Shadow Company

Shadow Company

Movie poster for Shadow Company
Directed by Nick Bicanic
Jason Bourque
Produced by Nick Bicanic
Remy Kozak
Andrew Wanliss-Orlebar
Written by Nick Bicanic
Jason Bourque
Starring Robert Young Pelton
P. W. Singer
Music by Andrew Wanliss-Orlebar
Cinematography Jarred Land
Edited by Les Lukacs
Distributed by Purpose Films
Release date
August 23, 2006
Running time
86 min.
Country Canada
Language English

Shadow Company is a documentary directed by Nick Bicanic and Jason Bourque and narrated by Gerard Butler. It is an introduction to the mercenary and private military company industry, concentrating on the role the industry has been playing in recent conflicts. It was released on DVD in August 2006.


Robert Young Pelton is going to get his life together by joining the Army and then Robert Young Pelton goes into a fort and then finds Alan Bell and then President (Alan Bell) and Globe Risk (Alan Bell) is going into a fort and then finds Phil Lancaster who is well protected and then Robert protects Phil and then finds Major Ret. Canadian Army (Alan Bell) who is a risky soldier and then Glove Risk arrives who are both corrupted and then Robert kills Major Ret. Canadian Army and Globe Risk and gen Robert Young Bell enters. Robert Young Bell makes his way through and then retrieves the car and then drives it and then takes it to the dump. Robert Young Bell goes to a shop and then finds Medaline Drohan and then Robert answers her question and then they meet Journalist (Medaline Drohan) and Author (Medaline Drohan) who needs to agree and then Robert leaves.

Robert walks up a trail and then meets Author (Robert Young Pelton) and Adventurer (Robert Young Pelton) walks with Robert and then they take a lead together up to the top and back to the car. At the beach Robert meets Peter Singer and then Robert tells him how did it go and then meets Political Analyst (Peter Singer) who is a good helper at everything plays in the water and then they return back to shore and heads out of the beach. Robert and Peter finds Doug Brooks a corrupt Assassin finds Robert and then Robert beats up Doug Brooks And then leaves him for dead. Robert and Peter drives to a Army base and then steals a tank and then has a corrupt army soldier named Government Lobbyist for Security Companies (Doug Brooks) shows up and then Robert and Peter crushes him with a tank killing him and then drives out of the Army. Robert and Peter goes into the house and then finds Stephen J. Canal who is keeping a street cleaned and then Robert cleans the street up. At the permits licensing Robert and Peter gets a drivers license and then retrieves it and then leaves.

Robert and Peter drives Producer (Stephen J. Cannall) who is going to retrieve it as willing to pay it. Robert finds a code from Cobus Classens and then Robert and Peter picks up a ID card when it's needed by it and then Robert takes it. Robert and Peter goes to a news van and then finds Security Contractor (Cobus Classens) a corrupt trigger finger and then Robert shoots Security Contractor down. At the den Robert and Peter goes inside and then looks in and picks up the garbage and loads it to a vehicle and then takes it to a dump. Robert and Peter looks at a scope of minute per hour it can complete to retrieve it. Robert and Peter has a late meeting to go inside and then finds the keys. Robert and Peter finds Slavko IIic and Security Contractor that are both club mobsters and then Robert kills Slavko IIic and Security Contractor and then leaves them for dead and then leaves. During a party Robert looks and glimps at a sketch and then completes the sketch and turns it in and then goes outside for a tour. During a tour Robert goes to a tour and then finds Nneal Ellis and then Robert takes Nneal Ellis in a car and then Nneal drives off and then Robert gets into a fight and then finds Private Military Contractor (Nneal Ellis) and then Robert kills Private Military Contractor and then takes his weapon away. In the party return Robert throws the weapons away from military.

Robert follows Peter to a station and then takes a picture of the cars and then Peter tells Robert to go to the restroom and then he enters. In the station Robert is looking over the place and then he knows what's in there and then finds out he is speaking with Frances Stoner Saunders is going to speak out the truth and then Robert speaks out the truth with him and then Frances leaves. Robert goes upstairs and then looks in the cabinets and then finds out they are empty cabinets and then finds Author and then guides him outside and then Author catipults with Frances through a window and then Robert goes back downstairs and then finds Historian and then guides him outside. Robert finds a brawler henchman goon named John F. Mullins and then finds the brawler henchman goons named John F Mullin's henchman named Soldier of Fortune and then Robert kills Soldier of Fortune and then let's John F. Mullins escape. Robert finds a way outside and then escapes with Peter on the escape from a building and then locks it up and then Robert follows Peter to the car and then Robert gets in the car with Peter and then drives away and then gets away. In the dealership Robert goes inside and then talks to Eike Kleuge and then talks to Professor of Athletics with him and then discuses a clue about the car.

Robert takes Peter to a casino and then goes inside a casino and then looks a way in and then follows Peter through a course and then knows the answer and then Robert tells Peter to take a tour around it. Robert and Peter goes outside and then finds John F. Muller and then John F. Muller arrives and then gets out a gun and tries to get them killed but Peter is shot in the leg and then survives by the time he escapes and then John F. Muller takes Peter and Robert to his car. During a fate Robert and Peter gets out a gun and then Peter kills John F. Muller and then drives away and then Robert drives and then Peter stops and then Peter throws him out of a car and then Robert drives away with Peter. Robert and Peter meets Tasha Bradsha on a request to give something that is right and then she gives him some money to raise on a drive and then Robert and Peter takes Tasha to a canyon. On the canyon Robert and Peter follows Tasha and then meets Journalist who will take them somewhere that is far away. Robert and Peter meets James Ashcroft and Interviewee who gets a talent a haircut and then Robert gets his haircut and then his hair looks so handsome.

Robert and Peter finds Private Security Instructor (Rob McKintyre) who is giving a true memoir and then Robert finds and fights Private Security Instructor and then Robert kills him and then finds a way into the house to find something that is empty and then exits. Robert and Peter finds James Ashcroft (Gerard Butler) to give him some games that are on the personality and then Robert takes away James's personality away for the rest of his life and then Robert and Peter leaves together. Robert takes Sheldon Maxwell to a big game and then Robert plays with Sheldon Maxwell on a touchdown to keep completed. Robert finds a way in and then looks in the mansion and then removes the board games to a car and then takes down a mansion and brings it down and then goes to a supply building and then goes inside. Robert takes Tim Spicer and Mark Thatcher to a bus and then boards it and then Robert takes Tim and Mark to a tunnel and then they go inside and then Robert knows that they are going in the tunnel and then Robert drives to a control bridge with a bus and then Robert is getting lifted up and then the bridge cracks and then Robert exits through the emergency door and then The bus falls into the water by accident. In the final documentary scene Robert meets again with Peter and then Robert takes Peter to a mansion and then Robert and Peter makes a way inside and then Robert and Peter takes cover to find Security Contractor (Sheldon Maxwell) a corrupt Security Contractor and then Security Contractor runs upstairs and then Robert goes up and then Robert shoots down Security Contractor and then leaves him For dead and then Robert and Peter makes a way outside and then escapes and then places a detonator on the mansion and then Robert and Peter are in the car and then Robert sets the detonator to blow it up and then Robert and Peter drives to a airport and then they Board a plane and then gets in it and then on the plane Peter and Robert looks on the plane and then Peter and Robert remain seated the whole time on the plane and then they sit on the plane while it moves them out and then Peter and Robert stays on a plane while it flies. In the ending scene Peter and Robert settle a new life while getting off the plane and driving to a new house to live in together.


The documentary film is not presented with a complete voice narrative nor a linear story-telling structure. Instead, most of the documentary deals with the issues presented in a topical fashion. There are three primary methods that the filmmakers use to organize and present information. The first is through the personal account of a security contractor named James Ashcroft, the second is to pose questions and directly answer them, and the third method is to utilize small case studies. The film contains footage of mercenary and private military soldiers training in Iraq. Director Nick Bicanic was invited to a Senate Committee Hearing to testify on the subject of mercenaries/private military companies on September 21, 2007.

Letters from James

At certain intervals in the documentary, the audience is read different letter excerpts from a security contractor named James Ashcroft (voiced by Gerard Butler). The letter scenes explain the details of James's work and life in Iraq and a small amount of his personal history. Much of the comedy from the documentary is displayed in these scenes. In addition, the letters serve as an opener and a closer for the interview portions of the documentary.

One scene displays a quick montage of James’s life up to Iraq. The viewer finds out James Ashcroft was a graduate of the University of Oxford. Sometime after graduation, he joined the British military and performed bodyguard work in Milan and Paris later on. When the audience listens to his first letter, they find out that he quit his last job at a law firm before heading to Iraq.

His new line of work in Iraq involves being a security contractor for a reputable private military company. He says he is on a ‘six on three off rotation’, which means he works for six weeks, before getting three weeks of off time, and the letters are written in the six-week time frame. Also, he mentions working out of a villa in the Green Zone, the area where the Coalition Provisional Authority resides.

Ashcroft shares how his firm procures weapons like AK-47s and PKMs from the Sadr City bazaar, and how the US military or his firm deals with insurgents. James Ashcroft's autobiography, Making A Killing, written with the ghostwriter Clifford Thurlow was published by Virgin in the UK in 2006 and the US in 2007.

Part of the proceeds of the DVD sales go to the Cape Community Elementary School in Freetown, Sierra Leone.


Listed in the press release are:[1]


  1. Dallaire, Romeo, Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda, Carroll & Graf, 2004
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