List of minor characters in Judge Dredd

This is a list of minor characters in the British comic strip Judge Dredd appearing in 2000 AD, Judge Dredd Megazine and related publications. They are listed alphabetically by surname, in categories.

Judges of Mega-City One


Psi-Judge Kit Agee was one of Justice Department's telepaths, and a friend of Judge Anderson. In 2112 she was abducted by Judge Kraken, who was being controlled by the Sisters of Death. The Sisters, who inhabited another dimension, used Agee to establish a psionic link to Earth, where they were able to seize control of Mega-City One, ultimately killing millions of people. On Anderson's advice, Judge Dredd killed Agee, severing the psychic link and banishing the Sisters back to their homeworld.[1]


Judge Bennett was a recurring character in Al Ewing's Dredd strips. He first appeared as an adept and quick-thinking rookie, impressing Dredd during a crime swoop. He made 'full eagle' in 2130, and in early 2131 teamed up with Dredd to investigate murders caused by remote-controlled bullets. The pressure of the bizarre case caused him to suffer doubts but, after Dredd offered to take over and find him an "easier" job, Bennett refused, got past his doubts, and solved the case. Dredd was again impressed with him (but dumped all the paperwork on him anyway).[2]

Due to his closeness to Dredd, Judge Sinfield moved him to meat-wagon duties as a snub.[3]


Tek-Judge Brufen was head of Tek Division (2108–2110), Justice Department's research and development scientists, succeeding Judge Renbow and taking his seat on the Council of Five. By this time he had already designed the Manta Prowl Tank. He was assassinated by the Judda. His seat on the Council was taken by Judge Odell. Due to an oversight by an artist on a later story, Tale of the Dead Man, Brufen was depicted as still alive two years later.[4]


Judge Laverne Castillo[5] was a street judge who was taken off street duty when she froze in combat and allowed a fellow judge to be shot and seriously wounded. Transferred to administrative duties, she became the personal aide to Chief Judge McGruder and accompanied the Chief Judge on a diplomatic visit to the planet Hestia. When their spaceship crashed there, Castillo so impressed Judge Dredd that on their return home he recommended that she be transferred back to street duty.[6] This time she excelled in her chosen role, and was Dredd's sidekick in a number of stories until she was murdered by aliens after eight years on the force.[7]

During her time on Hestia, Castillo developed a secret and unrequited crush on Judge Dredd. Writer John Wagner never developed this theme any further with her character, but this idea was taken up again with the character Galen DeMarco and used to greater effect, with significant repercussions in the relevant stories.

De Gaulle

Judge DeGaulle (originally spelt "De Gaulle") was a long-term street judge. During the Executioner murders, Dredd interrogated De Gaulle due to her physical similarity to the killer and her absence during the killings (she'd been off duty). Once she was cleared, Dredd apologised; De Gaulle remarked that she would have done the same in his position "and if I ever get the chance, I will!" [8] Years later, she got the chance as part of the Special Judicial Squad, strip-searching Dredd during his Random Physical Abuse Test.[9]

After fifteen years on the streets, she was crippled by a random gunman and had to be given robotic legs. She was reassigned to Control and became bitter about it, later asking Dredd "is this all I get out of it?" This bitterness caused her to join Judge Grice's conspiracy against Dredd and the 2113 referendum, believing it would throw away judicial control. She was sent to Titan [10] and was left emotionally distraught for months.[11]

She was victimised by Titan guards, which sparked a riot that would allow Grice to make his big jailbreak. DeGaulle and the other ex-judges escaped with him.[12]


Judge Dekker[13] first appeared in 1984 as a rookie judge, being successfully evaluated by Dredd as to her suitability to become a full judge.[14] She did not reappear in the strip again until 1991, when writer Garth Ennis used her as a recurring secondary character in several 1991 and 1992 strips - most prominently as the investigating judge against the "Muzak Killer".[15] By this time an experienced street judge, she was killed in the 1992 story "Judgement Day" (set in 2114). Upon her death Dredd considered that she was "...the best rookie he'd ever had, bar none." He later hallucinated her during his crucifixion in "Goodnight Kiss".

An alternative, evil version of Dekker from a parallel universe appeared in the 1994 novel Dread Dominion.[16]


Dolman was a cadet at the Academy of Law. He was cloned from Judge Dredd's DNA. Although he performed well at the Academy, he resented his lack of control over his own life and chose to leave the Academy and Mega-City One.[17] He joined the Space Corps and was transferred to an offworld Academy, though he regularly returned to the city; keeping in touch with Vienna Dredd and took classes at night school.[18]

Shortly after "Day of Chaos," Dolman returned to the city: he felt obliged to help out, especially with his family in danger.[19] He was an advisor and non-combatant in the Corps by now, and first arrived in the city when Marines were asked to break the siege at Sue Perkins Block. Colonel Lynn Easter viewed him with mild contempt, especially when he tried to stop her bombing the block, but Dolman used his judge training to cripple a marine, forcing her to call off the airstrike, and then assist Dredd in stopping the siege. (For most of the story Dolman went unnamed, leaving his return a surprise.) He was injured in the process and sent to hospital, with Dredd calling him "a judge" over Dolman's protests.[20] The Corps were left angry that Dolman had shot a marine – a decision Dredd agreed with – and Easter and two others assaulted him in hospital, but Dolman was able to take them down.[19]


Psi-Judge Feyy was a psi judge with precognitive power. It was Feyy who on his death bed prophesised that Mega-City One would be destroyed unless the Judge Child, Owen Krysler, could be found and installed as the city's ruler. On average Feyy's predictions were assessed to be 88.8% accurate.[21]


Deputy Chief Judge Fish was not a human but in fact a goldfish. When Judge Cal became chief judge he quickly went insane, and appointed his pet fish as his deputy. (The character of Judge Cal was based on the insane Roman emperor Caligula whom, it is popularly supposed, nominated his horse for the office of Consul.) Fish was assassinated by Judge Slocum, at the instigation of Judge Dredd. He was succeeded by Deputy Chief Judge Grampus, who himself was not human either, but of an alien race called the Kleggs.[22]


Judge Garcia was deputy head of the Special Judicial Squad from 2122 to 2134. She was the long-time partner of SJS head Judge Buell, and served in Dredd's anti-corruption squad during his term as chief of Sector 301.[23] When Dredd appointed Buell as head of the SJS for Sector 301, Buell made Garcia his deputy (2118),[24] and she remained at his side when he became head of the SJS for the whole city.[25] She was killed in action in 2134 during the story Day of Chaos.[26]


SJS Judge Gerhart was Dredd's interrogator when a Tek-Division scientist was murdered. He used the opportunity to pressure Dredd about whether he felt guilty for Chaos Day, knowing it was revenge for his own destruction of East-Meg Two.[27] Gerhart himself did feel Dredd was responsible. When their paths next crossed, he was hospitalised saving Dredd from a missile attack: he intends to one day arrest the man and put him on trial for Chaos Day.[28]

In 2136, Gerhart was sent with Dredd and a marine squad to investigate a potential uprising on the Titan penal colony.


Judge Xavier Goon was a thuggish Street Judge and an antagonist of Judge Anderson: when first met, he viciously beat citizen Rodney Ding for a minor driving offence and was given a pardon as all his actions stayed within the law.[29] He saw Anderson as too soft to be a judge and proudly called himself a bully. In their second encounter, his attitude caused Anderson to attack him (and win). Their one moment without conflict was during a raid on a child prostitution ring, where Goon carried out an execution sentence on Anderson's behalf.[30]

In 2119, when a psychic mutant summoned millions of children to a safe haven, Goon tried to stop them leaving the city by opening fire - when Anderson tried to block him, he shot her too. (He was pardoned as he believed she was a threat) Chief Judge Volt tasked him to track the children's crusade and assassinate their leader, an infant named Hope - the anger from fifteen million children and mutants was psychically blasted into his mind, killing him.[31]


Deputy Chief Judge Grampus was the leader of an army of Kleggs: alien mercenaries hired by the insane tyrant Judge Cal to oppress the population during his reign of terror in 2101. He succeeded Judge Fish as Cal's deputy. When Cal announced his plan to gas the entire population to death, he allowed the Kleggs to leave, but before they could board their spaceships Judge Dredd led an assault to stop Cal. The Kleggs tried to surrender, but the judges slaughtered them anyway for their crimes, asking "When did anyone ever surrender to you?". Grampus was killed by judges Dredd, Giant and Kelso. He was succeeded by Deputy Chief Judge Pepper.[32]

Greel, Stich and Quiggley

Tek-Judge Stich was the original head of the Mechanismo robot judge programme, and he personally oversaw their first field test in 2114. When three of the Mark I robots ran amok and killed several people, Stich had a breakdown under the pressure and had to be institutionalised.[33]
Tek-Judge Quiggley succeeded Stich as head of the programme. A year later he was demoted when his Mark IIs also failed a field test. In 2116, when Judge Dredd tried to interfere with his continuing work on the Mark IIA robots, Quiggley became desperate, and ordered the robots to kill Dredd. Dredd sentenced him to 20 years of hard labour on the penal colony on Titan.[34]
Tek-Judge Todd Greel was head of Tek-Division, and he personally took over the Mechanismo project after Quiggley. Greel compelled Stich to give evidence against Dredd for having illegally destroyed a Mark II robot to sabotage their field test, which resulted in Dredd being convicted and sent to Titan himself. Greel was briefly acting chief judge in 2116. However he was implicated in an assassination attempt on Chief Judge McGruder when one of his Mark IIA robots attempted to kill her and she had to be saved by Dredd. Although Greel's alleged guilt was never proved, McGruder curtly demoted him to a junior position in Traffic Control, effectively finishing his political ambitions for ever. The Mechanismo programme was aborted, and Dredd was pardoned.[35] Greel was succeeded as head of Tek-Division by Judge McGovern and then Judge McTighe.[36] Greel later appeared in The Pit, running Traffic Station Alamo in the North-West Habzone: enforcing petty restrictions on other Judges, his only remaining power.


Deputy Chief Judge Paul Herriman was originally a street judge and had worked in every major division of Justice Department. He saw himself as a conciliator, preferring to operate by consensus.[37] In 2116, he was one of the senior judges who tried to pressure Judge McGruder into reinstating the Council of Five, in order to have the power to remove her; he tried to downplay this angle, claiming "I support you personally". Despite his attitude, McGruder considered him a good judge "in [his] way" and that it was unusual to see him off the streets.[38]

After McGruder stood down, Herriman was one of the candidates in the election to replace her. Running against Judges Dredd, Volt and Hershey, Herriman came third. Chief Judge Volt appointed Herriman deputy chief judge. As deputy, he was seen as someone who would go with whatever Volt said. Dredd remarked that there was a good council with the exception of Herriman.[39]

In 2117 Herriman became the first deputy chief judge to regularly preside over meetings of the ruling Council of Five following Volt's decision to abolish the chief judge's ex officio chairmanship of the Council.

He was assassinated by Judge Mortis in 2120 while he was acting chief judge and his corpse was used as Mortis's vessel, allowing the Dark Judges to put a kill-order out on Psi-Judge Anderson. He was succeeded as deputy chief judge by Judge Hershey.[40] Later, the Council of Five voted four-to-one against a memorial statue for Herriman. Hershey deadpanned that she was sure they would all keep a memorial in their own hearts.


Judge Yvonne Hollister, head of Wally Squad, Justice Department's undercover division, is a sexy, sassy young judge who first appeared in the strip masquerading as a prostitute. She was given a position on the Council of Five by Chief Judge Hershey in 2123,[41] the first time that Wally Squad had been represented on the council. Her judges proved instrumental in preventing Orlok spreading plague through Mega-City One during the "Sin City" storyline.[42] In later stories, she is shown carrying out undercover missions herself and is always drawn in street clothes.

Chief Judge Francisco requested her resignation from the Council in 2131.[43] She remained head of Wally Squad but her cover was blown during the pre-Chaos Day riots. At the end of 2134, she was still in a coma.[44]


Judge Judy Janus is a member of Psi Division. She is portrayed as a young and ditzy psychic (she is a precog and telepath). The character was created by Grant Morrison, Mark Millar and Carlos Ezquerra and first appeared in prog 842 in the story Inferno (1993). She later appeared in her own eponymous strip, Janus: Psi Division (1993-1997)[45] and Dave Stone's 1995 novel Wetworks.[46]


Judge Nathan Kruger was a street judge with a short temper. He had numerous complaints of excessive violence against his name, second only to Judge Dredd, and also one of the highest conviction rates amongst the judges. He was also a daystick fighting champion, having taken out first place at least four years running, and he almost always preferred to use the daystick as opposed to the Lawgiver gun.

In Judge Dredd Megazine vol. 3 no. 74 (2001), Kruger accidentally kills a woman during a routine inspection by breaking her neck with his daystick, which is witnessed by her only son, Daniel Falcone. To cover his tracks, he plants a gun in her hands and calls the incident in. Judge Dredd is initially sceptical, and almost certain that Kruger's violent nature resulted in the woman's death for no good reason. With only the son's word against his, Kruger is transferred to the Academy to train cadets in daystick combat while the investigation takes place. Dredd, angry at Kruger having escaped justice, challenges him to a daystick fight, which Kruger accepts, taunting Dredd by labelling him the "old man." During the fight, both Kruger and Dredd inflict heavy damage upon one another, although Dredd's helmet protects him from several dangerous headshots, and is broken during the process. Dredd eventually defeats Kruger, informing the onlooking cadets that the daystick is a good way to subdue a perp, but only when used properly, obviously alluding to Kruger's overly enthusiastic use of the weapon. Kruger's prominence lies in the fact that, although Dredd is aware of his guilt, he stands as one of very few characters to have ever escaped Dredd's judgement.

Eight years later, Daniel Falcone appeared in his own series, Marauder, in 2000 AD,[47] which also featured Kruger. This revealed that Kruger had been promoted to chief judge of Sector 13 (presumably replacing Chief Daveez from The Simping Detective, who later turned up again after Kruger's death). He was a highly corrupt figure, in the pocket of crime boss Vic Burnett and using the local Judge force to remove rival criminal operations. He was killed by Falcone in the final episode.[48]


Judge Barry Kurten was a street judge who developed mental problems, and had hallucinations of a little blue man called Mo who told him what to do. Mostly Mo told him to use excessive force when arresting people, leading Kurten to commit acts of increasing violence, culminating in murder. When he realised that Judge Dredd had him under surveillance he stole a large sum of money from drug dealers and fled the city, setting himself up as a judge in Ciudad Barranquilla, where the judges take a more relaxed view of judge brutality. Kurten thrived in his new city, and became so notorious for his violent behaviour that he became known among the locals as "El Diablo," the Devil. When Chief Judge Batista refused Mega-City One's extradition request, Judge Dredd secretly infiltrated Ciudad Barranquilla disguised as one of Batista's judges and assassinated Kurten.[49]


Judge Logan[50] is Dredd's assistant. He has made a number of appearances, first in 2003 in the story "The Satanist"[51] before appearing in the Total War storyline[52] and in "Origins". In "Origins" he was severely wounded in action and required major surgery, including an artificial lung, arm and spleen.[53] In "Tour of Duty" he was promoted to senior judge.[54] Shortly afterwards he personally discovered the evidence which resulted in Chief Judge Sinfield's conviction and removal from office.[55]

In "Day of Chaos" he again lost his arm in an encounter with Judge Mortis and was hospitalised.[56] The encounter left him traumatised, unable to get the experience out of his head.[57]

At the start of "Dark Justice" he is still in the hospital and getting worse by the day. It was discovered that the Sisters of Death are using him as a conduit to re-enter Mega City One (just like they used Judge Agee in the story Necropolis).


Judge Maitland is an African-American judge working for Accounts. She first appeared in "The Bean Counter" (prog 1790), the first strip after Day of Chaos, where she had a 'meeting' with Dredd in the middle of a riot because he would not come to her office. A highly lethal combatant, in mid-battle she berated Dredd for his contempt towards divisions like Accounts and his lack of paperwork, pointing out the necessity of "bean counters" like her to keep Justice Department functioning.

In "The Cold Deck," she reported to Chief Judge Hershey about the city's crippled finances and advised nationalising the banks that had collapsed, then reclaiming their capital retroactively. Unknown to either of them, she was part of Dredd and Judge Smiley's team investigating Judge Bachmann: after tracking Black Ops' funds to Overdrive Inc, she was mindwiped so that Bachmann would not find out that he had recruited her. Her memory was returned when Black Ops' coup started, as Bachmann's office was right next to Accounts; she was able to rescue a wounded Dredd, patch him up, and hold off Black Ops agents until help arrived. After the coup was stopped, Dredd apologised for doubting her work in Accounts.[58] She was subsequently promoted to head of Accounts Division, as the previous head (and "72.342%" of the division) had been killed in Bachmann's coup.[59]


Tek-Judge McTighe was head of Tek Division. He is the longest-serving head of Tek-Division to appear in the comic, as that office usually tends to have a high rate of turnover. He succeeded Judge McGovern in 2120, and joined the Council of Five shortly afterwards, following the death of Judge Herriman.[60] During the mutant rights vote, Dredd said McTighe was a "yes man" who would vote the way Chief Judge Hershey told him.[61]

He resigned from the Council in 2131, following the deposing of Hershey;[43] he was not invited back when Niles and Buell were.[62] He remained in charge of Tek Division. Following the events of Chaos Day, McTighe was left despondent, believing they had failed to protect the citizens.[63]

He was assassinated in 2000 AD #1940 (2015), in a story set in 2137. It was revealed in #1943 that he had been re-appointed to the Council of Five at some point since the events in the story Trifecta.


Judge Morphy was the senior judge who supervised Dredd's Final Assessment to become a full judge, when Dredd was a rookie in 2079. During most of Dredd's career he mentored him, giving advice when needed, and was in many ways a father figure to him. He was killed in the line of duty in 2112, only a few months short of retirement. Dredd took his death very badly and almost murdered one of the killers, restraining himself only at the very last moment. The perpetrators were sentenced to thirty years.[64]

A recurring joke in the series is that Dredd always wears the wrong sized boots. This can actually be traced to Morphy's first appearance,[65] where Dredd confided to his former supervisor that he'd been experiencing doubts about the job. Morphy advised him to requisition a pair of boots two sizes too small: "You'll be so busy cussin' those damned boots you won't have time to worry about anything else."


Judge Munn was one of four judges sent to help Dredd establish mutant townships in the Cursed Earth in 2131. Munn was lazy, incompetent and insubordinate, and Dredd and Munn developed an instant and mutual dislike. Munn was openly critical of, and hostile to, Dredd and Beeny's actions from the first day, proving to be more of a hindrance than a help. When the mutant gang led by Pink Eyes and Billy Bub attacked Munn's township, the judge was carried off into the Cursed Earth as their hostage, subjecting him to frequent beatings and psi-blasts of pain. After a perfunctory search failed to find Munn, Deputy Chief Judge Sinfield recalled the search units to other duties, much to Dredd's disgust. Dredd refused to abandon Munn to his fate, and with Rico's help tracked down and slew Pink-Eyes and his gang. By that time Munn was a pale shadow of his former self, with severe brain damage.[66]

Dredd lodged a formal complaint against Sinfield with the Council of Five, alleging dereliction of duty, but most of the Council had been appointed by Sinfield – who by now had become acting chief judge – and Sinfield was unanimously cleared. This spurred Dredd into running against Sinfield in an election for chief judge in 2132.[67]


Nimrod was a cadet at the Academy of Law. He was cloned from the DNA of Judge Dredd or Chief Judge Fargo, but was genetically modified to give him greatly enhanced sensory abilities. Unfortunately the genetic modification process was far from perfected, and his body began to react adversely to the changes that had been wrought upon him. He lost his mind, and severely disfigured himself when he set himself on fire in a suicide attempt. Eventually he was scheduled for euthanasia, and was shot by Dredd after the Total War bombings.[68]


Judge Aimee Nixon was a corrupt undercover judge. She was eventually arrested and sentenced to 20 years on the Titan penal colony. She was the original lead character in the series Low Life, until that position was taken by Dirty Frank and she became a supporting character.


Judge Odell was an elderly judge who was responsible for rehabilitating the ex-Judda Kraken and training him to become a judge following the Judda's failure to conquer Mega-City One.

Odell joined the Council of Five following the assassination of Tek-Judge Brufen in 2110.[69] Although seconded to the Academy of Law he continued to wear the uniform of a street judge.[70] He firmly believed in Kraken's change of loyalties, and his frequent and passionate defence of Kraken – to the extent of putting his life in potential danger if Kraken tried to escape a (faked) execution – persuaded Chief Judge Silver to overrule Dredd's judgement of him and promote him to full judge.[71] Consequently, when Kraken became a Dark Judge and participated in the destruction of the city, Odell took it badly and committed suicide.[72]


Judge Oldham was a street judge and irritant for Dredd in several Al Ewing strips. He was a bullying, reactionary judge with a streak of incompetence: in his first appearance, he wanted to break a siege with extreme force despite the risk to hostages,[73] and when part of the security at the World Sex Championships, he shirked his duties to bully the competitors, claiming he was "keeping the deviants in line", and allowed a gunman in.[74] Oldman and Dredd do not like each other: in his first appearance, Oldman implied Dredd was being "soft" due his mutant sympathies.

Dredd recommended he was moved to meat-wagon duties; instead, Oldham was made a Senior Judge under Judge Sinfield and given authority over the older Judge Giant, as a rebuke to Dredd's old ally. During this time, he shot an unarmed mutant and showed no concern.[3] When Sinfield was deposed, Giant became the dominant partner and tried to turn Oldham around. Despite some progress, Oldham made some basic mistakes in an operation and was shot dead by an escaped killer.[75]


Psi-Judge Omar became head of Psi Division after his predecessor Ecks was killed in the Apocalypse War. He personally assisted Judge Dredd in his investigation into the haunting of a sector house,[76] and later he exonerated Judge Anderson when she was accused of negligently permitting the Dark Judges to escape and threaten the city.[77] When psi-criminal Shojun the Warlord unleashed the demonic Seven Samurai on the city, Omar volunteered to sacrifice his own life in a suicide attack to destroy them using a psionic amplifier.[78] He was succeeded as head of Psi-Division by Judge Shenker.[79]


Judge Pepper was deputy chief judge from 2101 to 2103, succeeding DCJ Grampus.[80]

After losing a leg in the 21st century he retired from active service and became a tutor at the Academy of Law, where he taught many of the city's most important and senior judges while they were cadets, including teaching Applied Leadership to both Judge Dredd and future chief judge Cal. When Chief Judge Cal became insane Pepper volunteered to fight with Dredd to depose the tyrant. In the moment of victory Dredd was offered the position of chief judge, but he declined in favour of Judge Griffin. Griffin then appointed Pepper as his deputy.[22]

Two years later Pepper was assassinated by game show contestants from a reality television show, in which contestants gained points by confessing to crimes they had not yet been caught for. Pepper's death led to the show being taken off the air.[81] An artist oversight in this story saw him die with the full complement of two legs.


Judge Perrier first appeared in the story "The Apocalypse War", fighting the Sovs at the frontline. She did not appear again until years later when writer Garth Ennis took over the strip and brought her back in "A Clockwork Pineapple". She was then killed off in "Judgement Day", swarmed by zombies before she could reach the city.


Judge Ferd Plaski was a hardline senior street judge and part of the group who tried to pressure McGruder into reinstating the Council of Five. He later contested the first election for chief judge in 2116. However he was blackmailed into withdrawing his candidacy, and the election was won by Judge Volt. He had had a daughter following an illicit liaison with a civilian two decades earlier, and although Chief Judge Goodman had decided that a reprimand was sufficient punishment, the threat to make this information public made his candidacy untenable. The blackmailer, Judge Surly Porter (a play on the name Shirley Porter, a real-life politician accused of rigging an election), was arrested by Dredd.[82]


Judge Prager is one of the judges who chose to take the Long Walk into the Undercity rather than the Cursed Earth. After four years he made his first appearance in prog 328, when he saved Judge Dredd who had been transformed into a werewolf.[83] He next appeared decades later to warn the judges of a new threat to the city from Bones, but at the same time reveals he has been infected and transforms into a werewolf at each full moon. Declining the cure and in his wolf form, he helped Dredd defeat Bones' army and resumed his Undercity patrol.[84]


Judge Wilson Priest was a street judge in Sector 301, Mega-City One's most crime-ridden sector. He became so frustrated with one criminal who kept being diverted from normal incarceration because of his psychiatric problems, and then released as pronounced cured, that one day he simply shot him when he surrendered. From that day on he began murdering any suspect who he either could not prove was guilty or could not sentence to an adequate punishment. His partner Judge Struthers was complicit in Priest's crimes, though Priest was the instigator. When Struthers was killed in the line of duty, Priest became mentally unbalanced and began referring to himself as a priest ("I am the Priest, I will administer salvation,") and saying that everyone he was killing was a sinner. When Priest's crimes were uncovered he confessed, but he later escaped from custody during a sector-wide riot, and embarked on a killing spree. He finally attacked the unlucky Seventh Heaven Apocalypse Day group. He killed over twenty of them before turning the gun on himself.[85]


SJS Judge Quincy was one of four SJS judges who assassinated Chief Judge Goodman in 2101 on the orders of Judge Cal. He also tried to kill Judge Dredd, shooting him in the head with a rifle.[86] When Cal became chief judge, his first manifestation of his developing insanity was to order Quincy to undress and perform all of his duties in his underwear, as punishment for a uniform infraction (a missing button).[86] His fate was not recorded in the comic.


Judge Hoolio Ramos was head of Street Division on the Council of Five under Chief Judge Hershey. In 2130 he was sent to Titan in disgrace after Dredd uncovered crimes he had committed thirty years before, when he was part of a group of vigilante judges who had taken it upon themselves to execute criminals that the law could not legitimately touch. The truth about these crimes was suppressed, and the public told that Ramos was simply being moved to a new posting off-world.[87]


One of the four cadets involved in the "Hunting Party" storyline,[88] Renga had briefly worked undercover in a juve gang for Wally Squad; the experiences left him disgruntled and antisocial as well as sporting a gang tattoo (which was later removed). His attitude caused him to clash with Dredd while on a mission to locate the source of Dr. Bolt's Dune Sharks. After a disastrous attempt to 'save' a Cursed Earth girl from a ritual (which meant the end of her community), it appeared that he was going to be expelled from the Academy. However, he distinguished himself when he was part of a group of Judges that was temporarily thrown back in time to Erie, Indiana during the start of the Atomic Wars, as well as in the final clash against the Dune Sharks, and so Dredd gave him a second chance.

After he graduated from the Academy, he was personally chosen by Dredd to assist in the Fargo mission in "Origins."[89]

He has also appeared in the story "The Scorpion Dance".[90]


Judge Roake was a veteran Judge whom Judge Beeny was assigned to after graduation. Dredd considered him to be "steady, knew his limitations", and therefore a good partner to temper Beeny. Together, Roake and Beeny investigated and solved a series of PJ Maybe copycat killings.[91] They worked together for the next four years and became close friends. Dredd brought them in to help investigate a Soviet terrorist plot, which led to Roake's death when he tracked down a sleeper agent and was ambushed. Roake was able to alert other Judges but died before help came, leaving Beeny distraught but determined to continue the mission. She saw his body to Resyk.[92]


Judge Roffman[93] works in the Public Surveillance Unit. He originally served in the SJS in Sector 301, but was transferred to Street Division in Sector 303 after bugging his superior officer's office. Due to his inexperience he bungled a raid and inadvertently discharged his weapon, shooting and wounding another judge. Suspended from duty, his efforts to make amends (again by spying on his new commanding officer) backfired and almost resulted in the end of his career.[94] Instead Judge Edgar, head of PSU, recognised that his suspicious and devious character made him ideally suited to surveillance work, and she recruited him.[95]

He flourished in his new role, and continues to assist Judge Dredd in investigations, including tracking a possible rogue judge in Sector House and carrying out spy work in Lawcon. He was also forcibly teamed up with Galen DeMarco during the Second Robot War, showing cowardice and amorality much to Galen's disgust. These flaws would later save the day at Lawcon, which was undergoing infiltration by shape-shifting genocidal aliens: when the infiltrators tried to draw him into a trap by calling for help, Roffman (unlike other law enforcers) simply ignored them, leaving him free and able to help expose the infiltration to Dredd later.

He distinguished himself years later in the search for the members of the Total War terrorism organisation when they began detonating nuclear bombs around the city.[68] Most of his appearances since then have shown him working remotely from PSU.

Roffman was severely injured in 2134 when his office in PSU headquarters was destroyed during the story Day of Chaos (2012),[96] losing both his legs and his sphincter, which required artificial and clone-grown replacements. Dredd was quietly angry that Roffman had been moved to the head of the queue when hundreds of other judges were allowed to rot in hospital. Despite his feelings, in The Cold Deck he turned to Roffman for help in finding stolen Justice Department data, without telling him what it was. Roffman was left horrified when he learnt it was a gold clearance file and that Dredd had failed to stop it being transferred,[97] and after he discovered the file contained a list of undercover judges, he reported it to Bachmann as it was "too big" to leave to Dredd.


Judge Sanchez was a newly graduated Judge when Mr. Bones released the Incubus on Mega-City One. She fought alongside Dredd and Judge Giant in the defence of the Grand Hall of Justice but it appeared the strain would break her. However, the various perils (including being impregnated by the Incubus) helped mould her into a strong judge. Consequently, she was chosen as one of the team assisting Dredd in his mission to rescue Chief Judge Fargo from his kidnappers in the Cursed Earth (in the story "Origins"). She states during this time that she is not sure she agrees with the Justice Department's policy of celibacy for Judges.


Judge-Tutor Semple was a tutor at the Academy of Law while the Dredd clones, Joseph and Rico, were undergoing their training. Kmown by the cadets as a hard-liner, he would use their own insecurities to draw out the weak (Rico Dredd: The Titan Years). Semple has been seen to be critical of Joe's almost robotic personality (Judge Dredd Year Two: The Righteous Man).


SJS Judge Slocum served Judge Cal during his brief reign of terror. He killed Deputy Chief Judge Fish on Dredd's orders. His role in Fish's death went undetected, but he was later executed for inadvertently calling Cal "crazy," then a capital offence. He was paralysed and then pickled alive in a giant vat of vinegar.[22]


Judge Smiley was appointed head of a special "black operations" unit by Chief Judge Griffin in 2101, after Judge Cal's reign of terror. His role was to work in the background as "a judge to judge the judges who judge the judges," to protect the city from a future coup d'etat by another corrupt judge like Cal.[98] One of his missions drove Judge Frank insane; Smiley arranged for him to be transferred to Wally Squad, as he "needed a man" in the division.[99] He was also responsible for gathering a squad of rogue ex-judges for various operations,[100] including agent Miss Anne Thrope: she was used to manipulate undercover judge Jack Point into working for Smiley, and tried to explicitly recruit him as an agent.

After the "Judgement Day" conflict in 2114, Smiley disappeared and was presumed dead, Judge Bachmann duly replacing him as head of his unit. Smiley had actually moved into a secret psi-shielded office hidden in the Grand Hall of Justice, where he remained out of sight for 20 years, covertly monitoring the Justice Department and waiting until he was needed. Eventually the threat he had been preparing for turned out to be Bachmann herself, who in 2134 plotted to seize control of the city. Smiley recruited a team of judges to investigate her – a team so secretive that to prevent their discovery Smiley suppressed their memories of his existence and their objectives, using a post-hypnotic command to reawaken them when needed. They succeeded in defeating Bachmann, who was killed by Smiley himself. Both Hershey and Frank were angered by Smiley's tactics: Hershey because Smiley could have brought her on board at any time and deliberately left her out of the loop, and Frank because Smiley had deliberately let hundreds of people die in order to force Bachmann into the open. Hershey openly suggested that they had "swapped one problem for another".[98]

When Dredd was abducted in 2136, Smiley told Hershey she didn't need to worry about Dredd's safety; he seemed unconcerned about the impact on Justice Department of Dredd being seen to be defeated.[101]

The character Judge Smiley honours the John le Carré character George Smiley, an important supporting character and later central character in many of his post-war espionage stories.


Judge Souster fought alongside Judge Dredd in the Apocalypse War, commanding a Stub Gun squad. During an attempt to stop East Meg forces from advancing along the megaway into Mega City One's southern sectors, and while the rest of his squad was pinned down on an overpass by advancing Sentenoid robots, Souster sacrificed his life, jumping from the overpass to his death while using a Stub Gun to sever the last remaining megaway links supporting Dan Tanna Junction. His final effort brought the junction down, temporarily halting the East Meg advance and creating Mega City One's first major victory of the war.


Judge Margaret Stalker was a female Judge (inconsistently drawn but often depicted as middle aged), who took over as Judge liaison on The Streets of Dan Francisco; she was appointed to Chief Judge Francisco's Council of Five as a reward.[43] She was a close ally of Francisco, and resigned from the Council when Judge Sinfield took control; she would later work to help Dredd mount an electoral challenge to Sinfield, overseeing his campaign ad, before rejoining the Council when Francisco returned.

Her department is unknown. As well as being involved in public relations, under Francisco she has undertaken financial reports on iso-cube savings – where she disturbed the other councillors by saying more killings by the Judges as the most logical way to save money.[102]

When the creator of the "Chaos virus" and his family were captured by Sov agents, the Strategic Defence Committee discussed whether to retrieve them or launch an air strike; Stalker was the only Committee member to argue that the family were innocent. She still voted for the air strike, but was left disturbed by the morality of it.[103] Once the virus reached the city anyway, Stalker was part of the decision to reveal all to the media so that public fear would keep people off the streets [104] and later part of the media appeal to convince the citizens that they were not intending to murder the infected.

She protested against the resignations of Francisco and Dredd after the virus burnt itself out. Dredd suggested she and the rest of the Council should also resign, to allow a returning Chief Judge Hershey to have a fresh start.[104] Stalker remained as part of Hershey's interim Council, where she advocated keeping Anatoli Kazan alive as they could not afford to lose a major strategic asset.[44]

When it came out that Justice Department were running 24/7 surveillance in all of the newly built city-blocks, Stalker tried and failed to defend the policy in a press conference.[105]


A Brit-Cit exchange cadet, Stark applied for full transfer to Mega-City One. He first appeared in The Hunting Party,[106] undergoing a hotdog run under Dredd and tracking down dune sharks; he showed himself to be a capable Judge and bonded with fellow cadet Renga. He would later be part of Dredd's team during the Second Robot War, helping liberate the city: it was his suggestion that they reprogram Narcos' Assassinator droids and use them against him.

When sent undercover to combat a block mafia in Shirley Temple Block, Stark was infected with Grubb's Disease by a mob boss - as was his partner, an old comrade of Stark's who he'd brought in on the operation. Driven mad by the death and the terminal infection, he killed himself to infect the mob boss. His body was returned to Brit-Cit.[107]


Judge Amy Steel was the sidekick of Dredd in David Bishop's Judge Dredd audios for Big Finish. An exchange Cadet from Brit-Cit, she was a competent and bright-minded young Judge, assisting Dredd in several cases including against Judge Death; during her rookie assessment, she destroyed the Frendz syndicate's hovership headquarters and took out its current boss. It was eventually revealed that her stepfather was infamous Brit-Cit gangster Harry Karter, who she believed had killed her father when she was a young child; in fact, it turned out she had (accidentally) killed him, and her mother had made a deal with Karter to erase this from her mind. While Karter was brought down, Amy Steel was psychologically damaged and turned in her Judge badge. Amy Steel was played by Claire Buckfield.


Judge Vass is a senior judge and became a member of the Council of Five in 2132.[108]

During Day of Chaos, he clashed with General Poll over the fate of civilian hostages and found Poll's comments about street Judge ineffectiveness "uncalled for". Despite this, he voted in favour of air strikes that would doom the hostages.[109] When the Chaos Virus reached the city anyway, Vass proposed rounding up the first-stage infected, flying them to Cursed Earth burial pits on the pretence of taking them to a medical facility, and then killing them en route. Chief Judge Francisco condemned this as "monstrous" and refused to do it, but the proposal was leaked to the public[110] and caused a citywide uprising. Vass was left horrified by what he had inadvertently caused and resigned, returning to the streets.[111]

Other Judges


Detective-Judge Armitage is a British Judge much hated throughout the Brit-Cit Justice Department. His real name is unknown and his trait is that he never carries a gun. Yet Armitage's knowledge of weapons is extensive, mainly due to his activities during the Brit-Cit Civil War, when he fought first in the losing London Liberation Army and later when he joined the Judges in 2080.[112] After the war, he became cynical and morose when his lover Liora was killed by the crime lord Efil Drago San, in revenge for the Detective Judge crippling him, and in the face of the corruption of the new regime.

Although this means he has gained a reputation for being impossible to work with Armitage has done outstanding work in the Brit-Cit Justice Department's plainclothes homicide division. To his annoyance, his cases frequently bring him into contact - and needing to work with - Drago San.

Mikhail Asimov

A PsiKop in East-Meg Two, he was effectively a Russian counterpart to Judge Anderson and worked alongside her in investigating a rash of Fortean events worldwide. The two made psychic contact before their meeting and so became emotionally close, but Asimov died as part of a deliberately organised sacrifice by the "King of the World" in Tibet to ensure his continued power to protect Earth.[113] A later Anderson story, Lucid, shows Anderson enjoys lucid dreaming of being with Asimov.[114]


Delhi-City's Psi-Judge Bhaji came to Mega-City One on a secondment at a particularly bad time, since it coincided with former Judge Grice's devastating attack on the city with a killer virus. Bhaji predicted the events in a psi-dream, warning him that Judge Dredd would be the man left to pick up the pieces. Bhaji helped recapture Mega-City One from within his renegade group. The visiting Judge worked well with Psi-Judge Janus during the struggle and their combined efforts helped saved the city from the virus and contributed to the ultimate defeat of Grice.[115]


A judge in the Sydney-Melbourne Conurb, Judge Lenny Bruce was Dredd's liaison and partner when Dredd came to Australia on the trail of both the Judda and Chopper in 2110. Bruce was a highly laid-back officer, stunned a bit by his American counterpart's more brutal methods. He eventually tired of Dredd's obsession with catching Chopper, who had broken no Oz laws, and snapped at him and overrode Dredd's authority, allowing Chopper safe passage.[116] Later, when StigCorp was targeting Chopper, the skysurfer tried to contact Bruce for aid – the judge was transferred to Chunder Range before that could happen.

When Judgement Day broke out in 2114, Judge Bruce both battled the zombies in Oz and later died as part of the multi-national Judge force sent to end the crisis.[117] Before his death, he showed friendly relations with both Judge-Sergeant Joyce and Johnny Alpha. His first name was revealed during the Judgement Day serial.

Bulgarin and Kazan

Supreme Judge Bulgarin was ruler of East Meg One until the Apocalypse War. He delegated the invasion of Mega-City One to his most trusted general, War Marshal Kazan. However Bulgarin's confidence was misplaced as Kazan assassinated him and took his place. Kazan was executed by Dredd at the end of the war.[118]


Judge-Sergeant Charlie Joyce is an Irish Judge. He has a wife and son; Murphyville having a more liberal approach to its Judge Militia than other mega-cities.

He partnered with Dredd when Dredd was sent to Ireland to extradite a suspect in 2113, with his laidback approach to law enforcement and fondness for drink annoying the Mega-City Judge; for his part, he tried to get Dredd to relax. While skilled in combat, Joyce was left horrified when the Sons of Erin dissidents, under guidance from a Mega-City mob blitzer, launched a brutal terrorist attack: "I'd have never believed it."[119]

In the following year, during the Judgement Day crisis, he defended Murphyville from zombie hordes. He was supposed to accompany Dredd on a suicide mission to kill the necromagus Sabbat, and cheerfully backed Dredd as the best candidate for leading the mission, but he was knocked unconscious and replaced by Johnny Alpha. He saw out the crisis in Hondo City instead, fighting in the last battle at Hondo's walls.

He was sent on a hazardous extradition assignment to Mega-City One soon after. After trying to put up with the more violent city and Dredd and Hershey's unfriendly attitude, he was seriously wounded and finally snapped at Dredd: on his way back home, he told him "you can stick your Mega-City."[120] The 2135-set story "New Tricks" implies that Joyce has since died. His son Fintan Joyce became a Judge as well, starting in 2132. Fintan had grown up wanting to be a Mega-City One Judge and in 2135, he was transferred to the American city (severely lacking in Judges after Chaos Day). Despite his courage, he had trouble adjusting.[121]

Anatoli Kazan

Anatoli Kazan is the crippled clone son of War Marshal Kazan. He was originally a cadet of East Meg Two and was a thorn in Judge Dredd's side, attacking him through his niece Vienna. He later defected to Mega-City One where he offered to help Defence Division.[122] Dredd was highly suspicious of Kazan's true motives and persuaded the Chief Judge not to trust him, but the Council of Five overruled them and voted to employ Kazan (under strict supervision). Kazan's advice and inside information led to Mega-City One's regime change action in Ciudad Barranquilla, in order to prevent a Sov attempt to do the same; Kazan was drawn looking sinister at the end of the story, suggesting a deeper agenda to his actions.[123]

Kazan seemed likely to become a significant villain in future stories by writer Gordon Rennie, until Rennie announced his retirement from writing comics in 2008.[124] In 2012 writer Al Ewing brought the character back,[44] in a story described by the editor as a prelude to coming events. (In this story, Kazan remarked "and here I thought you'd forgotten me")

Following the events of the Day of Chaos, Dredd advocated killing Kazan: he found it suspicious that "the one time you don't have info on the Sovs is when they're about to hit us". Kazan denied this, pointing out he'd been cut off from the Sovs for the last seven years and would have outdated intelligence. He also showed he had outside sources and knew that the Council of Five was being reorganised, and felt the new Undercover Operations regime would be keeping him alive.[44]

'Timbo' Parkerston-Trant

Detective Judge Timothy Parkerston-Trant was an upper-class Judge on track to making senior rank, who - after the death of the Star Chamber - is one of the few such men not purged from Senior Judge ranks as he's got actual detective skill. His great-uncle "Fluffy" was a member of the Council of the Star Chamber. Nobody wanted to work with him due to his overbearingly cheery nature, until Armitage took him as a partner out of desperation; he asks everyone to call him Timbo, but only Armitage and Treasure Steel actually do.


Judge Rutherford was a Brit-Cit Tek-Judge, considered their best robotics man. During the Narcos crisis, Rutherford identified how Narcos' Assassinator droids could be reprogrammed to assist the Judges; he was temporarily 'transferred' to the Mega-City One Justice Department so he could be part of the strike team to do this, without breaking Brit-Cit's official neutrality with Narcos. He showed high intelligence and composure under pressure, but was visually unnerved by the street fighting against Narcos' forces and turned down an offer for permanent transfer.

Treasure Steel

A Detective-Judge in Brit-Cit, she is a long term partner of Armitage and her first task as a rookie was to apprentice with him. She's got much the same views on her job and the city as Armitage, though unlike him she possesses a home life with her wife Terry and their son.

She was actually created and programmed as a 'sleeper' assassin at a secret facility in the Manchester ruins, with false memory implants. The memory wipe began to break down in 2131, causing her to start thinking she'd grown up in an orphanage in Manchester (something that everyone knew could not be possible) and become more violent, causing her to be committed to a psychiatric ward for a time. According to Armitage, she was terminated from the project and farmed out to Justice Department instead of being sold to the criminal Overlords, but she's not entirely sure he was telling the truth.[125]


Don Uggie Apelino

Don Uggie Apelino was a genetically altered intelligent ape who encountered Dredd several times - first during a gang war, and later after a foiled attempt to have Dredd assassinated. After the Apocalypse War, radiation regressed his intelligence to that of a normal ape, whereupon he led a group of insane and brutal apes in the Cursed Earth. Dredd followed a regressed Fast Eeek, and executed the gang - including Apelino - as a danger to Mega City residents.[126]

In the IDW Publishing 2013 series "Mars Attacks Judge Dredd", Apelino features with his intelligence intact as a major character in the plot - initially the leader of a mafia syndicate in sector 301, then later assisting Dredd and Anderson in the fight against the Martians once his gang has been eliminated. (IDW's stories are not necessarily on the same canon as 2000 AD's.)

Apelino was often accompanied by his two henchmen Fast Eeek and Joe Bananas.

Bella Bagley

Bella Bagley was an unlucky-in-love woman who fell in love with Dredd. When he rejected her advances she became insane and had to be incarcerated in the psycho-cubes. Escaping twice, on the second occasion she finally decided to kill Dredd in a fit of jealousy and was shot dead.[127]

Dr. Bolt

Dr. Bolt was a robot scientist who performed unauthorised mind control experiments on prisoners in a Cursed Earth prison camp. He also released dangerous alien Dune Sharks on Mega City One, which led to Judge Dredd leading a mission to locate their source.[128]

Mr Bones

Mr Bones (original name Dan Riboshevsky) was born in Mega-City One in 2084. Routine scanning showed he had a genetic predisposition for evil and he was expelled from the city to live with other mutants in the Cursed Earth. He returned and entered the Undercity to raise an army,[129] but when this was foiled he returned with an even more deadly threat – the Xenomorph. He came across them when he left the Cursed Earth for a career as a space pirate. It is their acid blood which disfigured him and he died when they turned on him.


Colonel Yevgeny Borisenko was the mastermind of a plan to destroy Mega-City One in 2134, in the story Day of Chaos (2011–12). He succeeded in wiping out seven eighths of the population by infecting them with a deadly biological weapon. He was a soldier of East-Meg One who had survived the Apocalypse War in 2104, but had been blinded by the flash of the nuclear detonation which destroyed his home city, and had harboured a desire for vengeance ever since. He was captured by Judge Dredd but murdered by one of his sleeper agents during interrogation, after living for long enough to see his plan succeed.[130]


Call-Me-Kenneth was a robot who appointed himself as leader of all rogue robots during the First Robot War. Kenneth was a carpentry droid driven to rebel by his poor treatment by his owner. Kenneth, equipped with a chainsaw, attacked a number of humans and nearly killed Dredd before being disabled.[131] The Judges then had Kenneth rebuilt, so that scientists could determine what made him break the laws of robotics. Drawn by Ron Turner (the original version was designed by Carlos Ezquerra), this version is more human like and is equipped with a large drill and a third eye. Accidentally reactivated he instead went on the rampage again and raised a whole army of robots to take over the city. His army was defeated when Walter the Wobot sabotaged the robot factory, producing robots loyal to the Judges, which destroyed the factory. The remaining robots were short-circuited when Dredd used Weather Control to make a lightning storm, and Dredd then hunted down Kenneth himself.[132]

The Creep

The Creep is an apparently immortal mutant living in the Undercity (the remains of old New York City).[133]

He is a brilliant but strange maniac able to morph his face and body into every terror imaginable. He takes great delight in torturing those who come from the Mega City down into the Undercity who disturb his playground of horrors. On one occasion The Creep tortured a hunting party that descends to the Undercity. An example of his bizarre behaviour was transplanting the head of one of the members on to the neck of his pet crocodile Yorkie.

During Necropolis The Creep left the undercity and met the four Dark Judges. Judge Fire burned the Creep alive. Judge Fear stared into his face and Judge Mortis touched his flesh, all to no avail. In the end the quartet fled this invincible monster, and he has not been heard of since.

Vitus Dance

Vitus Dance was a freelance assassin from the Cursed Earth. He had psionic powers, including pyrokinesis (the ability to set fires with his mind), levitation, and the power to control the minds of others. The strength of his powers was amplified by scorpion poison, and he carried two pet scorpions with him to sting him when necessary. In 2117 Dance was hired by mob boss Nero Narcos to kill an informer in judicial custody, a task which he accomplished by allowing himself to be arrested to get close enough to his victim, and then escaping. He was caught by Judges Dredd and Castillo, and served four years in solitary confinement, during which time he became insane. He escaped by faking his own death and then breaking out of the ambulance taking him to the morgue. Narcos still hoped to use him, but Dance tried to take over his mind. Narcos escaped and betrayed Dance to the Judges, who eventually killed him after many of them were slain.[134]

Bert Dubinski

Bert Dubinski was the first criminal Judge Dredd ever arrested, at the beginning of his Final Assessment to graduate to full judge. Dredd sentenced him to thirty-five years for murder in 2079. On his release in 2114 Dubinski tracked Dredd down to reminisce about old times, as he had followed Dredd's career ever since, but he found that Dredd was not interested in being friendly with a criminal. Enraged, he tried to kill Dredd, but failed and refused an offered opportunity to surrender. Dredd killed him without compunction.[135]

Efil Drago San

Created by Dave Stone, Efil Drago San is a notorious and bloodthirsty crime lord. He was born on Puerto Luminae, a lunar colony that refused to buy into the Justice System and faced a heavy trade embargo as a consequence - as a result, starvation and poverty ensued and Drago San ended up developing a taste for killing.[136] He used to operate as a crime lord in Brit-Cit, where he controlled many corrupt high-ranking Judges and developed a nemesis in Detective-Judge Armitage. Armitage crippled him, forcing him to use a hoverpod to remain mobile; in revenge, Drago San murdered the Judge's wife. Afterwards, they operated under a principle that if Armitage ever harmed Drago San, a large number of innocent people would be killed in response.[137]

In the Big Finish 2000 AD audio dramas, Drago San fled to Mega-City One and ran afoul of Judge Dredd after setting up the ultraviolent snuff sport The Killing Zone. Following this, he fled off-world but was finally apprehended in the Boranos System by Dredd. Due to the global nature of crimes, in the book Psykogeddon he was put on trial – but he escaped, killing Brit-Cit's Star Chamber ruling body as he went, and his whereabouts are unknown. He has operations in Brit-Cit still, run by an agent called Ms Frobisher, as shown in Megazine #269.

In the audios, Drago San is voiced by Stephen Greif.

Father Earth

Half-man, half-plant, Father Earth was a bizarre mutant and prophet who believed that Mega-City One had to be destroyed to free the Earth of its tyranny of concrete and steel. Attracting thousands of mutant and outcast followers, he combined his "oneness" with nature with a ruthless streak against the city dwellers. One key group of followers, The Doomsday Dogs, blew up Mega-City One's Power Tower and unleashed molten lava on its streets, which enabled Father Earth and his army to invade the city and attempt to overrun it. The threat of this artificially created "volcano" was soon ended, but the mutant leader set free a host of deadly exhibits from the Mega-City Botanic Gardens so continued to be a danger to the city. Ironically, Father Earth was killed by the very thing he embraced, a plant, when the man-eating piece of vegetation he called the "God Plant" ate him.[138]

Trapper Hag

Trapper Hag is an alien bounty hunter who came to Mega-City One in search of Sancho Burr, Ruggly Kelp and Jacob "Retro" Jones, three perps who destroyed half a city to crack a bank on Signus 11. After taking these three prisoner, Hag killed several Judges attempting to stop him and went after Charlie Wateredge, whose grandfather committed offences on the Planet Einslag- a planet on which guilt extends to the third generation. Judge Dredd boarded Hag's space ship and captured the bounty hunter and, in a rare act of leniency, spared his life.[139]

After several years in captivity Hag escaped when his Iso-Block was breached during the Second Robot War in 2121. Dredd hunted him down and defeated him once more.[140]

Ueno Hama

Originally a 'sleeper' robot spy placed in Hondo City by the Mega-City One Justice Department, Ueno Hama became part of the population as a scaffolder. Unfortunately, a building site accident damaged his circuits and switched him into attack mode, so he began killing Hondo City officials with ruthless efficiency - on a kill or be killed policy.

It made an attempt to kill Judge-Inspector Totaru, but Judge Dredd stepped in to save his Hondo counterpart. Dredd engineered a massive explosion to destroy the robot - and therefore the evidence of Mega-City One's involvement in the whole sordid affair.[141]

Hester Hyman

Hester Hyman was an ordinary wife and mother who became so despairing of life under the tyranny of the Judges that she turned to terrorism to raise publicity for the cause of democratic reform. Her death at Dredd's hands spurred many ordinary citizens to campaign for democracy.[142]

Jonni Kiss

Jonni Kiss was an international hitman from Euro City who had a habit of kissing his targets before he killed them. He specialised in killing judges, and killed many judges from cities all over the world, including the supreme judge of East-Meg Two, Josef Traktorfaktori.[143] His biggest job came when a mission to kill Dredd was offered to him. Although Dredd was crucified as a result of his actions, Kiss ultimately failed to kill Dredd, and was himself killed by Dredd.[144]

Robert Krush

Robert Krush was the main villain in the "House of Pain" story, having run the House of Pain facility - a secret floating prison where abducted criminals were tortured - for many years. Robert appeared to be simply the aide of businessman Faustus Krush but revealed himself to have secretly been Faustus' half-brother; he left him imprisoned in the House of Pain and took Faustus' place after a face-change operation.[145] He has since been selling new equipment to Justice Department, superior to their old Manta tanks while inferior to his own personal craft.


The Monkey was an outcast that telepathically took over Chief Judge Goodman's mind in 2098-99. He made Goodman order the Judges to allow hordes of hostile mutants, who had been exiled from the Mega-City into the Cursed Earth radiation desert, to re-enter the city. This resulted in massive loss of life, and prompted Judge Cal to attempt to usurp Goodman as chief judge. Cal's coup d'état was delayed when Judges Dredd and Chambers defeated the parasite at the eleventh hour, but came to fruition two years later when Cal had Goodman assassinated. Chambers and dozens of other judges were killed in the catastrophe, as well as thousands of civilians.[146]

Murd the Oppressor and Sagbelly

Murd was an ancient necromancer and ruler of the planet Necros for ten thousand years. He was served by a multitude of creatures armed with swords, and had a giant man-eating toad called Sagbelly as a pet. Sagbelly had a wart from which a dangerous substance called Oracle Spice oozed, which could be used to foresee the future but which was fatal to most users. Dredd required the Oracle Spice to help him to find the Judge Child, but was actually killed by Murd when he arrived on Necros. Murd then brought Dredd back to life, intending to feed him alive to Sagbelly. This establishes Murd as one of Dredd's most dangerous foes of all time, since although Dredd has come close to death many times, only Murd has actually killed him. Once restored to life, Dredd wasted no time in killing both foul creatures.

Although Murd only appeared in two episodes before being killed off, he and Sagbelly were immensely popular with readers, and Murd was used again in a few cameos. Most notable of these was in a flashback to a time before his death in an episode of "Judgement Day", in which he appeared as the tutor and mentor of Sabbat the Necromagus.

Another incarnation of Murd from a parallel universe appeared years later in the story "Helter Skelter."

Nero Narcos

Nero Narcos was the leader of the criminal syndicate called the Frendz, who was a recurring villain in late-1990s Judge Dredd stories. He was responsible for employing Vitus Dance and Orlok to assassinate a rival criminal, and instigating the Second Robot War.

In the story The Doomsday Scenario, Narcos sabotaged a new batch of upgraded lawgivers by programming them to self-destruct when used by their authorized users (once they received a radio signal, so the rogue command took effect in all weapons simultaneously). This resulted in large numbers of judges being crippled or killed at the precise moment they were attacked by Narcos's Assassinator robots at the beginning of the Second Robot War in 2121. Nero Narcos was swiftly able to conquer Mega-City One and drive the Judges underground, but once he had the city conquered he found himself unable to actually run it. After a team led by Judge Dredd, with assistance from Brit-Cit, were able to cripple his robotic army, Narcos was defeated and executed.


A spider-like species of vampiric aliens, they hail from the planet Garr in the Callisto system; hated and feared by Garr's natives, they are hunted to near extinction. They are capable of brainwashing people with their venom and shape-shifting to avoid detection. They feed by punching their fangs into victims, injecting venom that liquifies the victim's insides, and then drink the contents through the original holes. They are negative emitters of psychic energy which prevents human psychics from tracking them down, but the Garrhounds from their homeworld can detect these emissions. Nosferatus worship a god called Ragnos.[147]

Two Nosferatu's have come to Mega-City One to hunt in safer ground. The first (in 2107) was caught within a few weeks and was only able to kill nine people (though three were incurably brainwashed) before Dredd tracked it down using Garrhounds.[148]

The second arrived a few years later but was more cautious, remaining undetected for three years. It primarily took the form of human women so it can prey on single males that would go unmissed. While it ran afoul of Dredd, it was able to escape to Texas City to lie low.[149] At some point it returned to Mega-City One, and as it became older grew homesick and intended to return to Garr. In 2127, following the previous year's nuclear bombings by Total War, hundreds of thousands of citizens were residing in crime-ridden emergency camps, and the Nosferatu (discarding its original "black widow" MO) began feeding on the people there. Its desperation to get home made it sloppy and it was eventually cornered and killed by Dredd.

The first Nosferatu was humanoid and the same size as its victims, though its head entirely resembled that of a spider and it possessed stubby spider-like claws. The second was much larger and more bestial in form, while having five fingers and a more expressive human-like face.

Chief Judge Oswin

Pamela Oswin became Texas City's chief judge in 2137. When Brit Cit abandoned Mega City One and demanded Dredd's extradition over the Murphyville Spaceport massacre,[150] Chief Judge Hershey turned to Oswin for help. She quickly arrived and brought a large number of her judges to act a reinforcements for Mega City One's diminished numbers. She quickly had her judges placed in strategic locations throughout the city (missile defence, immigration, Grand Hall security). It shortly became apparent that she did not want to help Hershey but usurp her, and then covertly take full control of the city. Her plan was to rebuild America in her own image, where mutants would be persecuted even more, if not completely wiped out (her rallying cry was even "The South shall rise again"). Her plans were foiled when Dredd escaped from Brit Cit and, with the help of some loyal judges, was able to storm the Hall of Justice and kill her.[151]

Oswin's Council of Five later disowned her, claiming that they had no idea what she had really been doing. Hershey and Dredd did not believe this but there was little they could do about it militarily. However Hershey was able to blackmail and force the Texans into making one of her own judges their new chief judge.[152]

Oswin's story was told in a story arc composed of five stories and collectively known as "Every Empire Falls" in 2000 AD #1973–1990 and Judge Dredd Megazine #371–374 (2016), written by Michael Carroll.

Enormo Overdrive

Enormo Overdrive (original name Barry Penge) was a Mega-City One businessman and the secondary villain in "Trifecta." He viewed murder as an acceptable business tactic. He made his first million by trademarking the business slogan "don't be a shark, be a great white shark". As a branding exercise, he spliced his DNA and became a humanoid great white shark. His company would go on to buy the oxygen companies on Luna-1 (and fire 99.99% of the human staff),[153] trademark "I smell blood in the business waters" and "sharkbah", and develop links with Bachmann's Black Ops Division: between 2128 and 2134, Overdrive Inc received funding from Black Ops' 'overspend'.

Overdrive worked with Bachmann on her plan, and began to secretly build a new megacity - Luna-2 - in a lunar crater, a city he believed would be run solely for profit, and purchased a stolen list of the real names of every Wally Squad judge and overseas spy. He personally murdered a Wally Squad judge who had infiltrated his board. His plans were ruined when Dirty Frank, who was absent from the Wally Squad list, was sent undercover to Luna-2; while Frank was exposed, he was able to physically overpower Overdrive's guards.[99] Startled, Overdrive launched Luna-2 from the moon - revealing it was a flying, heavily armed battleship - earlier than Bachmann had expected, forcing her coup to advance.

Using codes from Judge Smiley, Frank was able to hack the company accounts and make him the majority shareholder instead of Overdrive. The enraged CEO attacked Frank and almost killed him, demanding he "name one thing you have that I cannot buy": his answer ("justice") came when Justice Department forces arrived and shot Overdrive dead.[98]

Pink Eyes

Pink Eyes was a Cursed Earth mutant, an albino with white skin, white hair and pink eyes possessed of huge psychic power. Leader of a gang of outlaw bikers, Pink Eyes and his fellows caused Dredd a great deal of trouble in 2131 during the establishment of the townships for the mutants expelled from Mega City One, slaughtering hundreds and kidnapping Judge Munn. Dredd tracked down and executed most of his gang, and later, with Rico's help, slew Pink Eyes as well. However, by then Munn had been permanently brain-damaged.


Raptaur is the name of a deadly species of alien. They can dismember people in seconds with razor-sharp claws, and their preferred food is human brains. They can create a psi-fog at will and also secrete a toxin which saps the will to live and encourages their prey to submit without resistance; several Raptaurs were "milked" for this toxin to create a drug.[154] Dredd encountered and eventually killed one in 2113.[155] Jack Point has owned two as pets (Cliq and Larf), and describes them as both "harder than a diamond on PCP" and being more dangerous than the xenomorphs Mr Bones found.

Elrod Ryder

Elrod "E-Z" Ryder was a mega-mafia boss, known for his arrogance and wild parties. He grew in power after Hershey was voted out, first by expanding heavily into extorting the many illegal mutants in the city and then by creating mutant-focused vi-zines when Sinfield redirected most of the vice judges.[156] He avoided any run-ins with the judges but was doomed when his lieutenant Ready Eddie plotted against him; a criminal that Ryder had double-crossed escaped from jail, tracked him down, and murdered him before the judges could reach him.[157]

Sabbat the Necromagus

Sabbat was the villain in the story "Judgement Day". He started the Fourth World War and tried to kill everyone in the world.[158]

Jacob Sardini

Jacob Sardini[159] was a taxidermist who stuffed dead human bodies. Among those he stuffed were the Yess family. In 2109 he had an encounter with Judge Dredd when he was forced to stuff the bodies of some gangsters who had been shot in a mob war, and then had to secretly dispose of the bodies when his client was killed by the Judges.[160]

Several years later, he represented Mega-City One in the 2116 Nepal Olympics, where he won the gold medal in the taxidermy event.[161] He is one of the very, very few criminals in the comic strip to escape detection by Judge Dredd. He died of a heart attack in 2120 after being robbed.[162]

Albert Sherman

Albert Sherman was a child prodigy who wanted to become King of Mega-City One because he was bored. He planted five nuclear bombs in the city and threatened to detonate them unless he became King of the city. Dredd stopped him but was unable to punish him because he was too young to be prosecuted. Instead Dredd forced him to enlist in the Academy of Law, where he would receive extremely strict discipline.[163] He returned thirty years later as a Judge intending to travel back in time and murder Dredd before his younger self could be stopped. Dredd followed him through time and forcibly transported him back to his own time.[164]

Captain Skank

Metal-haired one-eyed mutant Captain Skank was a pirate in the Black Atlantic, until in 2103 he kidnapped a Mega-City nuclear scientist and launched hundreds of nuclear missiles on Mega-City One, wiping out an entire city sector and murdering around four million people. The Judges, led by Dredd, eventually boarded his floating fortress and killed both him and a giant mutant octopus that Skank thought was his mother.[165] The Judges discovered that Skank was in fact a robot being remotely controlled by a shipmate, Tuskarosa, who turned out to be an undercover East-Meg One judge, Nikita Kramm. To prevent a major nuclear war between the two cities (East-Meg One was not yet ready to fight the Apocalypse War which they started a year later), Supreme Judge Bulgarin was compelled to destroy part of his own city to prevent a more devastating strike by Mega-City One.[166]

Spikes Harvey Rotten

There have been two characters with this name:


Randolph Whitely, a.k.a. "Whitey" was the first perp to appear in the Judge Dredd strip, in 2000 AD prog 2. He murdered the first judge to appear in the strip, Judge Alvin, prompting Dredd to arrest him and sentence him to life on Devil's Island: a prison with no need for walls as it is located on a traffic island where the traffic never stops and attempting to cross the road means certain death.

Whitey was the first Judge Dredd villain to return in a sequel, when he escaped in #31. He also returned in the comic's tenth anniversary issue, #520. Dredd (at first having forgotten who Whitey was) killed him in his last appearance.

Whitey had a brother, who tried to rescue him, destroying the World Trade Center in the process (this story was published in 1977).[170]

Whitey also had a son, who tried to avenge his father 40 years after his arrest, but Dredd killed him. This story, "Forty Years of Hurt," appeared in 2000 AD's Free Comic Book Day issue in 2017.

Kenny Who?

Kenny Who?[171] is a comic artist from CalHab (Scotland), who was arrested by Dredd for assaulting comics editors who programmed a robot to imitate his style, without paying him. He first appeared in a 1986 story written as a satire on the then policy of British comics of not paying royalties to artists and writers.[172] After this policy was ended, he appeared in two comedy sequels.[173]

In his final appearance, he created a trashzine hero called The Hoolie who fought the corrupt Judges led by "Judge Dread"; unable to find a publisher, he turned to self-publishing and the trashzine became a massive hit. This led to him being arrested for defamation of the Judges and defended in an appeal by Public Defender 314; his conviction was overturned on technicalities, and he returned home to CalHab in triumph.

The question mark was part of his surname, which was a running joke each time someone asked him what his name was, when people would become confused and rephrase the question.


Blondel Dupre

Blondel Dupré was one of the leaders of the movement for restoring democracy in Mega-City One. She led the Democratic March of 2109 and the 2113 referendum campaign. After the first, she was arrested and was only released by Dredd in 2112 due to his crisis of faith over the methods he had used.

While Blondel campaigned against the Judges, she had developed some respect for Dredd after he had let her out and instigated a referendum on democracy. She also began to lose faith as a result of her struggle, wondering if she could succeed. When the vote was lost, she was convinced by Dredd that it was not a fix and was forced in public to tell him "you are the law" in front of her followers. She retired after losing the vote, no longer believing in the cause.[174]

Fargo Clan

The Fargo Clan are a family of mutants in the Cursed Earth, led by Randy Fargo. They are distant relatives of Judge Dredd, being descended from Ephram Fargo, the brother of Eustace Fargo, Dredd's clone father. Dredd was unaware of their existence until a chance encounter with them in the Cursed Earth in 2129, when they helped Dredd in an investigation.[175] When they tried to visit Dredd in Mega-City One later that year, Dredd was forced to turn them away due to the city's strict anti-mutant laws.[176] These experiences changed Dredd's hardline anti-mutant views, and led to Dredd securing the repeal of the anti-mutant laws in 2130. Later that year the Fargos were invited back to the city as guests of honour. During a tour of the city Jubal Fargo was accidentally killed while saving the life of a young child. The family returned to their abode in the Cursed Earth.[177]

The Grunwalder

The Grunwalder was a robot on the planet Xanadu, and the ruler of a kingdom of rogue robots. When Dredd abandoned the Judge Child there, the Grunwalder kept him as his slave, and used the child's psychic powers to take over the entire planet.[178] After the Judge Child was later executed, the Grunwalder cloned him, hoping to create another psychic to maintain his rule of the planet. But he got more than he bargained for when the clone mutated into a malevolent monster with enormous power, who threatened to destroy Mega-City One. When Dredd finally destroyed the Mutant, he also took the precaution of executing the Grunwalder as well.[179]

Mrs Gunderson

Mrs Gunderson[180] is an elderly, deaf and almost blind woman, who mainly appears in cameos to provide comic relief pertaining to her misinterpretations of what she hears people say or her failure to notice what is happening around her. Her introduction was "Young Death", the story of Judge Death's origin, in which she unknowingly was Death's landlady while he lay low hiding from the judges. Miraculously she survived the encounter.[181] Walter the Wobot presently serves as her house robot.


Maria[182] was Judge Dredd's maid who, along with Walter the Wobot, provided an early glimpse into Judge Dredd's homelife. (In early stories she was described as Dredd's landlady, but this was later revised to maid.) Written with a stereotyped Italian accent, the story Whatever Happened To Maria[183] would reveal she was not Italian at all but faking it for reasons unknown. After years of working for Dredd and even joining in the resistance in the Apocalypse War, she was kidnapped by Mean Machine Angel and his brother Fink, who mistook her for Dredd's wife, after which she resigned and vowed never to work for Dredd again. She became a homeless alcoholic. Maria died in 2126 and left all her money (revealed to be a sizeable amount despite her homelessness) to Dredd, which he promptly donated to several Mega-City One charities.[183]

Max Normal

Max Normal[184] was, for a while, Judge Dredd's best informant. In a city teeming with citizens dressed in unusual, eccentric or downright bizarre fashions, Max stood out for dressing conservatively in clothes which in the mid-20th century would have been perfectly normal: a pinstripe suit and a bowler hat, an umbrella, and a carnation in his buttonhole. In contrast to his looks, Max spoke in futuristic 'streetwise' slang and had many bizarre habits and affections. In Max's first appearance, Dredd expresses disgust at Max not dressing in "decent wild clothes" like everyone else and asks "why do you young people always have to be different?"[185]

He had refined tastes, eschewing water and only ever drinking "shampagne" (real champagne being illegal): this saved him from being affected by the Block Mania contagion which infected the city's water supply in 2104.[186] His one concession to 22nd-century living was his fondness for playing shuggy, an advanced version of billiards played on an uneven surface of hills and valleys. He stopped working for Dredd after criminals held him hostage in an attempt on Dredd's life. Years later, he was used again as a hostage in an attempt on Dredd's life, this time by the Fighting Heart Kwoon.[187]

Normal has appeared outside the Judge Dredd series. He had his own title in the Judge Dredd Annuals from 1981 to 1984 and again in 1987 (all but the first and last collected in 2000 AD Extreme Edition #22),[188] in the 2014 "Xmas Mega Special" edition of 2000AD (nominally numbered as issue 2015) and once appeared in Middenface McNulty's eponymous series.[189] He made several appearances, once again providing Dredd with information, in Big Finish Productions's 2000AD audio dramas; he was voiced by Toby Longworth and has most recently appeared in Lenny Zero: "Zero's 7"[190]

He was the model for the character of the businessman that appeared in the Doctor Who episode "Gridlock".[191][192] Max Normal was also the inspiration for rapper Watkin Tudor Jones' be-suited caricature in MaxNormal.TV, who performed in the guise of a motivational speaker at business presentations.[193]

General Poll

General Poll was the head of Mega-City One's defence division in 2133, introduced in "Day of Chaos." A blunt war-hawk, he argued against rescuing the Chaos bug's creator and his family from the Soviets as it would risk many lives for "a bunch of pinkos" who would likely be killed by the Soviets "out of spite;" he convinced the Strategic Defence Committee to approve an air strike. Poll also showed contempt for the street judges and PSU due to their not stopping the Soviets leaving the city in the first place. When several judges showed qualms as Dredd had voted against it (on strategic grounds), Poll insulted them as "a right bunch of panty pads" and was rebuked by Chief Judge Francisco.[194]

The airstrike failed, and Poll was angered when Dredd remarked the hit should have been done "properly." When Dredd said he would lead a squad of street Judges (or "go alone if necessary") if the general did not want to risk troopers, Poll immediately ordered sixty Judge-Troopers to prepare for a strike; Dredd went with them, with Poll sneering he was there to "make sure we do it right."[195] Dredd still blamed him for the original failure, and bypassed Poll's soldiers for a raid in Mongolia: Poll protested that this was saying his men were not "good enough."[196]

Yassa Povey

Yassa was the main supporting character and narrator in the Judge Dredd spin-off series The Dead Man (1990). He was a child who lived in Bubbletown in the Cursed Earth. He discovered the amnesiac "Dead Man" (the lead character) injured and near death in the desert, and helped him discover his identity. During the Necropolis incident, his eyes were burned out by the Sisters of Death; as a thank-you for his assistance, Dredd personally arranged for Yassa to come to Mega-City One to receive bionic eyes, along with counselling from Psi-Judge Anderson to ease the psychic trauma that Phobia and Nausea caused him.

Public Defender 314

Although citizens in Mega-City One do not have trials, they are still permitted a right of appeal, and those who cannot afford human lawyers are assigned robots. Public Defender 314 is one of them. He has a malfunction which causes him to speak out loud parts of his internal monologue, which is used for comic effect in the stories he appears in.[197]

Hocus Ritter

Hocus Ritter was a simple farmer in the Cursed Earth until Judge Death visited his farm and killed most of his family. He swore a vendetta against Judge Death and began chasing him across the Cursed Earth. When he reached Las Vegas he mistakenly attacked a street vendor dressed as Judge Death, and was sentenced to death by the Las Vegas judges. He was sentenced to be executed in the electric chair, but he escaped with help from his horse, only to be killed seconds later when Judge Death nuked Las Vegas.

However his soul survived and was sent to the astral plane to fight Judge Death. He beat Judge Death to the ground and opened a pit leading to Hell. He then threw Judge Death into Hell, imprisoning Death there. He was freed ten years later by the Sisters of Death


Satanus was a cloned Tyrannosaurus Rex who attacked Dredd in "The Cursed Earth." Although Dredd believed Satanus to have been killed, he actually survived.[198] He has since appeared in non-Dredd stories such as Nemesis the Warlock.

Citizen Snork

James Fenemore Snork is a man with an unnaturally large nose. He is an occasionally recurring character used mostly for comic effect, but also illustrating the eccentric and bizarre nature of futuristic life in the 22nd century, where unemployment is almost universal and the bored citizens take up all manner of strange and extreme hobbies to entertain themselves. Snork deliberately grew his nose to gargantuan proportions (using growth hormones and other methods) to gain the largest nose in the city (population 400 million). This made him a target for assassination by various individuals, and at the height of his fame he had to be bodyguarded by Judge Dredd. In the final attempt on his life his original nose was severed and destroyed. He quickly had a nose transplant and won the 2108 Weirdy of the Year Show (and had to be protected from Normal Fringe hit squads).[199]

By 2128 his nose had been regrown or replaced, and was augmented with many pointless devices to increase its weirdness. He was now a celebrity with a line of merchandise, but was growing increasingly angered by how the "weirdie" scene was now full of people making artistic statements instead of just being weird. He spent a thirty-day stretch in the Cubes after his nose gained sentience and organised a campaign of terrorism against the art-oriented weirdies and critics.[200]


Tweak[201] was a furry alien who played a major role in "The Cursed Earth".

After humans arrived on his home planet, Tweak arranged for his people to go into hiding underground until he could gather more information about them. After utilising the power of mind probes he was able to determine that human history was littered with violence, exploitation and hatred - so, as President of his world, he decided that no contact should be made with the humans at all.

After his children were captured, Tweak decided to let himself be captured and posed as a 'dumb alien' rather than risk the humans exploiting the vast mineral resources of his planet - which Tweak's people ate - and leaving Tweak's race to starve. Convincing the humans he was unintelligent, Tweak and his family were sold into slavery in the Cursed Earth, although he was separated from them. After escaping and finding his family dead Tweak was recaptured but escaped again, thus the Slay-Riders were employed to kill him. Judge Dredd stepped in to save the alien, upon which Tweak helped him to deliver the 2T(FRU)T virus antidote to Mega-City Two. After the mission, Dredd arranged for Tweak to be returned to his home planet. Dredd insisted the planet was of no value, and Tweak's people were left in peace.[169]

See also


  1. 2000 AD #674-699
  2. Judge Dredd Megazine #280-81
  3. 1 2 Judge Dredd Megazine #292
  4. 2000 AD #662, 1990
  5. Judge Castillo's profile on official 2000AD website
  6. 2000 AD #892, 904-914; Judge Dredd Megazine vol. 3 #58-69
  7. Judge Dredd Megazine vol. 3 #76-79
  8. 2000 AD #293
  9. 2000 AD #518
  10. 2000 AD #755
  11. 2000 AD #834
  12. "Purgatory," 2000 AD #834-831
  13. Judge Dekker profile
  14. Judge Dredd (all by John Wagner/Alan Grant and Kim Raymond):
    "Super Bowl" (in 2000 AD #370-371, 1984)
    "Bingo" (in 2000 AD #372, 1984)
    "The Making of a Judge" (in 2000 AD #373, 1984)
  15. Judge Dredd: "Muzak Killer" (by Garth Ennis and Dermot Power, in 2000 AD #746-748, 1991)
  16. Dread Dominion (Stephen Marley, May 1994 ISBN 0-352-32929-7)
  17. 2000 AD #1378-1381
  18. Judge Dredd Megazine 260: "Judge Dredd: Night School"
  19. 1 2 2000 AD #1802
  20. 2000 AD #1792-1796: "Judge Dredd: Debris"
  21. 2000 AD #156
  22. 1 2 3 2000 AD #89-108
  23. 2000 AD #970-999, 1178-1179
  24. 2000 AD #991
  25. 2000 AD #1178
  26. 2000 AD #1789
  27. Prog 1799: "Innocence Part 2"
  28. Prog 1836
  29. Megazine 2.11: "Reasons to the Cheerful"
  30. Prog 1049
  31. Progs 1050-61
  32. 2000 AD #94-108
  33. Judge Dredd Megazine vol. 2 #12-17, 37-43; 2000 AD #891-894
  34. Judge Dredd Megazine vol. 2 #37-43; 2000 AD #891-894
  35. Judge Dredd Megazine vol. 2 #57; 2000 AD #891-894; 904-915
  36. Judge Dredd Megazine vol. 3 #40, 52-55
  37. Prog 916: "The Candidates Part 1"
  38. Prog 915: "Parting Shots" ("even Herriman - all good judges in their way")and Megazine 2.57: "Prologue" ("this must be serious to bring you three in off the streets").
  39. 2000 AD prog 957, "The Decision"
  40. 2000 AD #915-918; Judge Dredd Megazine vol. 3 #52-55; "Batman vs. Judge Dredd: Die Laughing" graphic novel (1998)
  41. 2000 AD #1271
  42. 2000 AD #1289-1299
  43. 1 2 3 2000 AD #1649
  44. 1 2 3 4 2000 AD #1803
  45. List of Judge Janus stories at Barney
  46. Barney
  47. 2000 AD Prog 2009 and progs #1617-1627
  48. 2000 AD prog 1627
  49. 2000 AD #615-618, 623-625
  50. Judge Logan's profile
  51. "The Satanist" (by John Wagner and Charlie Adlard, in 2000 AD #1350-1356, 2003)
  52. Total War (by John Wagner):
    "Terror" (with art by Colin MacNeil, in 2000 AD #1392-1399, 2004)
    "Total War" (with art by Henry Flint, in 2000 AD #1408-1419, 2004)
  53. 2000 AD #1535 and 1542, 2007
  54. 2000 AD #1689
  55. 2000 AD #1693
  56. 2000 AD #1782-3
  57. 2000 AD #1789
  58. 2000 AD #1809–1812
  59. Judge Dredd Megazine #336
  60. Megazine vol. 3 #40, 52-55
  61. 2000 AD Prog 2008
  62. 2000 AD #1700
  63. 2000 AD #1798
  64. 2000 AD #387, 662-668, 775
  65. 2000 AD #387
  66. 2000 AD #1657–1667
  67. 2000 AD #1689–1690
  68. 1 2 2000 AD #1408-1419
  69. 2000 AD #551, 668
  70. 2000 AD #583-584
  71. 2000 AD #670-671
  72. 2000 AD #733-735
  73. 2000 AD #1611
  74. 2000 AD #1636
  75. 2000 AD #1720-21 and 1723
  76. 2000 AD #359-363
  77. 2000 AD #427
  78. 2000 AD #455
  79. 2000 AD #457
  80. 2000 AD #108, 201
  81. 2000 AD #201
  82. 2000 AD #916-917
  83. Judge Dredd: "Cry of the Werewolf" (by John Wagner/Alan Grant and Steve Dillon, in 2000 AD #322-328, 1983)
  84. Judge Dredd: "Out of the Undercity" (by John Wagner and Carl Critchlow, in 2000 AD #1313-1316, 2003)
  85. 2000 AD #970-999
  86. 1 2 2000 AD #89
  87. 2000 AD progs 1589-1595
  88. Details of the Hunting Party trade paperback, 2000 AD #1033-1049
  89. 2000 AD #1505
  90. Details of The Scorpion Dance trade paperback
  91. 2000 AD progs 1569-1575
  92. 2000 AD #1773-74
  93. Judge Roffman's profile
  94. 2000 AD #1101-1110
  95. 2000 AD #1125
  96. 2000 AD #1775
  97. 2000 AD #1807
  98. 1 2 3 2000 AD #1812
  99. 1 2 2000 AD #1809
  100. Judge Dredd Megazine #239
  101. Megazine #348: "Rad To The Bone Part 2"
  102. 2000 AD #1651
  103. 2000 AD #1750-1
  104. 1 2 2000 AD #1776-77
    1. 1878: "Mega-City Confidential"
  105. 2000 AD #1033
  106. 2000 AD #1193-1196
  107. 2000 AD #1693 and 1700
  108. 2000 AD #1750
  109. 2000 AD #1777
  110. 2000 AD #1783
  111. Megazine 2.31-33
  112. 2000 AD #700-711
  113. Judge Dredd Megazine #238
  114. 2000 AD #842-853
  115. "Oz" part 26, in 2000 AD #570
  116. Dredd Megazine vol. 2 #8
  117. 2000 AD #245-270
  118. "Emerald Isle", progs 727-734
  119. 2000 AD #808
  120. Prog 1850: "Judge Dredd: New Tricks Part One"
  121. 2000 AD #1466
  122. Judge Dredd Megazine 246-9, "Regime Change"
  123. Meet The Big Game Hunters, The Sunday Mail, May 11, 2008
  124. Megazine 285 - 290: "Armitage: The Mancunian Candidate"
  125. Law of the Jungle - 2000ad Annual 1983
  126. Bella Bagley's 2000 AD profile
  127. 2000 AD #1033-1049
  128. "Out of the Undercity," 2000 AD #1313–1316
  129. 2000 AD progs 1743-1789
  130. 2000 AD #9
  131. 2000 AD #10-17
  132. The Creep's profile
  133. 2000 AD #955-959, 1125-1132
  134. 2000 AD #775
  135. Judge Dredd: War Crimes audio drama by Stone
  136. Armitage: Influential Circles, Megazine 2.13
  137. 2000 AD #122-125
  138. 2000 AD #305-307
  139. 2000 AD #1165-1166
  140. 2000 AD #608-611
  141. 2000 AD #460, 531-533
  142. 2000 AD #830
  143. 2000 AD #940-948
  144. "House of Pain" (by Gordon Rennie and artists Ian Richardson (1-3, 6) and PJ Holden (4-5), in 2000 AD#1485-1490, 2006)
  145. "Monkey on My Back" (by Garth Ennis and John Higgins, in Judge Dredd Megazine #204-206, 2003)
  146. 2000 AD #430
  147. 2000 AD #433
  148. Judge Dredd Megazine 1.07-1.09
  149. "Blood of Emeralds," 2000 AD #1934-1939
  150. 2000 AD #1973–1990 and Judge Dredd Megazine #371–373
  151. Megazine #374
  152. 2000 AD #1806
  153. Megazine #221-223
  154. Megazine #1.11-1.17
  155. Megazines 292 and 295
  156. 2000 AD #1725
  157. 2000 AD #786-799; Megazine vol. 2 #4-9
  158. Sardini's profile
  159. Judge Dredd: "The Taxidermist" (written by John Wagner and Alan Grant, art by Cam Kennedy (pencils) and Mark Farmer (inks), in 2000 AD #507-510, 1987)
  160. Return of the Taxidermist (written by John Wagner, art by Ian Gibson, in Judge Dredd Megazine #2.37 to 2.46, 1993)
  161. Judge Dredd: "Revenge of the Taxidermist" (written by John Wagner, art by Trevor Hairsine, in 2000 AD #1087-1089, 1998)
  162. Judge Dredd: "New Year is Cancelled" (by John Wagner and Brendan McCarthy, in 2000 AD #146, 1980)
  163. Judge Dredd: "Old Man Time" (by Mike Carroll and Nick Dyer, in Judge Dredd Megazine #319-320, 2012)
  164. 2000 AD #197-200
  165. ibid.
  166. 2000 AD #40-41
  167. Judge Dredd: The Mega-History (by Colin M. Jarman and Peter Acton, Lennard Publishing, 144 pages, 1995, ISBN 1-85291-128-X) pp. 77 and 84
  168. 1 2 2000 AD #61-85
  169. 2000 AD 1978 Annual
  170. Kenny Who?'s profile
  171. 2000 AD #477-479
  172. Megazine vol. 1 #1-3; #228-229
  173. 2000 AD #531-533, 750-756
  174. 2000 AD #1511-12
  175. 2000 AD #1545
  176. 2000 AD #1577-81
  177. 2000 AD #181, 281-288
  178. 2000 AD #406
  179. Mrs Gunderson's profile
  180. Judge Dredd Megazine vol. 1 #1-12
  181. Maria's profile
  182. 1 2 Whatever happened to?: "Maria" (by Gordon Rennie and Graham Manley, in Judge Dredd Megazine #215, 2004)
  183. Max Normal's profile
  184. 2000 AD #20
  185. "Block Mania" part 7, in 2000 AD #242
  186. 2000 AD #763-765
  187. Extreme Edition #22
  188. Middenface McNulty: "Wan Man an' His Dug" (with co-writers Alan Grant/Tony Luke and art by John McCrea, in Judge Dredd Megazine vol. 1 #15-20, 1991-1992)
  190. "Are We There Yet?". Doctor Who Confidential. Series 3. Episode 3. 14 April 2007. BBC. BBC Three.
  191. Davies, Russell T. "Gridlock Commentary Podcast". BBC. Retrieved 2 June 2010.
  192. archived Levi's Jeans Article last accessed 2012-10-25
  193. 2000 AD #1750-51
  194. 2000 AD #1761
  195. 2000 AD #1770
  196. "Who? Dares Wins," Judge Dredd Megazine #228-229, 2005; "Caught in the Act," 2000 AD #1450-1451, 2005.
  197. 2000 AD #76
  198. "The Weirdies": The Daily Star Judge Dredd strip, 7th July, 1986 to 3rd October, 1986; reprinted in Mega-Special #1
  199. "Neoweirdies" (by Simon Spurrier and Paul Marshall, in 2000AD #1496-1498, 2006)
  200. Tweak's profile


  • The A-Z of Judge Dredd: The Complete Encyclopedia from Aaron Aardvark to Zachary Zziiz (by Mike Butcher, St. Martin's Press, March 1999, ISBN 0-312-13733-8)
  • Dredd's World at the International Superheroes Catalogue
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