
Pluchea carolinensis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Subfamily: Asteroideae
Tribe: Inuleae[1]
Genus: Pluchea
Type species
Conyza marilandica

Pluchea is a genus of flowering plants in the stinkwort tribe within the sunflower family.

Members of this genus might be known as camphorweeds, plucheas, or less uniquely fleabanes. Some, such as P. carolinensis and P. odorata, are called sourbushes. There are plants of many forms, from annual and perennial herbs to shrubs and trees, and there is variation in the morphology of leaves, flowers, and fruits.[3][4][5][6][7]

The genus was named for the French naturalist Abbé Noël-Antoine Pluche.[5]

  1. Pluchea arabica (Boiss.) Qaiser & Lack - Yemen, Oman
  2. Pluchea arguta Boiss. - India, Iran
  3. Pluchea baccharis (Mill.) Pruski rosy camphorweed - southeastern United States, Bahamas, Cuba, Yucatán Peninsula, Central America
  4. Pluchea baccharoides (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth. - Australia
  5. Pluchea bequaertii Robyns -central Africa
  6. Pluchea biformis DC.
  7. Pluchea bojeri (DC.) Humbert - Madagascar
  8. Pluchea camphorata (L.) DC. camphor pluchea - eastern + central United States, Mexico
  9. Pluchea carolinensis (Jacq.) G.Don cure-for-all - Latin America, West Indies, Florida
  10. Pluchea chingoyo (Kunth) DC. - Peru, Chile
  11. Pluchea dentex R.Br. ex Benth. - Australia[7]
  12. Pluchea dioscoridis (L.) DC. - Egypt, Middle East
  13. Pluchea dodonaeifolia (Hook. & Arn.) H.Rob. & Cuatrec. - Bolivia
  14. Pluchea domingensis Klatt - Hispaniola
  15. Pluchea dunlopii Hunger - Australia[7]
  16. Pluchea eupatorioides Kurz[6] - China, Indochina
  17. Pluchea ferdinandi-muelleri Domin - Australia[7]
  18. Pluchea fiebrigii H.Rob. & Cuatrec. - Bolivia
  19. Pluchea foetida (L.) DC. stinking camphorweed - southeastern United States, Yucatán Peninsula
  20. Pluchea glutinosa Balf.f. (extinct)
  21. Pluchea grevei (Baill.) Humbert - Madagascar
  22. Pluchea heterophylla Vatke - tropical Africa
  23. Pluchea hirsuta (L.) Less. - India
  24. Pluchea indica (L.) Less. Indian camphorweed, Indian fleabane - India, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, Australia
  25. Pluchea kelleri (Thell.) Thulin - Somalia
  26. Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern - India, Afghanistan, parts of western Africa
  27. Pluchea lanuginosa C.B.Clarke - India
  28. Pluchea laxiflora Hook. & Arn. ex Baker
  29. Pluchea linearifolia C.B.Clarke - eastern India
  30. Pluchea littoralis Thulin
  31. Pluchea lucens Thulin
  32. Pluchea lycioides (Hiern) Merxm. - South Africa
  33. Pluchea mexicana (R.K.Godfrey) G.L.Nesom - San Luis Potosí
  34. Pluchea microcephala R.K.Godfrey - Bolivia, Peru, Argentina
  35. Pluchea nogalensis Chiov. - Somalia
  36. Pluchea oblongifolia DC. - Brazil
  37. Pluchea odorata (L.) Cass. sweetscent, saltmarsh fleabane - from Ontario to Bolivia
  38. Pluchea ovalis (Pers.) DC. - Arabian Peninsula, Morocco
  39. Pluchea parvifolia (A.Gray) R.K.Godfrey - Baja California
  40. Pluchea polygonata (DC.) Gagnep. - India, Indochina
  41. Pluchea pteropoda Hemsl. ex Hemsl - China, Indochina[6]
  42. Pluchea rosea R.K.Godfrey - Mexico, Honduras, south-central + southeastern United States
  43. Pluchea rubelliflora (F.Muell.) B.L.Rob.[7] - Australia
  44. Pluchea rufescens (DC.) A.J.Scott - Mauritius
  45. Pluchea sagittalis Less. wingstem camphorweed - South America, West Indies
  46. Pluchea salicifolia (Mill.) S.F.Blake - Mexico, Guatemala
  47. Pluchea sarcophylla Chiov. - Somalia
  48. Pluchea scabrida DC. - Philippines
  49. Pluchea sericea (Nutt.) Coville arrowweed - southwestern United States, northwestern Mexico
  50. Pluchea somaliensis (Thell.) Thulin - Somalia
  51. Pluchea sordida (Vatke) Oliv. & Hiern - tropical Africa
  52. Pluchea succulenta Mesfin - Somalia
  53. Pluchea tertanthera F.Muell.[7] - Australia
  54. Pluchea tomentosa DC. - India
  55. Pluchea wallichiana DC. - India
  56. Pluchea yucatanensis G.L.Nesom Yucatán camphorweed - Yucatán Peninsula incl Belize
Formerly included[1]


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