Sailing at the 1956 Summer Olympics – Dragon

at the Games of the XVI Olympiad

Venue Port Phillip
Dates 26–29 November and
3–5 December
Competitors 50 from 16 nations
Teams 16
1st, gold medalist(s) Folke Bohlin
Bengt Palmquist
Leif Wikstrom
2nd, silver medalist(s) Ole Berntsen
Cyril Andresen
Christian von Bülow
3rd, bronze medalist(s) Graham Mann
Ronald Backus
Jonathan Janson
 Great Britain
Sailing at the
 1956 Summer Olympics 
Finn Open
12 m2 Sharpie Open
Star Open
Dragon Open
5.5 Metre Open

The Dragon was a sailing event on the Sailing at the 1956 Summer Olympics program on Port Phillip. Seven races were scheduled. Fifty sailors, on 16 boats, from 16 nations competed.


Helmsman (Country) Crew Yachtname Race I Race II Race III Race IV Race V Race VI Race VII Total
1st, gold medalist(s)  Folke Bohlin  (SWE) Bengt Palmquist
Leif Wikstrom
Slaghoken II.8402210041130584029351113051130560745723
2nd, silver medalist(s)  Ole Berntsen  (DEN) Cyril Andresen
Christian von Bülow
3rd, bronze medalist(s)  Graham Mann  (GBR) Ronald Backus
Jonathan Janson
4  Jorge Salas Chávez  (ARG) Arnoldo Pekelharing
Boris Adolfo Belada
5  Graham Horace Drane  (AUS) Brian Barrett Carolan
James Arthur Carolane
6  Sergio Sorrentino  (ITA) Piero Gorgatto
Annibale Pelaschiar
7  Thor Thorvaldsen  (NOR) Carl Otto Svae
Bjorn Oscar Gulbrandsen
Pan II.7460560693515606840210305382835583253
8  David Howard  (CAN) Cliff Howard
Donald Tytler
Tomahawk III.65277460103051126438287460560634503186
9  Eugene Henry Walet III  (USA) Eugene H. Walet, Jr.
Carlos Porfiri Echeverria, Jr.
Daniel Bernard Killeen
Spirit III.DNF0112641126465271130565271126431513151
10  Theodor Thomsen  (EUA) Erich Natusch
Georg Nowka
Gustl XL56066527560693515606DNF01222629222922
11  Ivan Matveev  (URS) Andrei Mazovka
Pyotr Tolstikhine
Neptun II.12226382874601319112226122261319123482157
12  Robert Stewart  (NZL) Albert Wallace Cuthbertson
William Edgar Swinnerton
Red Dragon9351DSQ015129382810305DSQ0840220152015
13  Bernardo Mendes D'Almeida Conde de Caria  (POR) Carlos Rogenmoser de Lourenco
Sérgio Marques
14  John Flinkenberg  (FIN) Thor-Kristian Lind
Joel Jahn
15  Howard Brownlow Eve  (BER) James Bernard Ward
James Wasson Kempe
16  Edward Gilbert Holiday  (SIN) Kenneth Dunstan Golding
Robert Ho
Keith Littlewood Johnson
Rika II.141591415913191DNF0151291415915129926926

DNF = Did Not Finish, DNS= Did Not Start, DSQ = Disqualified
= Male, = Female

Daily standings

Graph showing the daily standings in the Dragon during the 1956 Summer Olympics

Conditions on Port Phillip

Of the total of three race areas were needed during the Olympics in the Port Phillip Bay. Each of the classes was using the same scoring system. The center course was used for the Dragon.


  1. The 1956 Olympic scoring system was used.
  2. Total after applying discard.


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