Madron (saint)

Saint Madron was a Pre-Congregational Saint, monk and hermit.[1] He is honoured in Wales and Brittany, and in Cornwall at Madron Parish Church in the village of Madron. He also has a Holy well, noted for its healing powers.[2][3]

Madron was born in Cornwall and was a disciple of Saint Ciarán of Saigir. Very little is known of him except that many miracles were attributed to him.[4] He died c.545 AD near Land’s End, Cornwall, and is remembered in Madron Parish Church (Madron Village) and his Feast Day is 17 May.


John T. Koch [5] has suggested that the saint was not a historical figure but rather a Christianisation of the Mythical Celtic Modron the mother goddess. Indeed some aspects of the veneration at Madron's well do appear to derive from Pagan origins.

Others [6][7] have suggested that the saint's life is a retelling of the story of St. Madrun, a daughter of Vortimer, a king of Gwent.



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