Serial Vector Format

Serial Vector Format (SVF) is a file format that contains boundary scan vectors to be sent to an electronic circuit using a JTAG interface. Boundary scan vectors consist of the following data:

The SVF standard was jointly developed by companies Texas Instruments and Teradyne. Control over the format has been handed off to boundary-scan solution provider ASSET InterTech. The most recent revision is Revision E.

SVF files are used to transfer boundary scan data between tools. As an example a VHDL compiler may create an SVF file that is read by a tool for programming CPLDs.

The SVF file is defined as an ASCII file that consists of a set of SVF statements. The maximum number of characters allowed on a line is 256, although one SVF statement can span more than one line. Each statement consists of a command and associated parameters. Each SVF statement is terminated by a semicolon. SVF is not case sensitive. Comments can be inserted into a SVF file after an exclamation point ‘!’ or a pair of slashes ‘//’. Either ‘//’ or ‘!’ will comment out the remainder of the line.

SVF commands


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