Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia

Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia

ECAV church in Trnava (1924)
Classification Protestant
Orientation Lutheranism
Polity Episcopal
Associations Lutheran World Federation,
World Council of Churches,
Conference of European Churches
Region Slovakia
Origin 1921
Congregations 326
Members 226,402 baptized members[1]
Official website http://www.ecav.sk/

The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia (in Slovak Evanjelická cirkev augsburského vyznania na Slovensku, ECAV) is a Lutheran church body in Slovakia.

History of the church

The church was established in 1922. after dissolution of Austro-Hungarian empire. The church opposed the Nazis in World War II . After the Communist coup d'état of 1948, the Lutheran Church lost control over its schools and social services, and many church periodicals ceased to be published. More than one hundred clergy were persecuted; many were imprisoned and restrained from exercising their ministry. Until 1989 the Church lived under the strict control of the regime and in 1993 the Synod adopted a new constitution.

Number of adherents and beliefs

The ECAV is the second largest church in Slovakia (c. 7% of population). It considers the Gospel as contained in the Bible to be the source of faith in the triune God and the rule for life. Jesus is regarded as the head of the Church and it functions on the basis of the equality of God’s children. The Augsburg Confession is recognized as a correct explanation of central issues of faith.

At present there are 326 congregations grouped into 14 conferences (seniorats), and two districts: the East and the West Districts. There are about 355 active clergy. The Church administers 657 functional churches and ecclesiastical buildings.

Relations with other churches

ECAV is a member of the Lutheran World Federation, the Conference of European Churches, and the World Council of Churches.

Slovak Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Serbia

Most members of the Slovak ethnic community in Vojvodina (Serbia) are adherents of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession, under jurisdiction of Bishop of Novi Sad.


  1. The Lutheran World Federation – 2013 Membership Figures Lutheran World
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