SX000i - International guide for the use of the S-Series of Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) specifications

SX000i - International guide for the use of the S-Series of Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) specifications, is a specification developed jointly by a multinational team from the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) and Aerospace Industries Association (AIA).[1] SX000i is part of the S-Series of ILS specifications.

SX000i provides information, guidance and instructions to ensure compatibility and the commonality of Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) processes among the S-Series suite of ILS specifications jointly developed by both associations.

By defining common logistics processes to be used across all S-Series ILS specifications and the interactions of the current S-Series ILS specifications with the logistics processes, the SX000i forms the basis for sharing and exchanging data securely through the life of products and services, not only within the support domain, but also with other domains such as Engineering.[2] The SX000i also provides governance for the maintenance of current S-Series ILS specifications and the development of new S-Series ILS specifications.

SX000i builds on existing standards and specifications so as to provide a unified view of sometimes contradictory ILS specifications and publications.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17] A reference and mapping of SX000i to these documents has been provided in Chapter 6.

Purpose of the guide

SX000i provides a guide for the use of the S-series ILS specifications by ILS managers and practitioners, as well as for the management and future development of the specifications by the ILS specification Council and ILS specification Steering Committees (SC) and Working Groups (WG). SX000i:

SX000i development history

During the development of the S-Series ILS specifications, the different ASD/AIA Steering Committees and Working Groups identified the need for an "umbrella" specification to ensure the compatibility and commonality of ILS processes among the S-Series ILS specifications.

In 2011, the decision was made to develop, publicize and maintain an Integrated Logistics Support Guide, named SX000i, so as to provide a compatible and common ILS process to be used in the other S-Series ILS specifications. Development of SX000i was viewed by the ILS Specifications Council as an essential step to achieve the vision for the S-Series ILS specifications.

In June 2011, the SX000i working group was formed and SX000i development started. The current title of SX000i, International guide for the use of the S-Series of Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) specifications, was approved by the ASD/AIA ILS Specifications Council in June 2012.

Following the creation of the SX000i working group, the ASD/AIA Data Model and Exchange Working Group (DMEWG) was formed under the ILS Specifications Council in October 2011. Working in close cooperation with the SX000i team, the DMEWG coordinates the data modeling activities that are performed within the respective S-Series ILS Specification SCs and WGs so as to harmonize and consolidate data requirements into one coherent data model. Publication of SX000i, and continuing DMEWG coordination activities, enable the achievement of the vision for the suite of ILS specifications "to apply common logistics processes so as to share and exchange data securely through the life of products and services".

The companies and organizations that are currently participating in the development of SX000i are:

SX000i issue 1.0 was published in December 2015. An Issue 1.1 was published in July 2016.

The SX000i Steering Committee is currently co-chaired by the Spanish representative of Airbus Defence and Space, on behalf of ASD, and Boeing, on behalf of AIA.

Intended use

SX000i is intended:

In that context, SX000i was developed for three primary applications:

Target audiences

The target audiences for SX000i are:


SX000i can be used by prime contractors, original equipment manufacturers, and suppliers as a reference for initially establishing their Product support strategies and plans, and selecting specifications to support those plans. SX000i can also be used to evaluate existing Product support strategies and projects.


SX000i can be used by customers to determine support requirements for new Products they are acquiring, or fielded Products for which they are seeking support, and to identify ILS specifications to be cited in solicitations.

ILS specifications Council

The ILS specifications Council uses SX000i to promote a commonality and interoperability among the S-Series ILS specifications.

ILS specification steering committees and working groups

Steering committees and working groups developing specifications use SX000i as a basis for describing relationships and interfaces between the ILS element(s) that their specification covers and:

Steering committees use SX000i to ensure the compatibility of their specification with the other ILS specifications. The Data modeling and Exchange Working group (DMEWG) uses SX000i to harmonize and consolidate data requirements into one coherent data model supporting all of the ILS specifications. Steering committees and working groups both use SX000i to ensure compliance with ILS specification Council governance requirements.

SX000i structure

SX000i consists of six chapters:


SX000i can be downloaded for free from its project website

See also

Associated specifications

The references below cover the specifications associated to the Integrated logistics support process described in SX000i, known as the ASD/AIA S-Series of ILS specifications:


  1. AIA page on the S-Series ILS specifications
  2. An ISO standard for Product Support data interoperability: ISO 10303-239 edition 3
  3. Blanchard and Fabrycky, Systems Engineering and Analysis, Prentice Hall
  4. Commandant Instruction M4105.8, United States Coast Guard System Integrated Logistic Support Policy Manual,
  5. Integrated Product Support (IPS) Element Guidebook, Defense Acquisition University
  6. DEF STAN 00-600, Integrated Logistic Support
  7. DoD Instruction 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System
  8. ISO/IEC TR 19760: 2003, Systems engineering – A guide for the application of ISO/IEC 15288 (System life cycle processes)
  9. JSP 886 Volume 7 Part 1,Integrated Logistic Support
  10. NPD 7500.1D, NASA Policy Directive – Program and Project Life-Cycle Logistics Support Policy
  11. NASA/SP-2007-6105 Rev1,NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
  12. NATO AAP-20, Allied Administrative Publication 20 - Phased Armaments Programming System (PAPS)
  13. NATO ALP-10, NATO Guidance on Integrated Logistics Support for Multinational Armament Programmes
  14. OCCAR OMP1, OCCAR Management Procedure 1 (OMP1) - Principal Programme Management Procedures
  15. SEMP Florida's Statewide Systems Engineering Management Plan, Appendix U, Integrated Logistic Support Plan Template
  16. UK MoD Acquisition Operating Framework (AOF)
  17. US Army Regulation 700-127, Integrated Product Support
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