Snaefell Mine

Snaefell Mine

The Great Snaefell Mine 1900.
Great Snaefell Mine
Location in Isle of Man
Location Snaefell, Isle of Man
Country Isle of Man, British Isles
Coordinates 54°15′46.8″N 004°27′43.2″W / 54.263000°N 4.462000°W / 54.263000; -4.462000Coordinates: 54°15′46.8″N 004°27′43.2″W / 54.263000°N 4.462000°W / 54.263000; -4.462000
Products Zinc
Opened 1856
Closed 1908
Company The Great Snaefell Mining Company Limited
Website Manx mines - Snaefell Mine

The Great Snaefell Mine, also referred to as the East Snaefell Mine, was a zinc mine located high in the Laxey Valley on the slopes of Snaefell Mountain, in the parish of Lonan, Isle of Man. The mine reached a depth of 1,188 ft (362.1 m) and is remembered as the scene of the Isle of Man's worst mining disaster in 1897.[1]


Mining for metals on the Isle of Man probably began as early as the Bronze Age. Early sites have been identified at Langness and at Bradda Head, where copper could be seen outcropping in the cliffs.

A view of the Mine Captain's House at the Great Snaefell Mine

Snaefell Mine was situated at the eastern foot of Snaefell, the mineral vein being originally discovered in the bed of a stream. The mining sett comprised an area of 567 acres and was originally a portion of the Great Laxey Mining Company's property.[2] The sett was surrounded by that of the Great Laxey Mining Company and ran parallel with the Great Laxey lodes.[2] At the pit head there was a washing floor, fitted with washing and dressing appliances, together with a 50 feet (15 m) diameter waterwheel. The buildings on the mine comprised the Mine Captain's house, two cottages, an agent's office, a smithy and a carpenter's workshop. A lead store was also erected.

The mine was worked by a main shaft, which followed the dip of the vein. The shaft was rectangular, divided into three compartments, the middle one being the ladderway, and those on either side being used respectively for winding ore and for the pump and the compressed air pipes. The ore would be wound up in a rough wooden kibble.

In the shaft the ventilation was natural, being due to the higher temperature underground than above ground. The general tendency of the air-current was down the shaft to the bottom of the mine, and up through the various winzes (intermediate shafts) to the adit level. The open end of this had been connected to a sloping wooden chimney on the hillside, by which means the draught was increased.

The shaft was originally sunk to a depth of 15 fathoms[2] subsequently being extended to over 100 fathoms 600 feet (180 m) with levels extended respectively at 25, 40, 50, 60 and 7 fathoms north, and at 60 fathoms south.[2] The 40 fathom 240 feet (73 m) level was driven to 96 fathoms 576 feet (176 m), passing through a long run of ore which was followed by a rich find of lead ore in the mine during further working in 1871.[2] In addition an adit level was driven north at a distance of 160 fathoms 960 feet (290 m) for the purpose of intersecting a very large east-west lode, with another adit driven south to 70 fathoms. Following new working being opened at the 75 fathom 450 feet (140 m) level in 1873, a substantial discovery of rich silver ore was made.[3]

Extraction of the ore had begun in 1856, the mine being originally worked by the Great Laxey Mining Company until 1864.[2] The Snaefell Mining Company was then formed to work the mine, however by the late 1860s the Snaefell Mining Company had run into financial difficulties and went into liquidation in 1870. Following the failure of the Snaefell Mining Company, the entirety of the mine was bought for the sum of £4,000 by James Spittall, Alfred Adams, Thomas Wilson and Henry Noble, directors of the Great Laxey Mining Company, who then formed the Great Snaefell Mining Company in 1871.[2] The company comprised capital of £25,000 in the form of 25,000 £1 shares.[2] Approximately 50 percent of the shareholding was taken up by shareholders of the former operator with the remaining shares taken up by directors of the Laxey Mines, such as Spittall and Henry Noble.[2] The chief engineer of the mine (referred to as the Captain of the Mine) at this time was Henry James.[4]

The cost of extracting ore from the mine continued to plague operations, and in 1883 following continued financial difficulties the Great Snaefell Mining Company also went into liquidation.[5]

A view across the washing floors of the Great Snaefell Mine

The operation of the mine was then taken one by the newly formed Snaefell Mining Company, which had been registered on December 24, 1883. The principal shareholders were essentially those of the previous company, who'd taken advantage of a clause in the company's articles which empowered the directors to sell their shares, to then have them re-sold to a third party, and then transferred to the original shareholders.[6] A meeting of the shareholders was subsequently held; and the plan arranged was submitted to and adopted by the meeting. The difficulties of this arrangement were eventually overcome, and additional shares to the extent of 6,000 were issued.[7]

1897 Disaster

By 1897 the Snaefell mine had become increasingly difficult to work as a consequence of insufficient ventilation (the lowest depth of the mine shaft by this time being at 171 fathoms (1,026 ft (312.7 m)).[1] This ongoing problem had become increasingly acute as the various levels were driven further from the main shaft. During the preceding two years it had become necessary to close the mine during the hottest part of the summer, usually during the months of July and August.

During early May 1897, dynamite had been used to enable the extension of the workings in the lowest part in order for the working levels to be extended[1] and an inspection of the mine had been undertaken by the Government Inspector, along with the Mine Captain on Friday 7 May, the purpose of which was to ensure there was sufficient ventilation, with their findings being satisfactory.[8]

Miners had finished their shift on Saturday 8 May, and the mine was closed the following day, Sunday 9 May.[1] Due to inadequate safety measures a stray candle had been allowed to continue burning which in turn set fire to a nearby pit prop consequently starting a fire in the shaft. The fire would have continued burning so long as oxygen was present, the process forming carbon monoxide which filled the lower parts of the shaft.[1]

On Monday 10 May at 06:00hrs, 40 miners reported for the early shift,[1] 34 of whom were required for the shift, and began descending into the mine using the ladders which were lashed against the side of the shaft.[1] As the miners descended into the lower parts of the shaft they encountered the poisonous fumes which resulted in immediate breathing difficulties.[1] At once the miners began to vacate the shaft, those at the top were able to make their way out without too much difficulty, however others arrived at the surface in a state of near collapse and it soon became apparent that a large number of the miners who'd made the descent were unable to return. A rescue party was quickly assembled, however they were beaten back by the noxious air.[1]

Messengers were despatched for help; and around 40 miners from the Great Laxey Mine arrived together with a doctor[1] but it proved to be several hours before it was deemed safe to even enter the mine.[1] In time it was judged safe to re-enter and the first body of one of the miners, James Kneale,[1] was discovered draped on the ladder.[1] By piercing the compressed air pipe it was possible to revive him sufficiently in order to be supported up the shaft.[1] Two other miners were then rescued alive, however the second being in a critical condition.[1] Diving dresses arrived from Douglas[1] but were found to be of no service, however the pumps and hoses proved to be of significant help enabling the rescuers to take a supply of clean air with them into the shaft.[1] Led by Captain Kewley[1] the rescuers went deeper into the shaft, where several dead bodies were found, however no effort was made to remove them as long as there was a chance of finding anyone alive.[1] By 22:00hrs 3 dead bodies had been sent to the surface, leaving 16 miners unaccounted for. The rescue was suspended at 23:00hrs.[1]

The search resumed the following morning, Tuesday.[8] A box had been sent up from the Laxey Mines, better suited to hauling bodies out of the shaft.[8] Of the 34 men who'd been engaged on the early shift the previous day, 15 had been accounted for alive, the bodies of 3 deceased miners had been brought to the surface, thus leaving 16 men in the mine.[8] A telegram had been sent to the Foxdale Mines and miners had arrived from there to assist, along with the Foxdale Mines Captain, William Kitto. By 11:00hrs the rescuers had reached the 100 fathom level and 8 bodies had been recovered from the mine.[8]

At the 115 fathom level the air was still deemed too poisonous for the rescuers,[8] this being indicated by the immediate extinguishing of candles which had been lowered further into the shaft. The Mine Inspector tried to obtain a sample of air for testing, however he was almost immediately overcome by the air and was quickly hauled back up the shaft.[8] The body of a miner was observed at the 130 fathom level, however the rescuers were unable to reach it because of the air[8] and the search was again suspended.[9]

On Wednesday, what had become by then a recovery mission recommenced, consisting of Foxdale miners with a Snaefell miner working as pilot.[9] At this time 6 men were still unaccounted for, 10 having been recovered the previous day and 3 on Monday evening. In order to clear the shaft as much as possible before the recovery party descended, every available means of pumping air into the shaft was utilised. During the course of the morning, the bodies of John Fayle, John Oliver, John James Oliver, John Kewin and Walter Christian were recovered, leaving only the body of Robert Kelly in the mine.[9] The air in the shaft was still proving to be restrictive to the rescue. Whilst trying to take an air sample at the 100 fathom level, Captain Kewley was overcome and had to be hauled back to the surface. One of the Foxdale miners was also overcome, the air still proving prohibitive to allow the recovery of the body of Robert Kelly situated at the 130 fathom level.[9]

Sir Clement Le Neve Foster arrives

On Thursday morning Sir Clement Le Neve Foster, Chief Inspector of Mines, arrived at Snaefell and began tests to determine the extent of poisonous gas which remained in the mine. This consisted of lowering a number of lighted candles to the 130 fathom level in a kibble.[9] After 10 minutes when the kibble was pulled back to the surface all the candles were found to be extinguished.[9] A mouse was then lowered to the level in a cage and again left for 10 minutes, it being found to be dead when the cage was returned. Candles were in turn sent down to the 115 fathom level which stayed lit indicating an improvement in the air at that level. Despite the risks 13 miners descended the shaft in a further attempt to recover Kelly's body, but after several hours they returned to the surface still unable to make a recovery. The dead mouse, together with several sample bottles taken from below the 115 fathom level were sent to London for an examination.[9] The examination was carried out by the eminent physiologist John Scott Haldane, one of the foremost authorities on the causes of mining deaths due to gasses.

In his report Haldane stated:

"Sir, I beg to report as follows on the articles transmitted to me for examination in connection with the Snaefell disaster.

The articles which had been forwarded to the Home Office by Dr Le Neve Foster, H.M. Inspector of Mines, consisted of two dead mice and two samples of air contained in bottles. The bottles were closed by corks, which had been sealed and were found to be perfectly air-tight.

The first mouse examined was labelled as follows :-Snaefell Mine, No. 1, 13th May. Mouse lowered into the mine in a kibble as far as 130 fathom level, came tip alive, but legs paralysed; killed on reaching the surface.

The blood on dilution with water was found to have the pink tint characteristic of carbon monoxide poisoning. Judging roughly by the tint, I estimated that the hemoglobin was about 80 per cent, saturated with carbon monoxide. An exact determination could not be made, as the light was failing at the time when the articles for examination were received.

The second mouse was labelled :-Snaefell Mine, No. 2, May 13th, 1897. Mouse taken down into the mine and lowered from the platform at the foot of the 4th ladder below the 115 fathom level to a platform some 25 feet below it. Mouse had suffered and was killed at once.

The blood of this mouse had also the characteristic tint of carbon monoxide poisoning. The saturation of the hemoglobin was exactly determined and found to be 78.3 per cent.

The bottles containing the samples of air were both labelled as follows :-'Sample of air from shaft of Snaefell Mine just above 130 fathom level, 12th May 1897, C. Le Neve Foster.

The composition of the sample in the first bottle opened was found to be as follows:


Oxygen - 15.48% Carbon dioxide - 4.221% Carbon monoxide - 1.07% Hydrogen - 0.48% Nitrogen and Argon - 78.75%

The gas in the second (larger) bottle had the following composition


Oxygen - 15.52% Carbon dioxide - 4.26% Carbon monoxide - 1.10% Nitrogen and Argon - 79.12%

As the second sample was evidently the same in composition as the first, the hydrogen was not determined separately. The carbon monoxide was in each case determined colorimetrically with blood solution, and the hydrogen by passing over a glowing platinum spiral. The carbon dioxide formed by contact with the platinum corresponded exactly to the carbon monoxide known to be present, so that no appreciable proportion of methane or other hydrocarbons can have been present.

The composition of the sample corresponds to a mixture produced by the combustion of wood or other similar material. Inhalation of air of this composition would produce helplessness (in a man) within about seven or eight minutes at most, and would soon cause death. A candle would not burn in such air, but would just do so on the addition of a third of its volume of fresh air. The mixture would then still be intensely poisonous, and would still be if diluted with four times its volume of fresh air. When diluted with nine times its volume of fresh air it would still be capable of rendering a man incapable of walking.

I am, Sir, your obedient servant, JOHN HALDANE.

The Under Secretary of State, Home Department."

OXFORD, May 19th, 1897.


The reason for the continued presence of the gas in the lower parts of the mine was found during a further investigation by Sir Clement Le Neve Foster.

Snaefell Mine consisted of a single working shaft mine, and in addition there was a wooden upcast shaft which followed the slope of Snaefell Mountain in order to assist ventilation. The current of air to this shaft, so as to clear the bottom (171 fathom) level, was arranged by closing of doors opening on to shafts from the higher levels. When the shift had finished work on Saturday 8 May, all the doors on the higher levels should have been closed, so that the fresh air entering should have been sent through the bottom level of the mine. Initially Foster was at a loss to understand why with the aid of the closed doors the atmospheric current, which should of run into the bottom level, had not cleared the shaft so as to make descent below the 115 fathom level possible. On making another descent on 15 May Dr Le Neve Foster examined all levels as far down as the 74 fathom level, where he found that a doorway had been left wide open. This proved to Dr Le Neve Foster that the entire volume of clean air entering the mine turned away at the 74 fathom level, and through that and the levels above returned by the upcast shaft and vented back into the atmosphere.

Workings of the Great Snaefell Mine

Continued efforts to retrieve the body of Robert Kelly

Dr Le Neve Foster conducted further tests with mice which proved that things were much in the same condition; and it then seemed probable that the door at the 130 fathom level was open, allowing the air going down the main shaft to escape through this level to the succession of intermediate shafts which formed the upcast - without going to the lower levels at all.[10] Dr Le Neve Foster was therefore of the opinion that this door should be closed if possible in order that the body of Robert Kelly could be brought up.[10]

Dr Le Neve Foster, Captain Kewley and Captain Reddicliffe, together with a party of miners went down to the 115 fathom level,[10] and before descending any further tested the air by lowering a tame rat in a cage,[10] from platform to platform.[10] Leaving most of the miners at the 115 fathom level, Captain Kewley, Captain Reddicliffe and Dr Foster proceeded further down the shaft and reached a level approximately 10 ft (3.0 m) above the body of Robert Kelly in safety and lowered the testing apparatus with its candle alight,[10] where they could see the body of Kelly, lying in the position described by the Foxdale team during their previous descent.[10] Just at the level of the body, the candle went out and Dr Le Neve Foster let the cage with the rat remain down 5 minutes.[10] When brought up it was not dead, though visibly affected.[10] Captain Kewley and Clague volunteered to go down and get the body, however their request was refused by Dr Foster due to the presence of the carbon monoxide.[10] However it was thought possible to secure Kelly's body by means of a grappling hook. This action appeared to disturb the gas as Captain Kewley immediately began to feel unwell and had to be put into the kibble in order to be taken to the surface.[10] Dr Le Neve Foster and the rest of the recovery team who had stayed at the 115 fathom level also began to feel the effects of gas and immediately returned to the surface.[10]

It was found on testing the air, day after day, by lowering mice and candles from the surface, that the atmosphere of the mine was improving gradually under the influence of the natural ventilation. However it was not until 7 June that it was finally deemed safe for men to descend to the 130 fathom level and the body of Robert Kelly was finally brought to the surface.[10]


An inquest was opened at the Snaefell Mine on the afternoon of Wednesday 12 May, presided over by the Coroner, Samuel Harris. The bodies, except that of Robert Kelly, were identified by Captain Kewley following which they were released for burial.[9]

Cause of accident

It had been ascertained that carbonic oxide occurred in certain rocks and minerals,[10] however such gas had never been found as a natural constituent of the atmosphere of mines.[10] It was evident, therefore, that the deaths of the victims of the Snaefell disaster was due to carbon monoxide, produced by timber burning in the mine. The next point for consideration was how the timber became ignited; and this involved two possible explanations:

As the inspection of the mine revealed the fact that the seat of the fire was at the 130 fathom level, where men had been engaged in putting in fresh timber, and not in the 171 fathom level, or in the levels above it, where machine drills were being employed. It can be reasonably certain to dismiss the second explanation at point 2 and that the disaster occurred as described in point 1.[10]

The timber in parts of the 130 fathom level was very dry, and would easily of caught fire. It would follow therefore as to how the ignition of the timber could escape the knowledge of the men during the shift.

At the time of the accident it was a common practice of miners to have a safety helmet with a candle held in its clay socket. Once nearly burnt out, the miner would stick up the end against the side of his working place, whether timbered or not, take a fresh candle from his bundle, and light it from the flame of the old one.[10] He would then blow out the flame of the candle end, with the intention of using it as a "snuff" for igniting the fuse of some future explosive.[10] Careless miners would sometimes leave a candle end to burn away of itself, whilst in other cases the snuffing out could be imperfectly performed and the wick could go on smoldering, and eventually ignite inflammable material with which it was in contact.[10] It is quite easy, therefore, to account for the ignition, and some facts which were ascertained at the inquest fully confirmed this belief.[10] At the inquest into the tragedy Captain Reddicliffe stated that he thought he could recollect no less than five cases of a similar occurrence in the Laxey Mine and at two at other mines.[10]

Once started upon a timber prop, the fire would have naturally spread to the adjacent supports, and would have continued to burn as long as plenty of air was available. When the combustion of the supporting frames so weakened them that they gave way under the weight of the waste material lying upon them it would have caused a block at that level, the timber then burning in a sort of cul-de-sac, would not of received all the oxygen necessary for the perfect combustion of the carbon; the result was that carbon monoxide was generated in addition to carbon dioxide.

List of those killed

NameAgeJob descriptionPlace of residenceStatus
Joseph Moughtin28minerLaxeymarried, one child [9]
Louis Kinrade38minerLaxeysingle [9]
William Christian26labourerAbbeylandssingle [9]
Walter Christian21labourerAbbeylandssingle (brother of the above) [9]
William Kewin24labourerBaldhoonsingle [9]
John Kewin29labourerBaldhoonsingle (brother of the above) [9]
William Senogles46minerLaxeymarried, one (adopted) child [9]
Robert Lewney24labourerLaxeysingle [9]
Edward Kinrade27labourerLaxeymarried, four children [9]
John Oliver57minerAgneashmarried, four children [9]
John James Oliver22labourerAgneashsingle (son of the above) [9]
Robert Cannell41waggonerBaldhoonmarried, eight children [9]
John Kewley32kibble manBaldhoonsingle [9]
Edward Kewley22labourerAgneashsingle [9]
Robert Kelly21labourerLaxey Glensingle [9]
Frank Christian39waggonerSulby Glensingle [9]
Sandy Callan24waggonerBaldrinemarried, one child [9]
William Callow29minerLaxeymarried, two children [9]
John Fayle40waggonerBaldhoonmarried, five children [9]

Subsequent use

Following the disaster mining resumed, however the yield from the mine continued to decline. Following a substantial rock fall in the shaft in 1908 it was decided that the clearance of the debris would prove to be uneconomical and the mine was closed.[11]

Great Snaefell Mine
Mine Buildings at the Great Snaefell Mine 
Mine workings at the Great Snaefell Mine 
Spoil from the washing floors of the Great Snaefell Mine 
The house of the Captain of the Great Snaefell Mine 

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Mona's Herald, Wednesday, May 12, 1897; Page: 5
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Isle of Man Times, Saturday, February 25, 1871; Page: 4
  3. Mona's Herald, Wednesday, October 15, 1873; Page: 2
  4. Mona's Herald, Wednesday, December 06, 1871; Page: 4
  5. Peel City Guardian, Saturday, September 19, 1908; Page: 3
  6. Isle of Man Examiner, Saturday, June 14, 1884; Page: 2
  7. Isle of Man Examiner, Saturday, June 14, 1884; Page: 2
  8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Peel City Guardian, Saturday, May 15, 1897; Page: 4
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Mona's Herald, Wednesday, May 19, 1897; Page: 2
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Report to the Home Secretary on the Circumstances attending the Underground Fire at the Snaefell Lead Mine in the Month of May 1897, by C. Le Neve Foster, Esq., D.Sc., F.R.S., one of H.M. Inspectors of mines
  11. Manx Mining Sites, Gov.IM



  • Report to the Home Secretary on the Circumstances attending the Underground Fire at the Snaefell Lead Mine in the Month of May 1897, by C. Le Neve Foster, Esq., D.Sc., F.R.S., one of H.M. Inspectors of mines
  • Manx Mines, Rocks, and Minerals. Published by the Manx Heritage Foundation in co-operation with Manx National Heritage. 1994
  • Bawden T.A., Garrad L.S., Qualtrough J.W., and Scatchard W.R. The Industrial Archaeology of the Isle of Man. Published by David & Charles, 1972. (out of print)
  • Industrial Archaeology of the Isle of Man - an Introduction. Produced by Manx National Heritage, 1993. Published by the Manx Experience.
  • Lady Isabella and the Great Laxey Mine - Official Guide. Jointly published by the Manx Experience and The Manx Museum and National Trust.
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