Samuel Candler Dobbs

Samuel Candler Dobbs was president (1919-1920) and chairman of The Coca-Cola Company, from 1919 to 1922.[1]

Early life and education

Dobbs was born in 1869 in Georgia. He was the son of Harris Henry Dobbs,[2] and cousin of Asa Griggs Candler, founder of The Coca-Cola Company.[1]


Dobbs began his career as an Atlanta-based Coca-Cola salesman, during which he persuaded Joe Biedenharn of the Biedenharn Candy Company to set up a Coca-Cola dispenser in this store and order the beverage on a regular basis, thereby fueling sales and recognition of the Coca-Cola name.[3][4] Dobbs later became the company's sales manager and president.

In 1909, Dobbs became president of the Associated Advertising Clubs of America, now the American Advertising Federation (AAF), and began to make speeches on the subject.[5] In 1911, he was involved in the adoption of the "Ten Commandments of Advertising", one of the first codes of advertising developed by groups of advertising firms and individual businesses. He is credited with beginning the "truth-in-advertising" campaign that led to the creation of the Better Business Bureau.

Philanthropy and legacy

In January 1939, Dobbs made a $1,000,000 unrestricted gift to the Emory University.[6] Several endowed chairs are named after him. [7][8]


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