the volume is


The volume may also be found by integrating under a surface of rotation and factorizing as follows.



Volumes of union and intersection of two intersecting spheres

The volume of the union of two intersecting spheres of radii and is [2]



is the sum of the volumes of the two isolated spheres, and

the sum of the volumes of the two spherical caps forming their intersection. If is the distance between the two sphere centers, elimination of the variables and leads to[3][4]


Surface area bounded by circles of latitude

The surface area bounded by two circles of latitude is the difference of surface areas of their respective spherical caps. For a sphere of radius , and latitudes and , the area is [5]

For example, assuming the Earth is a sphere of radius 6371 km, the surface area of the arctic (north of the Arctic Circle, at latitude 66.56° as of August 2016[6]) is 2π·6371²|sin 90° sin 66.56°| = 21.04 million km², or 0.5·|sin 90° sin 66.56°| = 4.125% of the total surface area of the Earth.


Sections of other solids

The spheroidal dome is obtained by sectioning off a portion of a spheroid so that the resulting dome is circularly symmetric (having an axis of rotation), and likewise the ellipsoidal dome is derived from the ellipsoid.

Hyperspherical cap

Generally, the -dimensional volume of a hyperspherical cap of height and radius in -dimensional Euclidean space is given by [7]

where (the gamma function) is given by .

The formula for can be expressed in terms of the volume of the unit n-ball and the hypergeometric function or the regularized incomplete beta function as


and the area formula can be expressed in terms of the area of the unit n-ball as


where .

Earlier in [8] (1986, USSR Academ. Press) the following formulas were derived: , where ,


For odd



It is shown in [9] that, if and , then where is the integral of the standard normal distribution.

A more quantitive way of writing this, is in [10] where the bound is given. For large caps (that is when as ), the bound simplifies to .

See also


  1. 1 2 Polyanin, Andrei D; Manzhirov, Alexander V. (2006), Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, CRC Press, p. 69, ISBN 9781584885023.
  2. Connolly, Michael L. (1985). "Computation of molecular volume". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 107: 1118–1124. doi:10.1021/ja00291a006.
  3. Pavani, R.; Ranghino, G. (1982). "A method to compute the volume of a molecule". Comput. Chem. 6: 133–135. doi:10.1016/0097-8485(82)80006-5.
  4. Bondi, A. (1964). "Van der Waals volumes and radii". J. Phys. Chem. 68: 441–451. doi:10.1021/j100785a001.
  5. Scott E. Donaldson, Stanley G. Siegel. "Successful Software Development". Retrieved 29 August 2016.
  6. "Obliquity of the Ecliptic (Eps Mean)". Neoprogrammics.com. Retrieved 2014-05-13.
  7. Li, S (2011). "Concise Formulas for the Area and Volume of a Hyperspherical Cap". Asian J. Math. Stat. 4 (1): 66–70. doi:10.3923/ajms.2011.66.70.
  8. Chudnov, Alexander M. (1986). "On minimax signal generation and reception algorithms (rus.)". Problems of Information Transmission. 22 (4): 49–54.
  9. Chudnov, Alexander M (1991). "Game-theoretical problems of synthesis of signal generation and reception algorithms (rus.)". Problems of Information Transmission. 27 (3): 57–65.
  10. Anja Becker, Léo Ducas, Nicolas Gama, and Thijs Laarhoven. 2016. New directions in nearest neighbor searching with applications to lattice sieving. In Proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms (SODA '16), Robert Kraughgamer (Ed.). Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 10-24.

Additional reading

Derivation and some additional formulas.

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