Social knowledge management

Social media are not only transforming private communication & interaction, they also will transform how people work. With social media knowledge work in organizations can be optimized extremely: like a better distribution/sharing and access to knowledge. This will be more and more important, as in today's business world, speed and complexity increase dramatically, while work environments change constantly . Social knowledge management is one of the application areas of social media in a business context next to others like sentiment analysis, social learning or social collaboration.


Social knowledge management can be defined as applying social media in the knowledge management context to identify, share, document, transfer, develop, use or evaluate knowledge. Another Definition of social Knowledge Management is the management of social knowledge - where the aim is then more economic development - not only individual competitive advantage by companies (based on authors like Lazlo & Lazlo).

Benefits of social Knowledge Management

Benefits are higher user-productivity & performance, when e.g. users can solve problems better & faster. Through crowdsourcing of user generated content organizations can better leverage the collective and hidden knowledge of the organizations stakeholders - and increase organizational learning. On the other hand the Millennials/ Generation Y uses social media as their natural communication & working tools the tools - so to attract & retain talented young employees it is also important to use social media. In regards to knowledge management, social media put the focus on the individual, empowering the user e.g. to search, create & share user generated content easily and thus creates a new momentum for Knowledge Management.

Application scenarios of social Knowledge Management

Social Knowledge Management can be applied in many organizational processes, like in customer service, employee-supplier collaboration, or in people development & education.

Examples of Social KM solutions

Further reading

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