Sorter (logistics)

Mail sorter conveyor

In logistics, a sorter (sorting system, sortation system) is a system which performs sortation of products (goods, luggage, mail, etc.) according to their destinations. [1]

A common type of sorter is a conveyor-based system. While they may be based on other conveyor systems, usually sorters are unique types of conveyors.[1]

Common elements of sorters

A feeder system whose sole purpose to feed the products into the sorter in proper orientation and with proper spacing, so that the sorter could operate correctly.[1]

Another common element are receptacles which receive the products as they leave the sorter towards a proper destination. Receptacles may be as simple as chutes, or gravity conveyors, or powered conveyors.[1]

Sorter types

There is a number of typical sorter designs.[1]


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Patrick M McGuire, Conveyors: Application, Selection, and Integration, 6.3. Sorters
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