Seth Wulsin

Seth Wulsin (born in Spring Valley, NY) is an artist working primarily with space and light through large-scale, site-specific, ephemeral sculpture and drawing.

Wulsin is best known for the work, 16 Tons, Prison Demolition,[1] a massive ongoing, public piece in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

He is a member of the art collectives Artistas en Latino America and Wubacawi and founder of Cajitas (2009).

Wulsin currently lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.

Early life

He studied briefly at Yale University, before withdrawing to compose and play music in the band Wildbone, with guitarist Solomon Silber.[2] Between 2003 and 2005 he worked with the sculptor Ray King, helping to fabricate and install his large-scale public works.



  1. Caroline Winter, With a Hammer, Finding Ghosts in the Glass, The New York Times, August 5, 2007.
  2. Ross Tiefenthaler, "Drop out, join a band", "The Yale Daily, January 24, 2003
  3. Queequeg - Seth Wulsin, YouTube.
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