Sibley-Monroe checklist 12
The Sibley-Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds. It drew on extensive DNA-DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds.
Passeriformes (continued)
- Cormobates placens (Papuan treecreeper)
- Cormobates leucophaeus (white-throated treecreeper)
- Climacteris affinis (white-browed treecreeper)
- Climacteris erythrops (red-browed treecreeper)
- Climacteris picumnus (brown treecreeper)
- Climacteris melanura (black-tailed treecreeper)
- Climacteris rufa (rufous treecreeper)
- Menura alberti (Albert's lyrebird)
- Menura novaehollandiae (superb lyrebird)
- Atrichornis rufescens (rufous scrub-bird)
- Atrichornis clamosus (noisy scrub-bird)
- Ailuroedus buccoides (white-eared catbird)
- Ailuroedus melanotis (spotted catbird)
- Ailuroedus crassirostris (green catbird)
- Ailuroedus dentirostris (tooth-billed catbird)
- Archboldia papuensis (Archbold's bowerbird)
- Archboldia sanfordi (Sanford's bowerbird)
- Amblyornis inornatus (Vogelkop bowerbird)
- Amblyornis macgregoriae (Macgregor's bowerbird)
- Amblyornis subalaris (streaked bowerbird)
- Amblyornis flavifrons (golden-fronted bowerbird)
- Prionodura newtoniana (golden bowerbird)
- Sericulus aureus (flame bowerbird)
- Sericulus bakeri (fire-maned bowerbird)
- Sericulus chrysocephalus (regent bowerbird)
- Ptilonorhynchus violaceus (satin bowerbird)
- Chlamydera guttata (western bowerbird)
- Chlamydera maculata (spotted bowerbird)
- Chlamydera nuchalis (great bowerbird)
- Chlamydera lauterbachi (yellow-breasted bowerbird)
- Chlamydera cerviniventris (fawn-breasted bowerbird)
- Clytomyias insignis (orange-crowned fairywren)
- Sipodotus wallacii (Wallace's fairywren)
- Malurus grayi (broad-billed fairywren)
- Malurus campbelli (Campbell's fairywren)
- Malurus alboscapulatus (white-shouldered fairywren)
- Malurus melanocephalus (red-backed fairywren)
- Malurus leucopterus (white-winged fairywren)
- Malurus cyaneus (superb fairywren)
- Malurus splendens (splendid fairywren)
- Malurus lamberti (variegated fairywren)
- Malurus amabilis (lovely fairywren)
- Malurus elegans (red-winged fairywren)
- Malurus pulcherrimus (blue-breasted fairywren)
- Malurus coronatus (purple-crowned fairywren)
- Malurus cyanocephalus (emperor fairywren)
- Stipiturus ruficeps (rufous-crowned emuwren)
- Stipiturus malachurus (southern emuwren)
- Stipiturus mallee (mallee emuwren)
- Amytornis barbatus (grey grasswren)
- Amytornis woodwardi (white-throated grasswren)
- Amytornis dorotheae (Carpentarian grasswren)
- Amytornis striatus (striated grasswren)
- Amytornis goyderi (Eyrean grasswren)
- Amytornis textilis (thick-billed grasswren)
- Amytornis purnelli (dusky grasswren)
- Amytornis housei (black grasswren)
- Myzomela blasii (drab myzomela)
- Myzomela albigula (white-chinned myzomela)
- Myzomela eques (red-throated myzomela)
- Myzomela obscura (dusky myzomela)
- Myzomela cruentata (red myzomela)
- Myzomela nigrita (black myzomela)
- Myzomela pulchella (olive-yellow myzomela)
- Myzomela adolphinae (mountain myzomela)
- Myzomela kuehni (crimson-hooded myzomela)
- Myzomela dammermani (Sumba myzomela)
- Myzomela erythrocephala (red-headed myzomela)
- Myzomela chloroptera (Sulawesi myzomela)
- Myzomela wakoloensis (Wakolo myzomela)
- Myzomela boiei (Banda myzomela)
- Myzomela sanguinolenta (scarlet myzomela)
- Myzomela caledonica (New Caledonian myzomela)
- Myzomela rubratra (Micronesian myzomela)
- Myzomela cardinalis (cardinal myzomela)
- Myzomela chermesina (Rotuma myzomela)
- Myzomela sclateri (scarlet-bibbed myzomela)
- Myzomela pammelaena (ebony myzomela)
- Myzomela lafargei (scarlet-naped myzomela)
- Myzomela eichhorni (yellow-vented myzomela)
- Myzomela melanocephala (black-headed myzomela)
- Myzomela malaitae (red-bellied myzomela)
- Myzomela tristrami (sooty myzomela)
- Myzomela jugularis (orange-breasted myzomela)
- Myzomela erythromelas (black-bellied myzomela)
- Myzomela vulnerata (red-rumped myzomela)
- Myzomela rosenbergii (red-collared myzomela)
- Certhionyx pectoralis (banded honeyeater)
- Certhionyx niger (black honeyeater)
- Certhionyx variegatus (pied honeyeater)
- Timeliopsis fulvigula (olive straightbill)
- Timeliopsis griseigula (tawny straightbill)
- Melilestes megarhynchus (long-billed honeyeater)
- Stresemannia bougainvillei (Bougainville honeyeater)
- Glycichaera fallax (green-backed honeyeater)
- Lichmera lombokia (scaly-crowned honeyeater)
- Lichmera argentauris (olive honeyeater)
- Lichmera limbata (Indonesian honeyeater)
- Lichmera indistincta (brown honeyeater)
- Lichmera incana (dark-brown honeyeater)
- Lichmera squamata (white-tufted honeyeater)
- Lichmera alboauricularis (silver-eared honeyeater)
- Lichmera deningeri (Buru honeyeater)
- Lichmera monticola (Seram honeyeater)
- Lichmera flavicans (yellow-eared honeyeater)
- Lichmera notabilis (black-chested honeyeater)
- Trichodere cockerelli (white-streaked honeyeater)
- Meliphaga montana (forest honeyeater)
- Meliphaga mimikae (mottle-breasted honeyeater)
- Meliphaga orientalis (hill-forest honeyeater)
- Meliphaga albonotata (scrub honeyeater)
- Meliphaga aruensis (puff-backed honeyeater)
- Meliphaga analoga (mimic honeyeater)
- Meliphaga vicina (Tagula honeyeater)
- Meliphaga gracilis (graceful honeyeater)
- Meliphaga notata (yellow-spotted honeyeater)
- Meliphaga flavirictus (yellow-gaped honeyeater)
- Meliphaga lewinii (Lewin's honeyeater)
- Meliphaga albilineata (white-lined honeyeater)
- Meliphaga reticulata (streaky-breasted honeyeater)
- Guadalcanaria inexpectata (Guadalcanal honeyeater)
- Foulehaio carunculatus (wattled honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus subfrenatus (black-throated honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus obscurus (obscure honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus frenatus (bridled honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus hindwoodi (Eungella honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus chrysops (yellow-faced honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus versicolor (varied honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus fasciogularis (mangrove honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus virescens (singing honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus flavus (yellow honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus unicolor (white-gaped honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus leucotis (white-eared honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus flavicollis (yellow-throated honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus melanops (yellow-tufted honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus cratitius (purple-gaped honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus keartlandi (grey-headed honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus flavescens (yellow-tinted honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus fuscus (fuscous honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus plumulus (grey-fronted honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus ornatus (yellow-plumed honeyeater)
- Lichenostomus penicillatus (white-plumed honeyeater)
- Xanthotis flaviventer (tawny-breasted honeyeater)
- Xanthotis polygramma (spotted honeyeater)
- Xanthotis macleayana (Macleay honeyeater)
- Xanthotis provocator (Kadavu honeyeater)
- Oreornis chrysogenys (orange-cheeked honeyeater)
- Apalopteron familiare (Bonin honeyeater)
- Melithreptus lunatus (white-naped honeyeater)
- Melithreptus affinis (black-headed honeyeater)
- Melithreptus albogularis (white-throated honeyeater)
- Melithreptus laetior (golden-backed honeyeater)
- Melithreptus gularis (black-chinned honeyeater)
- Melithreptus validirostris (strong-billed honeyeater)
- Melithreptus brevirostris (brown-headed honeyeater)
- Notiomystis cincta (stitchbird)
- Pycnopygius ixoides (plain honeyeater)
- Pycnopygius cinereus (marbled honeyeater)
- Pycnopygius stictocephalus (streak-headed honeyeater)
- Melitograis gilolensis (white-streaked friarbird)
- Philemon meyeri (Meyer's friarbird)
- Philemon inornatus (plain friarbird)
- Philemon kisserensis (grey friarbird)
- Philemon brassi (Brass's friarbird)
- Philemon citreogularis (little friarbird)
- Philemon fuscicapillus (dusky friarbird)
- Philemon moluccensis (black-faced friarbird)
- Philemon subcorniculatus (grey-necked friarbird)
- Philemon buceroides (helmeted friarbird)
- Philemon novaeguineae (New Guinea friarbird)
- Philemon albitorques (white-naped friarbird)
- Philemon cockerelli (New Britain friarbird)
- Philemon eichhorni (New Ireland friarbird)
- Philemon argenticeps (silver-crowned friarbird)
- Philemon corniculatus (noisy friarbird)
- Philemon diemenensis (New Caledonian friarbird)
- Ptiloprora plumbea (leaden honeyeater)
- Ptiloprora meekiana (olive-streaked honeyeater)
- Ptiloprora erythropleura (rufous-sided honeyeater)
- Ptiloprora mayri (Mayr's honeyeater)
- Ptiloprora guisei (rufous-backed honeyeater)
- Ptiloprora perstriata (black-backed honeyeater)
- Melidectes fuscus (sooty melidectes)
- Melidectes whitemanensis (Bismarck melidectes)
- Melidectes nouhuysi (short-bearded melidectes)
- Melidectes princeps (long-bearded melidectes)
- Melidectes ochromelas (cinnamon-browed melidectes)
- Melidectes leucostephes (Vogelkop melidectes)
- Melidectes belfordi (Belford's melidectes)
- Melidectes rufocrissalis (yellow-browed melidectes)
- Melidectes foersteri (Huon melidectes)
- Melidectes torquatus (ornate melidectes)
- Melidectes sclateri (San Cristobal melidectes)
- Melipotes gymnops (Arfak honeyeater)
- Melipotes fumigatus (common smoky honeyeater)
- Melipotes ater (spangled honeyeater)
- Myza celebensis (dark-eared myza)
- Myza sarasinorum (white-eared myza)
- Gymnomyza viridis (giant honeyeater)
- Gymnomyza samoensis (mao)
- Gymnomyza aubryana (crow honeyeater)
- Moho braccatus (Kauai oo)
- Moho apicalis (Oahu oo)
- Moho bishopi (Bishop's oo)
- Moho nobilis (Hawaii oo)
- Chaetoptila angustipluma (kioea)
- Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera (crescent honeyeater)
- Phylidonyris novaehollandiae (New Holland honeyeater)
- Phylidonyris nigra (white-cheeked honeyeater)
- Phylidonyris albifrons (white-fronted honeyeater)
- Phylidonyris undulata (barred honeyeater)
- Phylidonyris notabilis (New Hebrides honeyeater)
- Phylidonyris melanops (tawny-crowned honeyeater)
- Ramsayornis modestus (brown-backed honeyeater)
- Ramsayornis fasciatus (bar-breasted honeyeater)
- Plectorhyncha lanceolata (striped honeyeater)
- Conopophila albogularis (rufous-banded honeyeater)
- Conopophila rufogularis (rufous-throated honeyeater)
- Conopophila whitei (grey honeyeater)
- Grantiella picta (painted honeyeater)
- Xanthomyza phrygia (regent honeyeater)
- Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris (eastern spinebill)
- Acanthorhynchus superciliosus (western spinebill)
- Entomyzon cyanotis (blue-faced honeyeater)
- Manorina melanophrys (bell miner)
- Manorina melanocephala (noisy miner)
- Manorina flavigula (yellow-throated miner)
- Anthornis melanura (New Zealand bellbird)
- Acanthagenys rufogularis (spiny-cheeked honeyeater)
- Anthochaera lunulata (little wattlebird)
- Anthochaera chrysoptera (brush wattlebird)
- Anthochaera carunculata (red wattlebird)
- Anthochaera paradoxa (yellow wattlebird)
- Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae (tui)
- Epthianura tricolor (crimson chat)
- Epthianura aurifrons (orange chat)
- Epthianura crocea (yellow chat)
- Epthianura albifrons (white-fronted chat)
- Ashbyia lovensis (gibberbird)
- Pardalotus punctatus (spotted pardalote)
- Pardalotus quadragintus (forty-spotted pardalote)
- Pardalotus rubricatus (red-browed pardalote)
- Pardalotus striatus (striated pardalote)
- Dasyornis longirostris (western bristlebird)
- Dasyornis brachypterus (eastern bristlebird)
- Dasyornis broadbenti (rufous bristlebird)
- Pycnoptilus floccosus (pilotbird)
- Origma solitaria (origma)
- Oreoscopus gutturalis (fernwren)
- Crateroscelis murina (rusty mouse-warbler)
- Crateroscelis nigrorufa (bicolored mouse-warbler)
- Crateroscelis robusta (mountain mouse-warbler)
- Sericornis citreogularis (yellow-throated scrubwren)
- Sericornis frontalis (white-browed scrubwren)
- Sericornis humilis (brown scrubwren)
- Sericornis keri (Atherton scrubwren)
- Sericornis beccarii (Beccari's scrubwren)
- Sericornis virgatus (perplexing scrubwren)
- Sericornis nouhuysi (large scrubwren)
- Sericornis magnirostris (large-billed scrubwren)
- Sericornis rufescens (Vogelkop scrubwren)
- Sericornis perspicillatus (buff-faced scrubwren)
- Sericornis arfakianus (grey-green scrubwren)
- Sericornis papuensis (Papuan scrubwren)
- Sericornis spilodera (pale-billed scrubwren)
- Acanthornis magnus (scrubtit)
- Pyrrholaemus brunneus (redthroat)
- Chthonicola sagittatus (speckled warbler)
- Calamanthus campestris (rufous calamanthus)
- Calamanthus fuliginosus (striated calamanthus)
- Hylacola pyrrhopygia (chestnut-rumped hylacola)
- Hylacola cautus (shy hylacola)
- Acanthiza murina (Papuan thornbill)
- Acanthiza katherina (mountain thornbill)
- Acanthiza pusilla (brown thornbill)
- Acanthiza ewingii (Tasmanian thornbill)
- Acanthiza reguloides (buff-rumped thornbill)
- Acanthiza inornata (western thornbill)
- Acanthiza iredalei (slender-billed thornbill)
- Acanthiza chrysorrhoa (yellow-rumped thornbill)
- Acanthiza uropygialis (chestnut-rumped thornbill)
- Acanthiza nana (yellow thornbill)
- Acanthiza lineata (striated thornbill)
- Acanthiza robustirostris (slaty-backed thornbill)
- Smicrornis brevirostris (weebill)
- Gerygone cinerea (mountain gerygone)
- Gerygone chloronotus (green-backed gerygone)
- Gerygone palpebrosa (fairy gerygone)
- Gerygone olivacea (white-throated gerygone)
- Gerygone chrysogaster (yellow-bellied gerygone)
- Gerygone magnirostris (large-billed gerygone)
- Gerygone tenebrosa (dusky gerygone)
- Gerygone sulphurea (golden-bellied gerygone)
- Gerygone inornata (plain gerygone)
- Gerygone dorsalis (rufous-sided gerygone)
- Gerygone ruficollis (brown-breasted gerygone)
- Gerygone levigaster (mangrove gerygone)
- Gerygone fusca (western gerygone)
- Gerygone insularis (Lord Howe Island gerygone)
- Gerygone mouki (brown gerygone)
- Gerygone modesta (Norfolk Island gerygone)
- Gerygone igata (grey gerygone)
- Gerygone albofrontata (Chatham Islands gerygone)
- Gerygone flavolateralis (fan-tailed gerygone)
- Aphelocephala leucopsis (southern whiteface)
- Aphelocephala pectoralis (chestnut-breasted whiteface)
- Aphelocephala nigricincta (banded whiteface)
- Amalocichla sclateriana (greater ground robin)
- Amalocichla incerta (lesser ground robin)
- Monachella muelleriana (torrent robin)
- Microeca fascinans (jacky-winter)
- Microeca hemixantha (golden-bellied flyrobin)
- Microeca flavigaster (lemon-bellied flyrobin)
- Microeca griseoceps (yellow-legged flyrobin)
- Microeca flavovirescens (olive flyrobin)
- Microeca papuana (canary flyrobin)
- Eugerygone rubra (garnet robin)
- Petroica bivittata (alpine robin)
- Petroica archboldi (Snow Mountain robin)
- Petroica multicolor (scarlet robin)
- Petroica macrocephala (tomtit)
- Petroica goodenovii (red-capped robin)
- Petroica phoenicea (flame robin)
- Petroica rosea (rose robin)
- Petroica rodinogaster (pink robin)
- Petroica australis (New Zealand robin)
- Petroica traversi (Chatham Islands robin)
- Melanodryas cucullata (hooded robin)
- Melanodryas vittata (dusky robin)
- Tregellasia leucops (white-faced robin)
- Tregellasia capito (pale-yellow robin)
- Eopsaltria australis (yellow robin)
- Eopsaltria griseogularis (grey-breasted robin)
- Eopsaltria flaviventris (yellow-bellied robin)
- Eopsaltria georgiana (white-breasted robin)
- Eopsaltria pulverulenta (mangrove robin)
- Poecilodryas brachyura (black-chinned robin)
- Poecilodryas hypoleuca (black-sided robin)
- Poecilodryas superciliosa (white-browed robin)
- Poecilodryas placens (olive-yellow robin)
- Poecilodryas albonotata (black-throated robin)
- Peneothello sigillatus (white-winged robin)
- Peneothello cryptoleucus (smoky robin)
- Peneothello cyanus (blue-grey robin)
- Peneothello bimaculatus (white-rumped robin)
- Heteromyias albispecularis (ashy robin)
- Heteromyias cinereifrons (grey-headed robin)
- Pachycephalopsis hattamensis (green-backed robin)
- Pachycephalopsis poliosoma (white-eyed robin)
- Drymodes superciliaris (northern scrub robin)
- Drymodes brunneopygia (southern scrub robin)
- Irena puella (Asian fairy-bluebird)
- Irena cyanogaster (Philippine fairy-bluebird)
- Chloropsis flavipennis (Philippine leafbird)
- Chloropsis palawanensis (yellow-throated leafbird)
- Chloropsis sonnerati (greater green leafbird)
- Chloropsis cyanopogon (lesser green leafbird)
- Chloropsis cochinchinensis (blue-winged leafbird)
- Chloropsis aurifrons (golden-fronted leafbird)
- Chloropsis hardwickii (orange-bellied leafbird)
- Chloropsis venusta (blue-masked leafbird)
- Pomatostomus isidorei (New Guinea babbler)
- Pomatostomus temporalis (grey-crowned babbler)
- Pomatostomus superciliosus (white-browed babbler)
- Pomatostomus halli (Hall's babbler)
- Pomatostomus ruficeps (chestnut-crowned babbler)
- Lanius tigrinus (tiger shrike)
- Lanius bucephalus (bull-headed shrike)
- Lanius collurio (red-backed shrike)
- Lanius isabellinus (rufous-tailed shrike)
- Lanius cristatus (brown shrike)
- Lanius collurioides (Burmese shrike)
- Lanius gubernator (Emin's shrike)
- Lanius souzae (Souza's shrike)
- Lanius vittatus (bay-backed shrike)
- Lanius schach (long-tailed shrike)
- Lanius tephronotus (grey-backed shrike)
- Lanius validirostris (mountain shrike)
- Lanius minor (lesser grey shrike)
- Lanius ludovicianus (loggerhead shrike)
- Lanius excubitor (northern shrike)
- Lanius sphenocercus (Chinese grey shrike)
- Lanius excubitoroides (grey-backed fiscal)
- Lanius cabanisi (long-tailed fiscal)
- Lanius dorsalis (Teita fiscal)
- Lanius somalicus (Somali fiscal)
- Lanius mackinnoni (Mackinnon's shrike)
- Lanius collaris (southern fiscal)
- Lanius newtoni (Newton's fiscal)
- Lanius marwitzi (Uhehe fiscal)
- Lanius senator (woodchat shrike)
- Lanius nubicus (masked shrike)
- Corvinella corvina (yellow-billed shrike)
- Corvinella melanoleuca (magpie shrike)
- Eurocephalus rueppelli (white-rumped shrike)
- Eurocephalus anguitimens (white-crowned shrike)
- Cyclarhis gujanensis (rufous-browed peppershrike)
- Cyclarhis nigrirostris (black-billed peppershrike)
- Vireolanius melitophrys (chestnut-sided shrike-vireo)
- Vireolanius pulchellus (green shrike-vireo)
- Vireolanius eximius (yellow-browed shrike-vireo)
- Vireolanius leucotis (slaty-capped shrike-vireo)
- Vireo brevipennis (slaty vireo)
- Vireo bellii (Bell's vireo)
- Vireo atricapillus (black-capped vireo)
- Vireo nelsoni (dwarf vireo)
- Vireo huttoni (Hutton's vireo)
- Vireo carmioli (yellow-winged vireo)
- Vireo griseus (white-eyed vireo)
- Vireo pallens (mangrove vireo)
- Vireo bairdi (Cozumel vireo)
- Vireo gundlachii (Cuban vireo)
- Vireo crassirostris (thick-billed vireo)
- Vireo caribaeus (St. Andrew vireo)
- Vireo vicinior (grey vireo)
- Vireo hypochryseus (golden vireo)
- Vireo modestus (Jamaican vireo)
- Vireo nanus (flat-billed vireo)
- Vireo latimeri (Puerto Rican vireo)
- Vireo osburni (Blue Mountain vireo)
- Vireo cassinii (Cassin's vireo)
- Vireo plumbeus (plumbeous vireo)
- Vireo solitarius (blue-headed vireo)
- Vireo flavifrons (yellow-throated vireo)
- Vireo philadelphicus (Philadelphia vireo)
- Vireo olivaceus (red-eyed vireo)
- Vireo flavoviridis (yellow-green vireo)
- Vireo gracilirostris (Noronha vireo)
- Vireo altiloquus (black-whiskered vireo)
- Vireo magister (Yucatan vireo)
- Vireo swainsonii (western warbling-vireo)
- Vireo gilvus (eastern warbling-vireo)
- Vireo leucophrys (brown-capped vireo)
- Hylophilus amaurocephalus (grey-eyed greenlet)
- Hylophilus poicilotis (rufous-crowned greenlet)
- Hylophilus thoracicus (lemon-chested greenlet)
- Hylophilus semicinereus (grey-chested greenlet)
- Hylophilus pectoralis (ashy-headed greenlet)
- Hylophilus sclateri (tepui greenlet)
- Hylophilus muscicapinus (buff-cheeked greenlet)
- Hylophilus brunneiceps (brown-headed greenlet)
- Hylophilus hypoxanthus (dusky-capped greenlet)
- Hylophilus semibrunneus (rufous-naped greenlet)
- Hylophilus aurantiifrons (golden-fronted greenlet)
- Hylophilus flavipes (scrub greenlet)
- Hylophilus olivaceus (olivaceous greenlet)
- Hylophilus ochraceiceps (tawny-crowned greenlet)
- Hylophilus decurtatus (lesser greenlet)
Previous page: Sibley-Monroe checklist 11
Next page: Sibley-Monroe checklist 13
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