Short-circuit inductance

Measurement of short-circuit inductance

Short-circuit inductance is the inductance when one of the primary winding or the secondary winding of the transformer is short-circuited and measured from the other winding.[1] This value is often called informally as leakage inductance of the transformer. But the term leakage inductance which is in the electromagnetic literature is defined as an inductance caused by a magnetic flux (leakage flux) which is interlinked with one winding of a primary winding or a secondary winding and does not interlink with the other winding. So a confusion is caused by called short-circuit inductance as leakage inductance. This symbol is Lsc[2] or Lk.[3][4]

Equivalent circuit

Assuming that the coupling coefficient is k, the self-inductance of the primary winding is L1, and the self-inductance of the secondary winding is L2, short-circuit inductances of the primary side and the secondary side are as follows

This short-circuit inductance value is an important parameter that determines the resonance frequency of the magnetic phase synchronous coupling in a Resonant transformer and wireless power transfer.

See also


  1. Japan Industrial Standard C 5602-1986, pp 34, 4305
  2. Kaveh Niayesh; Magne Runde (2017), Power Switching Components: Theory, Applications and Future Trends, Springer International Publishing AG., p. 102, ISBN 978-3-3-19-51459-8
  3. Kurzschluß-Induktivität Leistungselektronische Schaltungen: Funktion, Auslegung und Anwendung Auther: Dierk Schröder.
  4. Kurzschlussinduktivität Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Gerling, Vorlesung Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe, Universität München, p. 169
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