Shakti Gawain

Shakti Gawain (born September 30, 1948) is a New Age and personal development author.[1] Her books have sold over 10 million copies.[2]


Born Carol Louisa Gawain, she graduated from the University of California with a degree in fine arts and dance in the mid 1970s.[3]

Gawain's best known book is Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Life (1978).[4] It has been a bestselling book for nearly 40 years.[5] The book was said to have inspired Des'ree's 1994 hit song "You Gotta Be". She is the co-founder, with Marc Allen, of New World Library Publishing Company[6] and founder of Nataraj Publishing, a division of New World Library.

Gawain and her husband, Jim Burns, divide their time between California and Hawaii. Her father was a professor at a military academy in Northern California. Her mother, Elizabeth M. Gawain (born 1921), was a city planner for HUD in Washington DC in the 1970s and lives in Northern California with her daughter.



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