Speed limits in Belarus
Speed limits within towns:
- 60 km/h
- 50 km/h for towing vehicles
Speed limits outside towns:
Cars and lorries weighing less than 3500 kg:
- 90 km/h outside towns
- 110 km/h on motorways
Buses and motorcycles:
- 90 km/h
Buses with trailers, cars with trailers, lorries with trailers, lorries weighing more than 3500 kg:
- 70 km/h outside towns
- 90 km/h on motorways
Vehicles driving by person with less than 2 years experience and vehicles used during driving lessons:
- 70 km/h
Lorries used for passenger transportation:
- 60 km/h
Towing vehicles:
- 50 km/h
Rules of the road in Belarus (English version): http://pdd.by/pdd/en/p11/
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