Southern American English

Southern American English or Southern U.S. English is a collection of related American English dialects spoken throughout the Southern United States, though increasingly in more rural areas and primarily by white Americans.[1] Commonly in the United States, the dialects are together simply referred to as Southern.[2][3][4] Other, much more recent ethno-linguistic terms within American linguistics include Southern White Vernacular English and Rural White Southern English.[5][6]

A regional Southern American English consolidated and expanded throughout all the traditional Southern States since the last quarter of the nineteenth century until around World War II,[7][8] largely superseding the older Southern American English dialects. With this younger and more unified pronunciation system, Southern American English now comprises the largest American regional accent group by number of speakers.[9] As of 2006, its Southern accent is strongly reported throughout the U.S. states of Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Louisiana, as well as much of Texas, eastern and southern Oklahoma, southern Missouri, West Virginia, and metropolitan Jacksonville in Florida; the Southern accent's character is also documented to a weaker extent (often identified as a South Midland accent) throughout Oklahoma, Maryland, Kansas, the southern halves of Illinois and Indiana, the Miami Valley in Ohio, and in some speakers in Delaware, southern Pennsylvania, eastern New Mexico, and Greater St. Louis in eastern Missouri.[10]

Southern American English as a regional dialect can be divided into various sub-dialects, the most phonologically advanced (i.e., the most shifted) ones being southern varieties of Appalachian English and scattered varieties of Texan English. African American Vernacular English (AAVE) has many common points with Southern English dialects due to the strong historical ties of African Americans to the region.


The dialects collectively known as Southern American English stretch across the south-eastern and south-central United States, but exclude the southernmost areas of Florida and the extreme western and south-western parts of Texas as well as the Rio Grande Valley (Laredo to Brownsville). This linguistic region includes Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Arkansas, as well as most of Texas, Virginia, Kentucky, Oklahoma, West Virginia, and northern and central Florida. Southern American English dialects can also be found in extreme southern parts of Missouri, Maryland, Delaware, and Illinois.[11][12]

Southern dialects originated in large part from a mix of immigrants from the British Isles, who moved to the American South in the 17th and 18th centuries, and the creole or post-creole speech of African slaves. Upheavals such as the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl and World War II caused mass migrations of those and other settlers throughout the United States.

Modern phonology

The Southern United States underwent several major sound changes from the beginning to the middle of the twentieth century, during which a more unified, region-wide sound system developed, markedly different from the sound systems of the nineteenth-century Southern dialects.


The approximate extent of Southern American English, based upon the Atlas of North American English.[13][14]
A list of typical Southern vowels[15][16]
English diaphoneme Southern phoneme Example words
Pure vowels (Monophthongs)
/æ/ [æ~æjə] act, pal, trap
[eə~æjə] ham, land, yeah
/ɑː/ [ɑ] blah, bother, father,
lot, top, wasp
[ɔo~ɑɒ~ɑ] all, dog, bought,
loss, saw, taught
/ɛ/ [ɛ~ɛjə]
preceding a nasal consonant: [ɪ~ɪ(ʲ)ə]
dress, met, bread
/ə/ [ə] about, syrup, arena
/ɪ/ [ɪ~ɪjə] hit, skim, tip
/iː/ [ɪi] beam, chic, fleet
/ɨ/ [ɪ~ɪ̈~ə] island, gamut, wasted
/ʌ/ [ɜ] bus, flood, what
/ʊ/ [ʊ̈~ʏ] book, put, should
/uː/ [ʊu~ɵu~ʊ̈y] food, glue, new
/aɪ/ [äː~äɛ] ride, shine, try
([ɐi~äɪ~äɛ]) bright, dice, psych
/aʊ/ [æɒ~ɛjɔ] now, ouch, scout
/eɪ/ [ɛi] lake, paid, rein
/ɔɪ/ [oi] boy, choice, moist
/oʊ/ [ɜʊ~ɜʊ̈~ɜʏ]
preceding /l/ or a hiatus: [ɔu]
goat, oh, show
R-colored vowels
/ɑr/ rhotic Southern dialects: [ɒɚˠ~ɑɚˠ]
non-rhotic Southern dialects: [ɒː~ɑː]
barn, car, park
/ɛər/ rhotic: [e̞ɚˠ~ɛ(ʲ)ɚˠ]
non-rhotic: [ɛ(ʲ)ə]
bare, bear, there
/ɜr/ [ɚˠ~ɐɚˠ] (older: [ɜ~ə]) burn, first, herd
/ər/ rhotic:[ɚˠ]
better, martyr, doctor
/ɪər/ rhotic: [iɚˠ]
non-rhotic: [iə]
fear, peer, tier
/ɔr/ rhotic: [o(u)ɚˠ]
non-rhotic: [o(u)ə]
hoarse, horse, poor
score, tour, war
/jʊər/ rhotic: [juɚˠ~jɚˠ]
non-rhotic: [juə]
cure, Europe, pure

The South proper as a present-day dialect region generally includes all of these pronunciation features below, which are popularly recognized in the United States as a "Southern accent". However, there is still actually wide variation in Southern speech regarding potential differences based on factors like a speaker's exact sub-region, age, ethnicity, etc. The following phonological phenomena focus on the developing sound system of the more recent Southern dialects of the United States that altogether largely (though certainly not entirely) superseded the older Southern regional patterns:

The merger of pin and pen in Southern American English. In the purple areas, the merger is complete for most speakers. Note the exclusion of the New Orleans area, Southern Florida, and of the Lowcountry of South Carolina and Georgia. The purple area in California consists of the Bakersfield and Kern County area, where migrants from the south-central states settled during the Dust Bowl. There is also debate whether or not Austin, Texas is an exclusion. Based on Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:68).

Inland South and Texas South

ANAE identifies the "Inland South" as a large linguistic area of the South located mostly in southern Appalachia (specifically naming the cities of Greenville SC, Asheville NC, Knoxville and Chattanooga TN, and Birmingham and Linden AL), inland from both the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts, and the originating region of the Southern Vowel Shift. The Inland South, along with the "Texas South" (an urban core of central Texas: Dallas, Lubbock, Odessa, and San Antonio)[10] are considered the two major locations in which the Southern regional sound system is the most evolved, and therefore the core areas of the current-day South as a dialect region.[34]

The accents of Texas are actually diverse, for example with important Spanish influences on its vocabulary;[35] however, much of the state is still an unambiguous region of modern rhotic Southern speech, strongest in the cities of Dallas, Lubbock, Odessa, and San Antonio,[10] which all firmly demonstrate the first stage of the Southern Shift, if not also further stages of the shift.[36] Texan cities that are noticeably "non-Southern" dialectally are Abilene and Austin; only marginally Southern are Houston, El Paso, and Corpus Christi.[37] In western and northern Texas, the cot–caught merger is very close to completed.[38]

Atlanta, Charleston, and Savannah

The Atlas of North American English identified Atlanta, Georgia as a dialectal "island of non-Southern speech",[39] Charleston, South Carolina likewise as "not markedly Southern in character", and the traditional local accent of Savannah, Georgia as "giving way to regional [Midland] patterns",[40] despite these being three prominent Southern cities. The dialect features of Atlanta are best described today as sporadic from speaker to speaker, with such variation increased due to a huge movement of non-Southerners into the area during the 1990s.[41] Modern-day Charleston speakers have leveled in the direction of a more generalized Midland accent, away from the city's now-defunct but traditional Lowcountry accent, whose features were "diametrically opposed to the Southern Shift... and differ in many other respects from the main body of Southern dialects".[42] The Savannah accent is also becoming more Midland-like. The following vowel sounds of Atlanta, Charleston, and Savannah have been unaffected by typical Southern phenomena like the Southern drawl and Southern Vowel Shift:[41]

However, the modern accents of Atlanta, Charleston, and Savannah can be regarded roughly as varieties of Midland English;[41][43] some speakers from all three cities (though most consistently Charleston and least consistently in Savannah) demonstrate the Southeastern fronting of //. The status of the pin–pen merger is highly variable in all three cities.[43] Non-rhoticity (r-dropping) is now rare in these cities, yet still documented in some speakers.[44]

Southern Louisiana

Southern Louisiana, as well as some of southeast Texas (Houston to Beaumont), and coastal Mississippi, feature a number of dialects influenced by other languages beyond English. Most of southern Louisiana constitutes Acadiana, dominated for hundreds of years by monolingual speakers of Cajun French,[45] which combines elements of Acadian French with other French and Spanish words. This French dialect is spoken by many of the older members of the Cajun ethnic group and is said to be dying out. A related language called Louisiana Creole also exists.


Since the early 1900s, Cajuns of southern Louisiana, though historically monolingual French speakers, began to develop their own vernacular dialect of English, which retains some influences and words from Acadian/Cajun French, such as "cher" (dear) or "nonc" (uncle). This dialect fell out of fashion after World War II, but experienced a renewal in primarily male speakers born since the 1970s, who have been the most appealed by, and the biggest appealers for, a successful Cajun cultural renaissance.[45] Speakers of Cajun Vernacular English demonstrate these major features, among many others:[46]

New Orleans (Yat)

One historical English dialect spoken only by those raised in the Greater New Orleans area is non-rhotic and noticeably shares more pronunciation commonalities (due to very strong historical ties) with the New York accent than with other Southern accents. Since at least the 1980s, this local New Orleans dialect has popularly been called "Yat", from the common local greeting "Where you at?". The New York City English features shared with this dialect include:[41]

Yat also lacks the typical vowel changes of the Southern Shift and the pin–pen merger that are commonly heard elsewhere throughout the South. Yat is associated with the working and lower middle classes, though a spectrum with fewer notable Yat features is often heard the higher one's socioeconomic status; such New Orleans affluence is associated with the New Orleans Uptown and the Garden District, and its speech patterns are sometimes considered a separate variety altogether from the Yat dialect.[47]

Additionally, many unique terms such as "neutral ground"[48] for the median of a divided street (Louisiana/Southern Mississippi) or "banquette"[49] for a sidewalk (southern Louisiana/eastern Texas) are found in New Orleans and elsewhere in coastal Louisiana.

Older phonology

Prior to becoming a phonologically unified dialect region, the South was once home to an array of much more diverse accents at the local level. Features of the deeper interior South largely became the basis for the newer Southern regional dialect; thus, older Southern American English primarily refers to the English spoken in the coastal and former plantation areas of the South, best documented before the Civil War, on the decline during the early 1900s, and basically non-existent in speakers born since the Civil Rights Movement.[50]

Very little unified these older Southern dialects, since they never formed a single homogeneous dialect region to begin with. Some older Southern accents were rhotic (most strongly in Appalachia and west of the Mississippi), while the majority were non-rhotic (most strongly in plantation areas); however, wide variation existed. Some older Southern accents showed (or approximated) Stage 1 of the Southern Vowel Shiftnamely, the glide weakening of //however, it is virtually unreported before the very late 1800s.[51] In general, the older Southern dialects clearly lacked the Mary–marry–merry, cot–caught, horse–hoarse, wine–whine, full–fool, fill–feel, and do–dew mergers, all of which are now common to, or encroaching on, all varieties of present-day Southern American English. Older Southern sound systems included those local to:[5]

Grammar and vocabulary

Newer features

Frequency of either "Y'all" or "You all" to address multiple people, according to an Internet survey of American dialect variation.[52]
Frequency of just "Y'all" to address multiple people, according to an Internet survey of American dialect variation.[52]

Shared newer and older features

These grammatical features are characteristic of both older Southern American English and newer Southern American English.

Relationship to African American English

Discussion of "Southern dialect" in the United States popularly refers to those English varieties spoken by white Southerners;[6] however, as a geographic term, it may also encompass the dialects developed among other social or ethnic groups in the South, most prominently including African Americans. Today, African American Vernacular English (AAVE) is a fairly unified variety of English spoken by working- and middle-class African Americans throughout the United States. AAVE exhibits an evident relationship with both older and newer Southern dialects, though the exact nature of this relationship is poorly understood.[56] It is clear that AAVE was influenced by older speech patterns of the Southern United States, where Africans and African Americans were held as slaves until the American Civil War. These slaves originally spoke a diversity of indigenous African languages but picked up English to communicate with one another, their white masters, and the white servants and laborers they often closely worked alongside. Many features of AAVE suggest that it largely developed from nonstandard dialects of colonial English (with some features of AAVE absent from other modern American dialects, yet still existing in certain modern British dialects). However, there is also evidence of the influence of West African languages on AAVE vocabulary and grammar.

It is uncertain to what extent early white Southern English borrowed elements from early African American English versus the other way around. Like many white accents of English once spoken in Southern plantation areasnamely, the Lowcountry, Virginia Piedmont and Tidewater, lower Mississippi Valley, and western Black Beltthe modern-day AAVE accent is mostly non-rhotic (or "r-dropping" ). The presence of non-rhoticity in both black English and older white Southern English is not merely coincidence, though, again, which dialect influenced which is unknown. It is better documented, however, that white Southerners borrowed some morphological processes from black Southerners.

Many grammatical features were used alike by older speakers of white Southern English and African American English more so than by contemporary speakers of the same two varieties. Even so, contemporary speakers of both continue to share these unique grammatical features: "existential it", the word y'all, double negatives, was to mean were, deletion of had and have, them to mean those, the term fixin' to, stressing the first syllable of words like hotel or guitar, and many others.[57] Both dialects also continue to share these same pronunciation features: /ɪ/ tensing, /ʌ/ raising, upgliding /ɔː/, the pin–pen merger, and the most defining sound of the current Southern accent (though rarely documented in older Southern accents): the glide weakening of //. However, while this glide weakening has triggered among white Southerners a complicated "Southern Vowel Shift", black speakers in the South and elsewhere on the other hand are "not participating or barely participating" in much of this shift.[58] AAVE speakers also do not front the vowel starting positions of // and //, thus aligning these characteristics more with the speech of nineteenth-century white Southerners than twentieth-century white Southerners.[59]

One strong possibility for the divergence of black American English and white Southern American English (i.e., the disappearance of older Southern American English) is that the civil rights struggles caused these two racial groups "to stigmatize linguistic variables associated with the other group".[60] This may explain some of the differences outlined above, including why all traditionally non-rhotic white Southern accents have shifted to now becoming intensely rhotic.

See also



    1. Thomas (2006:4, 11)
    2. Stephen J. Nagle & Sara L. Sanders (2003). English in the Southern United States. Cambridge University Press. p. 35. ISBN 9781139436786[This page differentiates between "Traditional Southern" and "New Southern"]
    3. "Southern"., based on Random House, Inc. 2014[See definition 7.]
    4. "Southern". Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, Inc. 2014[See under the "noun" heading.]
    5. 1 2 Thomas, Erik R. (2007) "Phonological and phonetic characteristics of African American Vernacular English," Language and Linguistics Compass, 1, 450–75. p. 453
    6. 1 2 (Thomas (2006)
    7. A Handbook of Varieties of English: Volume 1, p. 329
    8. Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:241)
    9. "Do You Speak American: What Lies Ahead". PBS. Retrieved 2007-08-15.
    10. 1 2 3 Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:126, 131)
    11. Map from the Telsur Project. Retrieved 2009-08-03.
    12. Map from Craig M. Carver (1987), American Regional Dialects: A Word Geography, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Retrieved 2009-08-03
    13. "ASA 147th Meeting Lay Language Papers - The Nationwide Speech Project". 2004-05-27. Retrieved 2012-11-08.
    15. Thomas (2006:1–2)
    16. Heggarty, Paul et al, eds. (2013). "Accents of English from Around the World". University of Edinburgh.
    17. A Handbook of Varieties of English: Volume 1, p. 332.
    18. Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:244)
    19. Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:245)
    20. A Handbook of Varieties of English: Volume 1, p. 301, 311-312
    21. 1 2 Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:248)
    22. 1 2 Thomas (2006:5)
    23. Stephen J. Nagle & Sara L. Sanders (2003). English in the Southern United States. Cambridge University Press. p. 151. ISBN 9781139436786.
    24. Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:137)
    25. Thomas (2006:16)
    26. Thomas (2006:15)
    27. Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:69–73)
    28. Thomas (2006:10)
    29. Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:254)
    30. Thomas (2006:7)
    31. Wolfram (2004:55)
    32. A Handbook of Varieties of English: Volume 1, p. 331.
    33. Wells, John C. (1988). Accents of English 1: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press. p. 164.
    34. Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:148, 150)
    35. American Varieties: Texan English. Public Broadcasting Service. MacNeil/Lehrer Productions. 2005.
    36. Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:69)
    37. Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:131)
    38. Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:254)
    39. Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:181)
    40. Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:304)
    41. 1 2 3 4 Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:260–1)
    42. 1 2 Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:259–260)
    43. 1 2 Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:68)
    44. Labov, Ash & Boberg (2006:48)
    45. 1 2 Dubois, Sylvia and Barbara Horvath (2004). "Cajun Vernacular English: phonology." In Bernd Kortmann and Edgar W. Schneider (Ed). A Handbook of Varieties of English: A Multimedia Reference Tool. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. p. 412-4.
    46. 1 2 3 4 Dubois, Sylvia and Barbara Horvath (2004). "Cajun Vernacular English: phonology." In Bernd Kortmann and Edgar W. Schneider (Ed). A Handbook of Varieties of English: A Multimedia Reference Tool. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. p. 409-10.
    47. Alvarez, Louis (director) (1985). Yeah You Rite! (Short documentary film). USA: Center for New American Media.
    48. "neutral ground". The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000. Retrieved 2008-09-08.
    49. "banquette". The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000. Retrieved 2008-09-15.
    50. Thomas (2006:4)
    51. Thomas (2006:6)
    52. 1 2
    53. Harvard Dialect Survey - word use: a group of two or more people.
    54. Hazen, Kirk and Fluharty, Ellen. "Linguistic Diversity in the South: Changing Codes, Practices and Ideology". Page 59. Georgia University Press; 1st Edition: 2004. ISBN 0-8203-2586-4
    55. Regional Note from The Free Dictionary
    56. Thomas (2006:19)
    57. Lanehart, Sonja L. (editor) (2001). Sociocultural and Historical Contexts of African American English. John Benjamins Publishing. pp. 113-114.
    58. Thomas (2006:19-20)
    59. Thomas (2006:4)
    60. Thomas (2006:4)


    African-American English

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