Samuelson–Berkowitz algorithm

In mathematics, the Samuelson–Berkowitz algorithm efficiently computes the characteristic polynomial of an matrix who entries may be elements of any unital commutative ring without zero divisors.

Description of the algorithm

The Samuelson–Berkowitz algorithm applied to a matrix produces a vector whose entries are the coefficient of the characteristic polynomial of . It computes this coefficients vector as a recursive product of Toeplitz matrices based on the principal submatrices of

Let be an matrix partitioned so that

The first principal submatrix of is the matrix . Associate with the Toeplitz matrix defined by

if is ,

if is , and in general

That is, all super diagonals of consist of zeros, the main diagonal consists of s, the first subdiagonal consists of and the th subdiagonal consists of .

The Toeplitz matrix is the Toeplitz matrix associated with the first principal submatrix , and so on. The Samuelson–Berkowitz algorithm then states that the vector defined by

contains the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of .


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    1. Cook, Stephen and Soltys, Michael. The Proof Complexity of Linear Algebra. 1993
    2. S.J. Berkowitz, On computing the determinant in small parallel time using a small number of processors, ACM, Information Processing Letters 18, 1984, pp. 147–150
    3. M. Keber, Division-Free computation of sub-resultants using Bezout matrices, Tech. Report MPI-I-2006-1-006, Saarbrucken, 2006
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