Shoshenq D

High Priest of Ptah in Memphis

Relief representing the High Priest of Ptah Shoshenq.
Predecessor Osorkon A
Successor Merenptah (High Priest of Ptah)
Dynasty 22nd Dynasty
Pharaoh Osorkon II
Father Osorkon II
Mother Karomama
Children Takelot B
Burial Saqqara
G36 r
D40 Z3 U24 w t A1 Z3 M8
The Prince, The Greatest of the Directors of the Craftsmen, Shoshenq
rp wr ḫ.rpw hmwt ŠŠ-nk
in hieroglyphs

Shoshenq was a High Priest of Ptah during the 22nd Dynasty. Shoshenq was the eldest son of Osorkon II and Queen Karomama. He presided over the burial of the twenty-seventh Apis bull in Saqqara. For unknown reasons Shoshenq did not succeed to his father's throne and was buried in Memphis when Shoshenq III was king of Egypt.[1] Shoshenq's tomb was found unplundered in 1942.[2]

Sheshonq is known to have had a son named Takelot B. Through Takelot B he was the grandfather of a man named Pediese, who was a chief of the Ma, and the great-grandfather of a later High Priest of Ptah named Peftjauawybast.[3]

Items belonging to Shoshenq include:


  1. Karl Jansen-Winkeln, "Der Prinz und Hohepriester Schoschenk (D), in: Göttinger Miszellen 207 (2005), pp. 75-80.
  2. 1 2 Dodson and Hilton, The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt, 2004
  3. 1 2 K.A. Kitchen,The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt, 1100–650 B.C., 1996 ed.
  4. "Budapest-Statue": Helmut Brandl, Untersuchungen zur steinernen Privatplastik der Dritten Zwischenzeit: Typologie - Ikonographie - Stilistik, mbv publishers, Berlin 2008, pp. 54-55, pl. 17-18, 163a, Fig. 26 (Doc. O-3.1); "Vienna-Statue": ibid., pp. 256-257 pl. 21.

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