Simon Rastorguev

Simon Rastorguev (born in 1981 in the city of Yaroslavl) is a Russian architect.

He graduated from Yaroslavl State Technical University. Aspirant of Department of Cultural and journalism, YSPU. Architect in architectural office "Project Meganom", Moscow. Curator of Architecture Festival "Social Revolution" and organizer of international architectural competitions. Editor of website on the conceptual architecture - "Center of Exploring the Chaos".

Major publications


Curatorial work

Organizer of international architectural competitions:


Some realized projects

Major projects


  1. "Tatlin Mono" magazine #3 (32) 2012
  2. “l`ARCA plus” №53, June 2007
  3. “Domus” #19-20, September 2009
  4. “Codigo 06140”, 2007
  5. "Project Russia" #35, 2005
  6. "ARC-vision" #10, 2004
  7. "l`ARCA" #183, July–August 2003 ISSN 0394-2147
  8. Build das architekten - magazin, September–October 2002
  9. "Atlas on architecture of the Future" (project of Organic city)
  10. "Workshop Russia" competition, (project Yaroslavl-Millennium)
  11. World Architecture Community Awards, 5th cycle
  12. 1 2 Stream City project on the First Jacques Rougerie Foundation Exhibition in the National School of Architecture Paris-Val-de-Seine.
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