Scorpio (astrology)

Zodiac symbol Scorpion
Duration (tropical, western) October 23 November 22 (2017, UT1)[1]
Constellation Scorpius
Zodiac element Water
Zodiac quality Fixed
Sign ruler Mars (ancient), Pluto (modern)
Detriment Venus, Earth
Exaltation Uranus
Fall Moon

Scorpio () (Greek: Σκορπιός Skorpios; Latin: Scorpius) is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac. It spans the 210–240th degree of the zodiac, between 207.25 and 234.75 degree of celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this area on average between October 24 and November 22, and under the sidereal zodiac, the sun currently transits the constellation of Scorpius from approximately November 16 to December 15.[2] Depending on which zodiac system one uses, an individual born under the influence of Scorpio may be called a Scorpio or a Scorpion.[3] The symbol of the scorpion is based on Scorpius, a giant scorpion sent by Gaia to kill Orion.[4]

Scorpio is one of the three zodiac water signs, the others being Cancer and Pisces.


Astrologers believe Scorpios are ruled by their desires, but that their strength is resourcefulness, and that their resourcefulness allows them to control their desires unless they have a plan to achieve them. Scorpios are analytical and meditative, and ponder data to create a realistic plan; self-deception is not something a Scorpio does. The Scorpio is secretive and intense, though their careful approach to planning and action can appear as a lack of intensity.[5] The Scorpio is good at hiding their feelings, which can cause problems in their relationships. They do not try to please others, and do not care what the world thinks of them.[6]


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