Sidonius, Bishop of Passau

Sidonius was the third Bishop of Passau from about 754 to 763/764.[1][2]

Sidonius appears in a donation deed of the Passau domicile. He was a monk from Ireland who distinguished himself as a scientifically high-ranking [theologian]] and probably belonged to the circle around the later Salzburg bishop Virgil von Salzburg.[3]


  1. Liste aller Bischöfe des Bistums Passau 739 bis heute.
  2. Herbert Wilhelm Wurster: Das Bistum Passau und seine Geschichte. 4 Bände, Straßburg 1994-2010.
  3. August Leidl: Die Bischöfe von Passau 739–1968 in Kurzbiographien. Verlag des Vereins für Ostbairische Heimatforschung, (Passau 1978)
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