Seventh Seimas of Lithuania

Seventh Seimas of Lithuania
Sixth Seimas of Lithuania Eighth Seimas of Lithuania

Seimas Palace
Jurisdiction  Lithuania
Term 1996—2000

The Seventh Seimas of Lithuania was the parliament (Seimas) elected in Lithuania. Elections took place on 20 October 1996, with the second round on 10 November. The Seimas commenced its work on 25 November 1996 and served a four-year term, with the last session on 18 October 2000.


In the elections in 1996, 70 members of the parliament were elected on proportional party lists and 71 in single member constituencies. Elections took place on 20 October 1996. In those constituencies where no candidate gained a majority of votes on 20 October, a run-off was held on 10 November.

The elections were won by the Homeland Union - Lithuanian Conservative Party, which gained 70 seats, followed by 16 seats won by Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party. Democratic Labour Party of Lithuania, which had decisively won the previous elections, ended up with only 12 seats.

Party Abbr. PR votes % Seats
PR Constituency Total
Homeland Union - Lithuanian ConservativesTSLK409,58531.34333770
Lithuanian Christian Democratic PartyLKDP136,25910.4311516
Democratic Labour Party of LithuaniaLDDP130,83710.0110212
Centre Union of LithuaniaLCS113,3338.679413
Lithuanian Social-Democrat PartyLSDP90,7566.947512
Young LithuaniaJL52,4234.01011
Lithuanian Women's PartyLMP50,4943.86011
Lithuanian Christian Democratic UnionLKDS42,3463.24011
Electoral Action of Poles in LithuaniaLLRA39,7733.14011
Alliance of the Lithuanian National Minorities33,3892.55000
Lithuanian Nationalist UnionLTS28,7442.20022
Lithuanian Democratic PartyLDP11
Liberal Union of LithuaniaLLS25,2791.93011
Lithuanian Peasants PartyLVP22,8261.75011
Union of the Russians of Lithuania22,3951.71000
Lithuanian Union of Political Prisoners and DeporteesLPKTS20,5801.57011
Lithuanian Liberty Union20,5111.57000
Lithuanian Party of Economy16,4751.26000
Lithuanian Liberty League12,5620.96000
Lithuanian Social Justice Union12,2340.94000
Lithuanian Socialist Party9,9850.76000
Republican Party5,0630.39000
National Progress Party3,9220.30000
Lithuanian Party Life's Logic3,3610.26000
Lithuanian Peoples Party2,6220.26000
Independence Party00
Invalid/blank votes67,7514.9
Registered voters/turnout2,597,53052.9


Speaker of the Seimas
Vytautas Landsbergis
Vytautas Landsbergis (Homeland Union)
25 November 1996 - 18 October 2000

Vytautas Landsbergis was elected as the Speaker of the Seventh Seimas and served throughout the term.

The Seventh Seimas laid the foundations for parliamentary control in Lithuania. The Seimas and the Government also proceeded with the privatization of large public enterprises.[1]


Parliamentary groups

During the first session of the Seimas the following parliamentary groups were registered: Homeland Union - Lithuanian Conservatives, Christian Democrats, Center, Democratic Labour Party of Lithuania, Social Democrats, Joint Group (Joint Group of the Peasants' party, the Christian Democratic Union and the National Party "Young Lithuania"), Independent Group and the Mixed Group of Members of the Seimas.

Several splits occurred during the term. In late 1998 Laima Andrikienė and Vidmantas Žiemelis were ejected from Homeland Union - Lithuanian Conservatives. They were followed by another 10 parliament members who formed the parliamentary group of Moderate Conservatives in 2000. In the same year, Modern Christian Democrats (4 members) split from the Christian Democrats and Social Democracy 2000s (4 members at the time) split from the Social Democrats. However, similarly to the Sixth Seimas, the Seventh Seimas saw few defections across ideological borders, due to the vast gulf between ruling and opposition parties.[2]:354

By the end of the term of the Seimas, the following parliamentary groups were active.[3]

Name Abbr. Members
Homeland Union - Lithuanian ConservativesTSLK48
Christian DemocratsKDF12
Democratic Labour Party of LithuaniaLDDPF11
Social DemocratsSDF7
Joint Group of the Peasants' party, the Christian Democratic Union and the National Party "Young Lithuania"JF5
Social Democracy 2000sS 20005
Modern Christian DemocratsMKD4
Moderate ConservativesNKF12
Joint Group of the Democratic Party and the National People's PartyDF3
Independent GroupNF2
Others MSNG2


A total of 151 members were elected to the Seventh Seimas (Virgilijus Bulovas and Naglis Puteikis were elected but did not take their seats),[4][2]:348 including 126 men and 25 women.[5] Seimas had 137 members at the end of the term, as no new elections would take place in single-seat constituencies with less than 6 months of the term left.[2]:348-349

Name, Surname Electoral list Constituency Parliamentary group Notes
Arvydas Akstinavičius LSDPNationwideSDF
S 2000 (From 19 December 1999)
Vilija Aleknaitė-Abramikienė TSLKTauragėsTSLK
Raimundas Alekna TSLKNationwide TSLKfrom 5 March 1997
Danutė Aleksiūnienė LCSTrakųCFFrom 23 April 1997
Ignas Aleškevičius TSLKNationwideuntil 4 February 1997
Nijolė Ambrazaitytė TSLKNationwideTSLK
Laima Andrikienė TSLKPramonėsTSLK
MSNG (from 1 January 1999)
DF (from 2 May 2000)
Vytenis Andriukaitis LSDPŽirmūnųSDF
Alfonsas Andriuškevičius TSLKNationwideTSLKFrom 24 April 1997
Jonas Avyžius TSLKNationwideTSLKUntil 7 July 1999
Audronius Ažubalis TSLKFabijoniškiųTSLK
Alfonsas Bartkus TSLKŠilalės ŠilutėsTSLK
NKF (from 28 March 2000)
Julius Beinortas LKDPNationwideKDF
Juozas Bernatonis LDDPNationwideLDDPFFrom 1 May 1998
Egidijus Bičkauskas LCSJustiniškiųCF
Kazys Bobelis LKDSMarijampolėsJF
Vytautas Bogušis LKDPNationwideKDF
MKDF (from 23 December 1999)
Mindaugas Briedis TSLKRadviliškioTSLK
Virgilijus Vladislovas Bulovas LDDPNationwideFrom 1 April 1998 until 1 May 1998
Sigita Burbienė LDDPNationwideLDDPF
Stanislovas Buškevičius JLKalniečiųJF
Algirdas Butkevičius LSDPVilkaviškioSDF
Audrius Butkevičius IndependentNaujamiesčioCF
MSNG (from 15 June 1999)
Vytautas Aleksandras Cinauskas TSLKNationwideTSLK
Algis Čaplikas LCSNationwideCF
Vytautas Čepas LCSNationwideCF
Sigitas Čirba TSLKNationwideTSLK
Regimantas Čiupaila LCSNationwideCF
Rimantas Dagys LSDPNationwideSDF
S 2000 (from 19 December 1999)
Sofija Daubaraitė TSLKNationwideTSLK
Irena Degutienė TSLKNationwideTSLK
Rimantas Didžiokas TSLKBaltijosTSLK
Roma Dovydėnienė LSDPNationwideSDF
Juozas Dringelis TSLKNationwideTSLK
Vytautas Dudėnas TSLKNationwideTSLK
Jadvyga Dunauskaitė TSLKAkmenėsTSLK
Vytautas Einoris LDDPNationwideLDDPF
Juozas Galdikas TSLKLazdijų DruskininkųTSLK
Povilas Gylys LDDPNationwideLDDPF
Vincas Girnius TSLKNationwideTSLKUntil 4 February 1997
Kęstutis Glaveckas LCSAlytausCF
Petras Gražulis LKDPNationwideKDF
Arūnas Grumadas LCSNationwideCF
Romualda Hofertienė TSLKMariųTSLK
Gražina Imbrasienė TSLKNationwideTSLK
Žibartas Juozas Jackūnas TSLKNationwideTSLK
Kęstutis Jakelis TSLKNationwideTSLKFrom 18 July 1999
Vladimir Jarmolenko TSLKDainavosTSLKUntil 21 November 1999
Česlovas Juršėnas LDDPNationwideLDDPF
Sigitas Kaktys TSLKMažeikiųTSLK
Ramūnas Karbauskis IndependentŠiaulių kaimiškojiJF
Justinas Karosas LDDPNationwideLDDPF
Algis Kašėta LKDPVarėnos EišiškiųKDF
MSNG (from 14 December 1999)
MKDF (from 23 December 1999)
Povilas Katilius LKDPNationwideKDF
Juozapas Algirdas Katkus TSLKNationwideTSLK
Gediminas Kirkilas LDDPNationwideLDDPF
Vytautas Petras Knašys TSLKRaseiniųTSLK
Mindaugas Končius LCSNationwideCF
Kazimieras Vytautas Kryževičius LKDPNationwideKDF
Andrius Kubilius TSLKNationwideTSLK
Saulius Kubiliūnas TSLKNationwideTSLKFrom 17 November 1997
Elvyra Janina Kunevičienė TSLKLazdynųTSLK
NKF (from 28 March 2000)
Rytas Kupčinskas TSLKAleksoto VilijampolėsTSLK
Bronislavas Juozas Kuzmickas TSLKGargždųTSLK
Kazimieras Kuzminskas LKDPPanemunėsKDF
Vytautas Landsbergis TSLKKauno kaimiškojiTSLK
Vaclovas Lapė TSLKSkuodo MažeikiųTSLK
Mečys Laurinkus TSLKNevėžioTSLKUntil 1 July 1998
Juozas Listavičius TSLKKelmėsTSLK
NKF (from 28 March 2000)
Zygmunt Mackevič TSLKNationwideTSLK
Stasys Malkevičius TSLKPajūrioTSLK
Virginijus Martišauskas IndependentŠilutėsCF
Jūratė Matekonienė LTS and LDPJonavosCF
Antanas Matulas TSLKPasvalio PanevėžioTSLK
Alvydas Medalinskas IndependentŠeškinėsLRF
MSNG (from 1 January 1999)
Nikolaj Medvedev LSDPPakruojo JoniškioSDF
Rasa Melnikienė LCSNationwideCF
Gabriel Jan Mincevič LLRAŠirvintų VilniausNF
Jonas Mocartas TSLKNationwideTSLK
MSNG (from 1 February 2000)
NKF (from 28 March 2000)
From 4 February 1997
Juozas Olekas LSDPSuvalkijosSDF
Romualdas Ozolas LCSDzūkijosCF
Nijolė Oželytė TSLKNationwideTSLK (until 27 December 1999)
NKF (from 28 March 2000)
Vytautas Pakalniškis TSLKNationwideTSLK
NKF (from 28 March 2000)
Feliksas Palubinskas LKDPCentroKDF
MKDF (from 19 January 2000)
Petras Papovas LDDPZarasų-VisaginoLDDPF
Algirdas Vaclovas Patackas LKDPNationwideKDF
Dainius Petras Paukštė LSDPNationwideS 2000From 9 April 2000
Saulius Pečeliūnas LTS and LDPKaišiadorių-ElektrėnųMSNG
DF (from 2 May 2000)
Simas Ramutis Petrikis TSLKNationwideTSLK
Elena Petrošienė TSLKNationwideTSLK
Algirdas Petrusevičius TSLKNationwideTSLK
Rimantas Pleikys TSLKSenamiesčioTSLK
NKF (from 28 March 2000)
Artur Plokšto LDDPNationwideLDDPF
Zigmantas Pocius TSLKNationwideTSLKUntil 3 November 1997
Mykolas Pronckus LDDPNationwideLDDPF
Kazimira Prunskienė LMPMolėtų ŠvenčioniųNF
Naglis Puteikis TSLKNationwide TSLKFrom 4 February 1997 until 24 April 1997
Antanas Račas TSLKJurbarkoTSLK
Raimundas Leonas Rajeckas TSLKAukštaitijosTSLKUntil 20 August 1997
Rasa Rastauskienė TSLKAnykščių KupiškioTSLK
Arimantas Juvencijus Raškinis LKDPNationwideKDF
Jurgis Razma TSLKNationwideTSLK
Rūta Rutkelytė LCSNationwideCF
Liudvikas Sabutis TSLKPlungėsTSLK
Joana Danguolė Sadeikienė TSLKŽaliakalnioTSLK
Aloyzas Sakalas LSDPAntakalnioSDF
Algimantas Salamakinas LDDPKėdainiųLDDPF
Algirdas Saudargas LKDPKaroliniškiųKDF
Algimantas Sėjūnas TSLKAušrosTSLK
Jan Senkevič LLRA Vilniaus - ŠalčininkųNFFrom 23 March 1997
Romualdas Sikorskis TSLKNationwideTSLKUntil 5 March 1997
Algirdas Sysas LSDPNationwideSDF
Kęstutis Skrebys TSLKVakarinėTSLK
NKF (from 28 March 2000)
Sigitas Slavickas TSLKNationwideTSLK
Rimantas Smetona LTS and LDPUkmergėsJF
Stasys Stačiokas TSLKNationwideTSLKUntil 18 March 1999
Česlovas Stankevičius LKDPNationwideKDF
Laurynas Stankevičius LDDPNationwideLDDPFUntil 31 March 1998
Antanas Napoleonas Stasiškis TSLKNationwideTSLK
Alfredas Henrikas Stasiulevičius TSLKNationwideTSLK
Vida Stasiūnaitė LSDPNationwideSDF
MSNG (from 1 January 1999)
Until 8 April 2000
Ona Suncovienė TSLKNationwideTSLK
Rimvydas Raimondas Survila TSLKNationwide TSLKFrom 19 March 1999
Petras Šakalinis TSLKNationwideTSLK
Petras Antanas Šalčius TSLKRokiškioTSLK
Saulius Šaltenis TSLKNationwideTSLK
NKF (from 28 March 2000)
Kazimieras Šavinis LCSDainųCF
Marija Šerienė LKDPNationwideKDF
MKDF(from 23 December 1999)
Irena Šiaulienė LDDPNationwideLDDPF
Gintaras Šileikis LCSNationwideCF
Jonas Šimėnas LKDPUtenosKDF
Albertas Šimėnas LKDPNationwideKDF
Virginijus Šmigelskas LCSNationwide CFFrom 15 May 2000
Antanas Švitra LPKTSKretingosMSNG
Kęstutis Trapikas LLSIgnalinos ŠvenčioniųLRF
CF (from 1 January 1999)
Sigitas Urbonas TSLKPrienųTSLK
Ignacas Stasys Uždavinys LKDPNationwideKDF
Gediminas Vagnorius TSLKTelšiųTSLK
NKF (from 28 March 2000)
Alfonsas Vaišnoras TSLKŠilainiųTSLK
MSNG (from 1 February 2000)
NKF (from 28 March 2000)
Kęstutis Vaitukaitis LCSNationwideCFUntil 14 May 2000
Albinas Vaižmužis LVPBiržų KupiškioNF
Jonas Valatka LSDPNationwideSDF
S 2000 (from 19 December 1999)
Virmantas Velikonis LDDPAukštaitijosLDDPFFrom 21 December 1997
Arvydas Vidžiūnas TSLKŠakiųTSLK
Vladas Vilimas TSLKKauno KėdainiųTSLK
Birutė Teodora Visokavičienė TSLKSaulėsTSLK
NKF (from 28 March 2000)
Vytenis Albertas Zabukas TSLKDanėsTSLK
Emanuelis Zingeris TSLKNationwideTSLK
Rolandas Zuoza LSDPNationwideSDF
S 2000 (from 14 December 1999)
Vidmantas Žiemelis TSLKNationwideTSLK
MSNG (from 1 January 1999)
DF (from 2 May 2000)
Algis Žvaliauskas TSLKNationwideTSLK (until 11 May 2000)


  1. "Šeši Seimo amžiai: nuo karalių rinkimų iki narių komunistų" [Six centuries of the Seimas: from royal elections to communist members] (in Lithuanian). 25 October 2008. Retrieved 9 December 2015.
  2. 1 2 3 Blažytė-Baužienė, Danutė; Tamošaitis, Mindaugas; Truska, Liudas (2009). Lietuvos Seimo Istorija. XX-XXI a. pradžia (in Lithuanian). Lithuania: Baltos Lankos. ISBN 978-9955-23-322-0.
  3. "Seimo Frakcijos" [Parliamentary Groups of the Seimas] (in Lithuanian). Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Retrieved 9 December 2015.
  4. "Seimo narių sąrašas" [List of members of the Seimas] (in Lithuanian). Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Retrieved 9 December 2015.
  5. Blažytė-Baužienė, Danutė (2004). "LIETUVOS PARLAMENTARAI 1990–2004 METAIS" [Lietuanian parliament members 1990-2004]. Parlamento Studijos (in Lithuanian). 2. Retrieved 9 December 2015.
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