Seth Evans

Seth Evans is a scholar and educator who specializes in the Abhidhamma Pitaka (abhidhammapiṭaka) and the Visuddhimagga. Especially interested in the phenomenological aspects of Buddhist psychology. Academic focus is primarily on Buddhist ontology, Buddhist metaphysics, and Buddhist epistemology.[1] He did his graduate studies in Buddhist theory as a Theravada monk at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. As a monk, he taught meditation at Wat Prayong[2] where he completed five vassa.

Before ordaining as a monk Evans toured America and Europe as the bass player for the Denver based punk rock band Reno Divorce.[3]

Evans is a Faculty Member at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University where he teaches Buddhist philosophy. He is also Assistant Editor of the Journal of the International Buddhist Studies College.[4]

As a Buddhist scholar, Evans cautions against understanding the teachings of the traditional Buddha of the Pāli Canon with modern scientific concepts such as material cause and effect in terms of karma, neurology in regards to citta, and the scientific method as understood in the 21st century in general. Instead, he urges a hermeneutic interpretation of the Pāli Canon within the context of the North-Indian culture of 2,500 years ago.[5]



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