Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals

Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, right, presents the National Security and International Affairs Medal to Michael Duncan, former deputy chief medical officer at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston at the 2011 Sammies gala in Washington.
Awarded for Making significant contribution to the country.
Country United States
Presented by Partnership for Public Service
First awarded Oct. 5, 2002
Website Service to America Medals

The Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals, also known as "the Sammies," honor members of the federal government workforce, highlighting the work of employees making significant contributions to the governance of the United States. The awards are considered "the Oscars" of American government service.[1] The Sammies accordingly celebrate excellence in the federal merit service.[2]


The awards have been presented annually since 2002 by the nonprofit, nonpartisan Partnership for Public Service to celebrate excellence in the U.S. federal civil service, and are named for Samuel J. Heyman, the organization's founder. To date, over 120 individuals and teams have been recognized.

Selection process

The Sammies are chosen from nominations collected each winter, and narrowed down to about 30 finalists announced mid-spring of each year during Public Service Recognition Week. The finalists are assessed, and from their ranks, eight awardees are selected by early fall. The Sammies selection committee is composed of nationally known journalists, political leaders, educators, and executives of large corporations. The eight awards cover the various sectors of federal public service. Honorees are chosen for their commitment and innovation, as well as the impact of their work on addressing the needs of the republic. Awardees are announced each fall at a dinner and awards ceremony in Washington, D.C. The Sammies finalists are those federal employees confronting complex issues of governance, including environmental, national security, and economic challenges. One criterion of the award is to qualify from among a dynamic group of talented, bright individuals working on behalf of the American people. The awards are organized and presented by the non-profit organization Partnership for Public Service.

Winners and finalists

  indicates the winner


Name Agency Category
Jenn Gustetic White House Office of Science and Technology Call to Service
Tate Jarrow U.S. Secret Service Call to Service
Lilia McFarland Farm Service Agency Call to Service
Catherine Michelle Pappas Department of the Air Force Call to Service
Jessica Hall Zomer Environmental Protection Agency Call to Service
Kathleen B. Hogan Department of Energy Career Achievement
Hongwei Hsiao Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Career Achievement
James McFadden National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Career Achievement
Thomas Gordon Morris Small Business Administration Career Achievement
Allen Wilcox National Institutes of Health Career Achievement
Lisa M. Jones Department of the Treasury Citizen Services
Paul McGann, Jean D. Moody-Williams and Dennis Wagner Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Citizen Services
Mariela Melero and the Customer Service and Public Engagement Directorate U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Citizen Services
Joseph J. Mueller Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Citizen Services
Thomas O'Toole Veterans Health Administration Citizen Services
Ajay Bhatt and the Operation No Safe Haven Team U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Anne Barker Dunn and the Veterans Justice Program Team Veterans Health Administration Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Edward Grace and the Operation Crash Team U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Thomas A. Mariani, Steven O'Rourke and Sarah Himmelhoch Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Richard May Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
William Gregory Burel Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Management Excellence
Patricia Dehmer Department of Energy Management Excellence
Burke Healey and the Avian Influenza Emergency Response Team Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Management Excellence
Kimya Lee and the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey Team Office of Personnel Management Management Excellence
John Pallister and the Volcano Disaster Assistance Team U.S. Geological Survey National Security and International Affairs
Daniel Patt Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency National Security and International Affairs
Carrie Stokes U.S. Agency for International Development National Security and International Affairs
Kirk Yeager Federal Bureau of Investigation National Security and International Affairs
Christopher D. Doley National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Science and Environment
David A. Hindin Environmental Protection Agency Science and Environment
Jaques Reifman and the APPRAISE Team U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command Science and Environment
Dennis Reuter and the LEISA Team National Aeronautics and Space Administration Science and Environment


Name Agency Category
Gretchen K. Campbell National Institutes of Standards and Technology Call to Service
Stephanie L. Hogan Environmental Protection Agency Call to Service
Bridget Lynn Roddy Department of State Call to Service
Adam R. Schildge Federal Transit Administration Call to Service
Robert J. Kavlock Environmental Protection Agency Career Achievement
Hyun Soon Lillehoj Agricultural Research Service Career Achievement
Charles E. Milam Department of Defense Career Achievement
Lucile Jones U.S Geological Survey Citizen Services
Constantine P. Sarko Federal Aviation Administration Citizen Services
Kevin G. Stricklin and the MSHA Mine Department of Labor Citizen Services
John P. Wagner U.S. Customs and Border Protection Citizen Services
Robert Bunge, Michael Gerber and the Wireless Alerts Team National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Anna M. Dozier Department of Labor Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
John B. Price Department of Homeland Security Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Ron Ross National Institute of Standards and Technology Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Kevin L. Hannes and the FEMA Operation Precious Cargo Team Federal Emergency Management Agency Management Excellence
Edward C. Hugler Department of Labor Management Excellence
Susan S. Kelly and the DOD Transition to Veterans Program Office Department of Defense Management Excellence
Edward J. Ramotowski and the Consular Affairs Team Department of State Management Excellence
Steven W. Zander Department of the Air Force Management Excellence
Mia Beers and the U.S. Ebola Disaster Assistance Response Team U.S. Agency for International Development National Security and International Affairs
Timothy A. Blades, Paul S. Gilmour and the Team U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (Blades) and U.S. Maritime Administration (Gilmour) National Security and International Affairs
Natasha M. De Marcken U.S. Agency for International Development National Security and International Affairs
Peter A. Morrison and the U.S. Navy Solid State Laser Team Department of the Navy National Security and International Affairs
Rob Thayer and the Syria Emergency Food Assistance Team U.S. Agency for International Development National Security and International Affairs
Richard Alan Feely National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Science and Environment
Jacob Moss Environmental Protection Agency Science and Environment
Griffin P. Rodgers National Institutes of Health Science and Environment
Steven A. Rosenberg National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute Federal Employee of the Year
Jean C. Zenklusen, Carolyn Hutter and the Cancer Genome Atlas Team National Institutes of Health People's Choice


Name Agency Category
Jonathan Baker Space and Missile Systems Center Launch Systems Directorate, U.S. Air Force Call to Service
Anthony Cotton, Amanda Femal, Jason Fleming and the DCA Transaction Teams U.S. Agency for International Development Call to Service
Sofia Hussain Securities and Exchange Commission Call to Service
Sara Meyers Department of Housing and Urban Development Call to Service
Miguel O. Roman National Aeronautics and Space Administration Call to Service
Scott Gerald Borg National Science Foundation Career Achievement
Thomas Browne Department of State Career Achievement
Robert A. Canino Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Career Achievement
Edwin Kneedler Department of Justice Career Achievement
E. Ramona Trovato Environmental Protection Agency Career Achievement
Michael Byrne Federal Communications Commission Citizen Services
Marcia Crosse Government Accountability Office Citizen Services
James D. Green Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Citizen Services
Douglas James Norton Environmental Protection Agency Citizen Services
Gunter Waibel, Adam Matello and Vincent Rossi Smithsonian Institution Citizen Services
Omar Perez Aybar, Reginald J. France, Joseph Beemsterboer and the Miami Heat Teams Department of Health and Human Services (Aybar and France) and Department of Justice, Criminal Division (Beemsterboer) Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Gilbert Bindewald, Alice Lippert and Patrick Willging Department of Energy Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Susan Hanson Federal Bureau of Investigation Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Anthony Regalbuto U.S. Coast Guard Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Sonny Hashmi General Services Administration Management Excellence
Alan J. Lindenmoyer National Aeronautics and Space Administration Management Excellence
Marion Mollegen McFadden and the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force Department of Housing and Urban Development Management Excellence
Ronald E. Walters Department of Veterans Affairs Management Excellence
Jill Boezwinkle U.S. Agency for International Development National Security and International Affairs
R. Patrick Degroodt Department of the Army National Security and International Affairs
Jonathon Gandomi Department of State National Security and International Affairs
Sean Young and Benjamin Tran Air Force Research Laboratory National Security and International Affairs
William A. Bauman and Ann M. Spungen Department of Veterans Affairs Science and Environment
William Charmley and James Tamm Environmental Protection Agency (Charmley) and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (Tamm) Science and Environment
John Cymbalsky Department of Energy Science and Environment
Richard Rast Air Force Research Laboratory Science and Environment
Jeffrey Rogers Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Science and Environment
Rana Hajjah and the HIB Initiative Team Department of Health and Human Services Federal Employee of the Year


Name Agency Category
Andrew Rabens Department of State Call to Service
David Vollman Veterans Health Administration Call to Service
Manan Vyas National Aeronautics and Space Administration Call to Service
William J. Borucki National Aeronautics and Space Administration Career Achievement
Orice Williams Brown Government Accountability Office Career Achievement
Mark DeMaria National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Career Achievement
Michael Gottesman National Institutes of Health Career Achievement
Philip Rosenfelt Department of Education Career Achievement
Dave Broomell Social Security Administration Citizen Services
Martha Dorris General Services Administration Citizen Services
Daniel Madrzykowski National Institute of Standards and Technology Citizen Services
Terence V. Milholland Department of the Treasury Citizen Services
J. Todd Weber Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Citizen Services
Charles Addington Department of the Interior Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Michelle Colby and the Vaccine Development Team Department of Homeland Security Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
John MacKinnon and the Operation Holitna Team Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security Investigations Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Seamus McElearney and the C-38 Team Federal Bureau of Investigation Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Stephen E. Richardson and the Team Federal Bureau of Investigation Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Margaret Focarino and the Team U.S.Patent and Trademark Office Management Excellence
Kevin T. Geiss Department of the Air Force Management Excellence
Harry Haskins and the Team Small Business Administration Management Excellence
Claire Votaw Department of State Management Excellence
Cara Christie and the USAID Horn Drought Response Team U.S. Agency for International Development National Security and International Affairs
Hamid Jafari Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Security and International Affairs
Kenneth J. Linthicum Agricultural Research Service National Security and International Affairs
Erica Keen Thomas and the China Air Monitoring Team Department of State National Security and International Affairs
Paul D. Jablonski Department of Energy Science and Environment
David Lavery and the Mars Science Laboratory Team National Aeronautics and Space Administration Science and Environment
Josh Silverman Department of Energy Science and Environment
Nora D. Volkow National Institutes of Health Science and Environment
Julie Segre, Tara Palmore and the Team National Institutes of Health Federal Employees of the Year
Antonio J. Mendez Central Intelligence Agency Honorary Medal


Name Agency Category
Shane Morris Department of State Call to Service
Jacob M. Taylor National Institute of Standards and Technology Call to Service
Deborah Temkin Department of Education Call to Service
James Cash National Transportation Safety Board Career Achievement
H. Allen Dobbs Department of Health and Human Services Career Achievement
Patricia Hayes Department of Veterans Affairs Career Achievement
Susan Angell, Mark Johnston and the Homeless Veterans Initiative Team Department of Veterans Affairs Citizen Services
Heidi King and James Battles Department of Defense (King) and Department of Health and Human Services (Battles) Citizen Services
Michael A. McBride Department of the Treasury Citizen Services
Lance Rodewald Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Citizen Services
Livia Marques Department of Agriculture Citizen Services
Arthur M. Friedlander Department of the Army Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Shauna Henline Internal Revenue Service Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Michael Hertz Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Kelly Maltagliati National Archives and Records Administration Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Kelly Menzie-DeGraff and the Team Corporation for National and Community Service Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Louis Milione and the DEA Team Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Nael Samha and Thomas Roland, Jr. U.S. Customs and Border Protection Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Daniel Stoneking Federal Emergency Management Agency Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Elliot B. Branch Department of the Navy Management Excellence
Danette Campbell U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Management Excellence
Joseph Kennedy, Ray Decker and Hakeem Basheerud-Deen Office of Personnel Management Management Excellence
Arleas Upton Kea Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Management Excellence
Alice Muellerweiss Department of Veterans Affairs Management Excellence
Michelle Bernier-Toth Department of State National Security and International Affairs
Richard Boly Department of State National Security and International Affairs
Joyce Connery National Security Council National Security and International Affairs
Charles Scoville Walter Reed National Military Medical Center National Security and International Affairs
Myron "Ron" Deftler and the Robonaut2 Team National Aeronautics and Space Administration Science and Environment
Barbara Linder National Institutes of Health Science and Environment
Kyle Myers National Security Council Science and Environment
Neal S. Young National Institutes of Health Science and Environment
Lynne Meryl Mofenson National Institutes of Health Federal Employee of the Year


Name Agency Category
Katherine Antos Environmental Protection Agency Call to Service
Oliver P. Fischer Department of the Treasury Call to Service
Ann S. Martin Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Call to Service
Mary Pletcher Department of the Interior Call to Service
Alfonso Batres Veterans Health Administration Career Achievement
Neal B. Brown Department of Health and Human Services Career Achievement
Sharon W. Bryson National Transportation Safety Board Career Achievement
Lawrence Deyton Department of Health and Human Services Career Achievement
Matthew J. Friedman Department of Veterans Affairs Career Achievement
Diane K. Braunstein Social Security Administration Citizen Services
Julius Knapp, Ruth Milkman, Sharon Gillett and the Omnibus Broadband Initiative Team Federal Communications Commission Citizen Services
William Arrington Department of Homeland Security Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
C. Norman Coleman National Institutes of Health Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Taryn Guariglia Department of the Treasury Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Charles Heurich and the NamUs Team Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Charles J. Houser and the Team Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Katherine McQuay and Zoe Mentel Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Amy Merten and the ERMA Team National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Richard Reed Executive Office of the President Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
W. Todd Grams Department of Veterans Affairs Management Excellence
Bill Guerin General Services Administration Management Excellence
Ann Marie Oliva Department of Housing and Urban Development Management Excellence
Michael B. Smith Department of Homeland Security Management Excellence
Paul B. Dean Department of State National Security and International Affairs
James Michael Duncan and the NASA Team National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Security and International Affairs
Janet St. Laurent Government Accountability Office National Security and International Affairs
Dan Meyer and the Civilian Reprisal Investigations Team Department of Defense National Security and International Affairs
Brian H. Nilsson and the Export Control Reform Team Executive Office of the President National Security and International Affairs
Fenella France Library of Congress Science and Environment
William A. Gahl National Institutes of Health Science and Environment
Diane Powell and the Launch Team National Aeronautics and Space Administration Science and Environment
Paul A. Hsieh U.S. Geological Survey Federal Employee of the Year


Name Agency Category
Saskia Van Gendt Environmental Protection Agency Call to Service
P. Ryan Jackson U.S. Geological Survey Call to Service
Till Rosenband Department of Commerce Call to Service
Mark Simakovsky Department of Defense Call to Service
Ronald Sanders Office of the Director of National Intelligence Career Achievement
Joseph T. Schaefer National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Career Achievement
Susan Soloman National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Career Achievement
Sue Ellen Walbridge Department of Energy Career Achievement
Peter Wilhelm Department of the Navy Career Achievement
Deborah Autor Department of Health and Human Services Citizen Services
Robert Benzon National Transportation Safety Board Citizen Services
Shane Kelley and Eva Ristow Social Security Administration Citizen Services
Jennifer Main, Timothy G. Massad, David N. Miller and the Troubled Asset Relief Program Team Department of the Treasury Citizen Services
Sara M. Bloom and the Pfizer Case Team U.S. Attorney’s Office Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Sandra K. Brooks Department of the Navy Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Joseph P. Casey and Paul D. Coburn Federal Communications Commission Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Jamie L. Konstas Federal Bureau of Investigation Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Greg Kutz Government Accountability Office Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Kimberly D. Munley and Mark A. Todd, Sr. Department of the Army Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Jeffrey A. Neiman, Michael P. Ben'ary and Kevin M. Downing Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Carl W. Pike and the Project Coronado Team Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
William van der Schalie and the Biomonitor Team Department of the Army Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Teri Glass and the Army Medical Support Systems Team Department of the Army National Security and International Affairs
Robert K. Harris Department of State National Security and International Affairs
Kirk E. Meyer and Frank P. Calestino Department of Justice (Meyer) and Department of the Treasury (Calestino) National Security and International Affairs
Karthik Ramanathan Department of the Treasury National Security and International Affairs
Robert James Simonds Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Security and International Affairs
Rafat R. Ansari National Aeronautics and Space Administration Science and Environment
Jeffrey M. Baker Department of Energy Science and Environment
Joshua Bienfang Department of Commerce Science and Environment
Carl Burleson Department of Transportation Science and Environment
Pius Bannis Department of Homeland Security Federal Employee of the Year


Name Agency Category
Cara Peck Environmental Protection Agency Call to Service
Clare D. Rowley Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Call to Service
Ian B. Spielman Department of Commerce Call to Service
Jared Summers Department of the Air Force Call to Service
Kristen Taddonio Environmental Protection Agency Call to Service
David Leckrone National Aeronautics and Space Administration Career Achievement
Fran Ligler Department of the Navy Career Achievement
Audrey Nelson Department of Veterans Affairs Career Achievement
Thomas Alexander Waldmann National Institutes of Health Career Achievement
Tim Evans Social Security Administration Citizen Services
Michael German Department of Housing and Urban Development Citizen Services
Gail Lovelace General Services Administration Citizen Services
Cathleen A. Berrick Government Accountability Office Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Don Burke and Sean P. Dennehy Central Intelligence Agency Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
William Fallon and the Operation Falcon 2008 Team Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Walter Benjamin Fisherow Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Jeffrey Knox U.S. Attorney's Office Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
John C. McDougal Department of the Treasury Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Regan Murray and the TEVA Research Team Environmental Protection Agency Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Chris Dwyer Department of the Navy National Security and International Affairs
Cray Henry and the HPCMP Team Department of Defense National Security and International Affairs
Amy Meyer U.S. Agency for International Development National Security and International Affairs
Karen Turner and the Global Development Commons Team U.S. Agency for International Development National Security and International Affairs
Leslie Holland-Bartels and the International Polar Bear Science Team U.S. Geological Survey Science and Environment
T. Allan Comp Department of the Interior Science and Environment
Patricia Guerry Department of the Navy Science and Environment
Robin Robinson Department of Health and Human Services Science and Environment
Jeffrey A. Schloss National Institutes of Health Science and Environment
Compton J. Tucker National Aeronautics and Space Administration Science and Environment
Janet Kemp Veterans Health Administration Federal Employee of the Year


Name Agency Category
Alain D. Carballeyra Department of the Air Force Call to Service
Joshua R. Fairley and the Team Department of the Army Call to Service
Patricia Frounfelker Department of the Army Call to Service
Stephen O. Anderson Environmental Protection Agency Career Achievement
Cynthia Bascetta Government Accountability Office Career Achievement
Carole A. Davis Department of Agriculture Career Achievement
Judah Levine Department of Commerce Career Achievement
Carol D. Shull Department of the Interior Career Achievement
Rajiv Jain Department of Veterans Affairs Citizen Services
David J. Lipman National Institutes of Health Citizen Services
Carolyn Shanoff and the Team Federal Trade Commission Citizen Services
Eddie Bernard National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Bobbi Bernstein and Alex Bustamante Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Michael Butler General Services Administration Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Frank J. DiFalco Department of Homeland Security Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Scott Hutchison, Steven Zerebeck and the Team Department of Health and Human Services Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Victor M. Manjarrez, Jr. and the Operation Lifeguard Team U.S. Customs and Border Protection Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
James "Patrick" McCreary and the BJA Information Sharing Team Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Mark Pletcher Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Renate Reimschuessel Food and Drug Administration Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Mary Katherine Friedrich Department of State National Security and International Affairs
Orlando Illi and the MC4Team Department of the Army National Security and International Affairs
Daniel Irwin and the SERVIR Team National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Security and International Affairs
Crystal Kaplan Department of State National Security and International Affairs
Steven G. Chalk Department of Energy Science and Environment
Alexander E. MacDonald National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Science and Environment
Greg Neudecker U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Science and Environment
Joshua Pomeroy National Institute of Standards and Technology Science and Environment
Richard Greene U.S. Agency for International Development Federal Employee of the Year


Name Agency Category
Nicole Faison Department of Housing and Urban Development Call to Service
Markus Garlauskas Department of the Army Call to Service
Myroslava Gongadze Broadcasting Board of Governors Call to Service
Konrad Lehnert Department of Commerce Call to Service
Brian Waud Department of Energy Call to Service
John Mather National Aeronautics and Space Administration Career Achievement
Walter Oleszek Library of Congress Career Achievement
David Vesely Department of Veterans Affairs Career Achievement
Dinah F.B. Cohen Department of Defense Citizen Services
John Doll and David Freeland Department of Commerce Citizen Services
Wallace Fung and Henry Chao Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Citizen Services
David Williams Department of the Treasury Citizen Services
Terrence Bohan Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Chris Dishman Executive Office of the President Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Michael Ethridge and the Team Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Max Mayfield National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
John S. Morgan and the President's DNA Initiative Team Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Tracy Mustin National Nuclear Security Administration Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Vernan W. Roberson and the Operation Global Con Team Department of Commerce Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Leonard A. Smith Department of the Army Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
William Baker Department of the Air Force National Security and International Affairs
Brenda Brown Doroski and John Mitchell Environmental Protection Agency National Security and International Affairs
Carol Dumaine Central Intelligence Agency National Security and International Affairs
Anh Duong Department of the Navy National Security and International Affairs
Edward Messmer Department of State National Security and International Affairs
Robert O. Slater and the NSEP Team Department of Defense National Security and International Affairs
Michael K. Trimble Department of the Army National Security and International Affairs
John F. Vertefeuille and Brian D. Wheeler Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Security and International Affairs
Raymond Carruthers and Jack DeLoach Department of Agriculture Science and Environment
Frazer Lockhart and the Rocky Flats Cleanup Team Department of Energy Science and Environment
Douglas R. Lowy and John T. Schiller National Institutes of Health Federal Employee of the Year


Name Agency Category
Matthew D. Lowe Department of State Call to Service
Emily H. Majcher U.S. Geological Survey Call to Service
Christina Sanford Department of State Call to Service
Karen Stewart Department of Health and Human Services Call to Service
George V. DiBiase Department of the Navy Career Achievement
Joseph J. Lusczek, Jr. Department of the Air Force Career Achievement
Winfred Malone National Institutes of Health Career Achievement
William D. Phillips National Institute of Standards and Technology Career Achievement
Raymond Brammer, Jr. Social Security Administration Citizen Services
Thomas Casadevall and the USGS Hurricane Response Team U.S. Geological Survey Citizen Services
Kevin Harrison and the DEA Rescue Team Drug Enforcement Administration Citizen Services
Betsy Kinter Internal Revenue Service Citizen Services
Robin E. Ware U.S. Postal Service Citizen Services
Brian Bucaro Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Gene Driggers and the ICE Cyber Crime Center Team Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
W. Martin Harrell Environmental Protection Agency Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Nancy Powell National Intelligence Council Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Robert A. Schoch Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Leigh Senzatimore and the Team Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Robert J. Brandewie Department of Defense National Security and International Affairs
Alonzo L. Fulgham U.S. Agency for International Development National Security and International Affairs
Thomas M. Lasowka and the TSGLI Team Department of Veterans Affairs National Security and International Affairs
Ron McNeal Department of Defense National Security and International Affairs
Suzanne Petrie Department of Homeland Security National Security and International Affairs
Mark R. Price Federal Aviation Administration National Security and International Affairs
Mark S. Ward U.S. Agency for International Development National Security and International Affairs
Norden E. Huang National Aeronautics and Space Administration Science and Environment
Robert J. Lamb Department of the Interior Science and Environment
Stuart Richer and the LAST Team Department of Veterans Affairs Science and Environment
Nancy Cox Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Federal Employee of the Year


Name Agency Category
Lynn Clements Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Call to Service
Patrick Forrest Department of Housing and Urban Development Call to Service
Bill Hindman Department of the Air Force Call to Service
Kevin McAleenan Customs and Border Protection Call to Service
James H. Fall III Department of the Treasury Career Achievement
James Jeffrey Department of State Career Achievement
John Schelberg Department of the Army Career Achievement
Barbara Turner U.S. Agency for International Development Career Achievement
Coral Childs and the GSA Computers for Learning Team General Services Administration Citizen Services
Terence Lutes Internal Revenue Service Citizen Services
Robert Otto United States Postal Service Citizen Services
Dennis Wagner and the Leadership Team Department of Health and Human Services Citizen Services
Steven Bice Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Allen Gina Customs and Border Protection Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Elizabeth Grossman Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Robert Henoch Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Ed Kacerosky Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Paul McCabe Federal Bureau of Investigation Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Jim Williams and the Team Department of Homeland Security Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Tobin Bradley Department of State National Security and International Affairs
Susan Cantor and the Team Immigration and Customs Enforcement National Security and International Affairs
Jeffrey Drummond U.S. Agency for International Development National Security and International Affairs
Alan Estevez Department of Defense National Security and International Affairs
Thomas Flaherty Department of the Air Force National Security and International Affairs
Dave Gabel Department of Defense National Security and International Affairs
Christopher Hillenbrand Department of the Navy National Security and International Affairs
Robert Davis National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Science and Environment
Gloria Kulesa Federal Aviation Administration Science and Environment
Subhashree Madhavan and the Rembrandt Project Team National Institutes of Health Science and Environment
Orlando Figueroa National Aeronautics and Space Administration Federal Employee of the Year


Name Agency Category
John Butler National Institute of Standards and Technology Call to Service
Leopoldo Miranda-Castro U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Call to Service
Nicole Nelson-Jean Department of Energy Call to Service
Ranjeet Singh Department of State Call to Service
Prudence Bushnell Department of State Career Achievement
Marsha Henderson Department of Health and Human Services Career Achievement
Han K. Kang Veterans Health Administration Career Achievement
David A. King National Aeronautics and Space Administration Career Achievement
Elizabeth Martin Department of the Air Force Career Achievement
Thomas Cacciarelli Department of Veterans Affairs Citizen Services
Joseph A. Foster Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Citizen Services
Eileen Harrington and the FTC Do Not Call Team Federal Trade Commission Citizen Services
Margaret Washnitzer Department of Health and Human Services Citizen Services
Michele Culp U.S. Postal Service Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Peter Darling and the Operation Kids for Cover Team Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Brad Gair Federal Emergency Management Agency Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Samuel Holland Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Jose Melendez-Perez Customs and Border Protection Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Anna Moretto, John Carroll and Erin Gimbel Department of Education Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Michael Washington Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
George W. Aldaya Farm Service Agency National Security and International Affairs
Keith Brown U.S. Agency for International Development National Security and International Affairs
Stephen E. Browning Department of the Army National Security and International Affairs
Amy Alving Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Science and Environment
Diane Drigot Department of the Navy Science and Environment
William Gerstenmaier National Aeronautics and Space Administration Science and Environment
Deborah Jin National Institute of Standards and Technology Science and Environment
Robert F. Clifford Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Employee of the Year


Name Agency Category
Jared Feinberg Department of Defense Call to Service
Alyson McFarland Department of State Call to Service
Chevell Thomas Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Call to Service
Paul Wilde Federal Aviation Administration Call to Service
James Bagain Veterans Health Administration Career Achievement
James Hallock Department of Transportation Career Achievement
Andre Surena Department of State Career Achievement
Marcella Banks General Services Administration Citizen Services
Donna Bonar Department of Health and Human Services Citizen Services
Kevin Carr National Institute of Standards and Technology Citizen Services
Nelson Hernandez and the Community Affairs Team Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Citizen Services
Denise Johnson Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Citizen Services
Ray McKinney and the Team Department of Labor Citizen Services
Terry Van Allan Department of Housing and Urban Development Citizen Services
Richard Marx Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Deborah Monette National Nuclear Security Administration Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Catherine Montie Department of Defense Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Edward J. Needham and the Buffalo Joint Terrorism Task Force Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
John Oliveira Department of the Interior Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
William Pericak and the Team Department of Justice Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Paul Polski Department of Homeland Security Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Riaz Awan Department of Energy National Security and International Affairs
Kimber Davidson and the Team Department of State National Security and International Affairs
Holly Wise U.S. Agency for International Development National Security and International Affairs
Bert Coursey National Institute of Standards and Technology Science and Environment
Richard Jackson, MD, MPH Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Science and Environment
Earl Stockdale Department of the Army Science and Environment
Stephen McHale Department of Homeland Security Federal Employee of the Year


Name Agency Category
Rachel Billingslea Department of Defense Call to Service
Duane Blackburn Department of the Navy Call to Service
Mark Jacobson Department of Defense Call to Service
Carolyn Miller Department of Justice Call to Service
Katharine Gebbie National Institute of Standards and Technology Career Achievement
Samuel Massenberg National Aeronautics and Space Administration Career Achievement
Alan Richwald U.S. Army Materiel Command Career Achievement
Frances Selsnick Department of Veterans Affairs Career Achievement
David Webb Federal Emergency Management Agency Career Achievement
Daniel Weinburg Department of Commerce Citizen Services
Anne Matthew-Younes Department of Health and Human Services Citizen Services
Michael Benedict Pentagon Police Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Jonathan Blincone Department of Defense Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Kenneth Concepcion U.S. Coast Guard Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Ronald Ingleby Social Security Administration Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Michael Miller and the DTOS Team U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Nelson Palma General Services Administration Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Robert Rutherford U.S. Customs Service Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
Dennis Baca U.S. Postal Service National Security and International Affairs
Arnold E. Guevara Department of Energy National Security and International Affairs
Alfred League National Imagery and Mapping Agency National Security and International Affairs
Richard Meehan and Kerry Thomas Department of Energy National Security and International Affairs
Richard C. Asher Department of the Navy Science and Environment
Donald Sweeney U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Science and Environment
William L. Fleming and Ben H. Herren Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Employee of the Year

Emcees and special guests

Year Emcees Special Guests
2015 Chuck Todd Sally Jewell, Secretary, Department of the Interior

Thomas Vilsack, Secretary, Department of Agriculture

Anthony Foxx, Secretary, Department of Transportation

Bruce Andrews, Deputy Secretary, Department of Commerce

Chris Lu, Deputy Secretary, Department of Labor

Ambassador Susan Rice, National Security Advisor

Shaun Donovan, Director, Office of Management and Budget

Francis Collins, Director, National Institutes of Health

Ambassador Jeremiah Sulunteh, Republic of Liberia

2014 Jake Tapper Eric Holder, Attorney General, Department of Justice

Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services

Robert McDonald, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs

Shaun Donovan, Director, Office of Management and Budget

Robert Work, Deputy Secretary, Department of Defense

Katherine Archuleta, Director, Office of Personnel Management

Charles Bolden, Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Julius Genachowski, former chairman, Federal Communications Commission

2013 Bianna Golodryga Rand Beers, Acting Secretary, Department of Homeland Security

James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence

Ashton Carter, Deputy Secretary, Department of Defense

Bill Corr, Deputy Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services

Patrick Gallagher, Acting Deputy Secretary, Department of Commerce

Denis McDonough, White House Chief of Staff

Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Director, Office of Management and Budget

Charles Bolden, Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States, Government Accountability Office

2012 Kyra Phillips John Roberts, Senior National Correspondent, Fox News Channel

Shaun Donovan, Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development

Janet Napolitano, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security

Rebecca Blank, Acting Secretary, Department of Commerce

Ashton B. Carter, Deputy Secretary, Department of Defense

William Corr, Deputy Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services

W. Scott Gould, Deputy Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs

John Berry, Director, Office of Personnel Management

Francis Collins, Director, National Institutes of Health

U.S. Senator Michael Bennet (Colorado)

U.S. Representative Darrell Issa (California)

2011 Bob Schieffer Ken Salazar, Secretary, Department of the Interior

Steven Chu, Secretary, Department of Energy

Eric Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs

James Cole, Deputy Attorney General, Department of Justice

Jeff Zients, Federal Chief Performance Officer, Office of Management and Budget

John Berry, Director, Office of Personnel Management

Michael Astrue, Commissioner, Social Security Administration

Charles Bolden, Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

U.S. Representative Chris Van Hollen (Maryland)

2010 Norah O'Donnell Shaun Donovan, Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development

Janet Napolitano, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security

Gary Grindler, Deputy Attorney General, Department of Justice

Daniel Poneman, Deputy Secretary, Department of Energy

John Berry, Director, Office of Personnel Management

Bob Perciasepe, Deputy Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency

Admiral Thad Allen, Deepwater Horizon National Incident Commander, Department of Homeland Security

Jane Lubchenco, Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

U.S. Senator Benjamin L. Cardin (Maryland)

2009 Elizabeth Vargas Eric Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs

Admiral Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence

Peter Orszag, Director, Office of Management and Budget

Bill Corr, Deputy Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services

John Berry, Director, Office of Personnel Management

Sheila Bair, Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Michèle Flournoy, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

Nancy Powell, Director General of the Foreign Service, Department of State

2008 Rob Riggle Samuel Bodman, Secretary, Department of Energy

Josh Bolten, White House Chief of Staff

Jim Nussle, Director, Office of Management and Budget

U.S. Representative David Price (North Carolina)

U.S. Representative Tim Murphy (Pennsylvania)

U.S. Representative John Sarbanes (Maryland)

Ambassador Said Jawad, Afghanistan

2007 Lester Holt Michael Leavitt, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services

Clay Sell, Deputy Secretary, Department of Energy

Donald Winter, Secretary, Department of the Navy

David Walker, Comptroller General of the United States, Government Accountability Office

Linda Springer, Director, Office of Personnel Management

U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka (Hawaii)

U.S. Senator Wayne Allard (Colorado)

U.S. Representative Chris Van Hollen (Maryland)

Carol Mendelsohn, Executive Producer, “CSI”

Eric Szmanda, Actor, “CSI”

2006 Gwen Ifill Ambassador Patrick Kennedy, Deputy Director of National Intelligence

Frances Townsend, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security

John Marburger, Director, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

Linda Springer, Director, Office of Personnel Management

Brigadier General Maurice Forsyth, Deputy Director for Global Operations, Joint Staff

U.S. Representative Jim Leach (Iowa)

U.S. Representative Chris Van Hollen (Maryland)

Ambassador Bernard Goonetilleke, Sri Lanka

2005 Wolf Blitzer Secretary Michael Chertoff, Department of Homeland Security

Ambassador John Negroponte, Director of National Intelligence

Josh Bolten, Director, Office of Management and Budget

Linda Springer, Director, Office of Personnel Management

Mark Everson, Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service

Cari Dominguez, Chair, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Andrew Natsios, Administrator, United States Agency for International Development

U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel (Nebraska)

U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka (Hawaii)

U.S. Representative Chris Van Hollen (Maryland)

2004 Anderson Cooper Admiral James Loy, Deputy Secretary, Department of Homeland Security

Ambassador Linton F. Brooks, Administrator, National Nuclear Security Administration

David Walker, Comptroller General of the United States, Government Accountability Office

Thomas B. Leary, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission

Kay Coles James, Director, Office of Personnel Management

John Pistole, Deputy Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Judy Woodruff, Anchor, CNN

2003 Cokie Roberts Norman Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation

Admiral Jim Loy, Administrator, Transportation Security Administration

Sean O’Keefe, Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Donald Powell, Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

John Bridgeland, Director, USA Freedom Corps

U.S. Senator George Voinovich (Ohio)

U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman (New Mexico)

U.S. Representative Harold Ford, Jr. (Tennessee)

U.S. Representative Jack Quinn (New York)

2002 Judy Woodruff Norman Mineta, Secretary, Department of Transportation

Governor Tom Ridge, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security

Andy Card, White House Chief of Staff and former Secretary of Transportation

Kay Coles James, Director, Office of Personnel Management

Charles Louis Kincannon, Director, Census Bureau

David Walker, Comptroller General of the United States, Government Accountability Office

Sean O’Keefe, Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

U.S. Representative Connie Morella (Maryland)

John Spencer, Actor, NBC’s “The West Wing”


  1. Stand-Out Public Servants Receive Coveted Service to America Medals at Washington, D.C. Gala; "Oscars" of Government Service Recipients Work in Washington, D.C., Colorado, Florida, California and Haiti (Sept. 16, 2010); see also Timothy B. Clark, Making a Difference, National Journal (Oct. 7, 2006).
  2. Gabrielle Maxey, Risky Business, The University of Memphis Magazine (Fall 2010); see also Marie Gilbert, "Hagerstown man one of 34 finalists for the 2011 Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals", Herald-Mail (Hagerstown, Maryland)(Aug. 27, 2011) at 1 (reporting on the finalist Daniel P. Meyer from the Department of Defense).
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